“Why don’t the generals come to garrison the Chambord Islands? What do we do with the waste of your navy?” This is the voice of everyone.

 There is nothing we can do, there are too many pirates coming here.

 Some pirates have even broken the original boundaries!

 In just one day, as many as thirteen incidents of robbery, killing and looting occurred.

Even though the navy responds very quickly every time, the navy has few manpower and cannot come immediately.

Often by the time they arrive, three or four accidents have already occurred, leaving them unable to deal with the situation.

“In that case, let’s send two vice-admirals!”

As a last resort, the Navy Headquarters could only send two lieutenant generals to guard the area to show the navy's attention.

 Under the leadership of these two lieutenant generals, the navy quickly captured a part of the pirate group to kill chickens and scare monkeys, so that the Shampoo Islands could quickly settle down.

As for the Iron Sword Pirates, one of the captured pirates, Captain Iron Sword Alfas, had a bounty of only 7,800 Baileys!

They are a pirate group entrenched in the central area of ​​the first half of the Grand Line. They can only survive by robbing pirate groups that have just come out of the Four Seas.

 Originally, if nothing unexpected happened, Iron Sword Alfas might have lived an ordinary life like this.

But unexpectedly, news suddenly came from the sea that Natsume Yang was about to go to the final place.

  Iron Knife Alfas realized that his good days might have come, so he set off with his crew.

 After a lot of fighting, they arrived at the Chambord Islands and had already plundered a lot of treasures along the way.

From this, Iron Sword Alfas is satisfied. He knows that with his own strength, if he goes to the new world, he will definitely die without a burial place.

 The wealth they robbed is enough for them to squander for the rest of their lives.

 But some crew members were not satisfied, so they were caught for daring to advance!

“Oh, how can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river? It’s just a pity for those wealth!”

 Afas seemed very calm about the fact that he was about to be executed!

 Since things are a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed, we can only accept them silently.

 Finally, after the navy used **** heads as a shock, the pirates of the Shampoo Islands finally restrained themselves.

 “Phew, these guys are finally shocked!”

Not to mention, after dealing with the Chambord Islands, both lieutenant generals felt a deep fatigue.

The main reason why this chaos was suppressed so quickly was that the pirates, who numbered over 100 million, had basically made enough money.

 They all sank into the sea one after another, preparing to go to the new world through Fish-Man Island.

 So the strength left behind is not very strong!

Coupled with the shock of the slain pirate captains, these guys naturally don’t dare to be as presumptuous as before!

 Naval Headquarters!

 “Phew, the first half of the Grand Line is finally almost solved!”

After receiving the good news from the Shampoo Islands, Sakaski couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to synchronize the strategy of the new world.

 “You trash of the new world, it’s your turn to accept a severe blow from the navy!”

 These pirates in the New World are the most important.

 Compared to the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line, the New World pirates are much more threatening.

To this end, the navy has launched an unprecedented large-scale battle!

  Three high-ranking generals, Kizaru, Fujitora, and Aokiji, along with two alternate generals: Momo Usagi and Tea Dolphin, as well as a group of naval elites, set out for the New World to stabilize the situation.

With such a lineup, it would not be much of a problem to destroy a Yonko pirate group. Therefore, it caused an uproar in the new world as soon as it appeared!

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