The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1035: I hope you don’t dare to lie to me

Seeing this, Bigumam said with a somewhat dissatisfied expression, "If there were not two islands, it would cost at least 600 million jewels, and ten tons of cakes would be delivered every month!"

“Otherwise, if we really have to fight, we won’t make it easy for you even if we suffer heavy losses!”

"This is not the same as your destruction of the Island of Beasts. He was careless and capsized and you occupied the magpie's nest. I won't do that!"

“Cake Island is now home to all the best members of our pirate group. If you come here by force, you won’t even be able to leave Cake Island safely!”

“At that time, if you can’t scare that guy Kaido, your little girlfriend will be in danger!”

“Thinking about the possibility that your little girlfriend may be imprisoned by Kaido, do you still dare to act recklessly?”

 Threatening people is not only exclusive to Natsume Yang, but also to Big Mom.

 “Okay, let’s make the deal like this!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang suddenly showed a big smile and agreed.

This made Bigumam stunned, and then he began to wonder if he had underquoted!

 “Lead the way!” Xia Muyang looked at Bigum and said.

 “Well, well, come with me!”

The two parties were enemies of life and death a second ago, but as soon as the conditions were agreed upon, they instantly became harmonious.

 Came to the library, Mondor, the one with the book fruit ability, opened the page where the guiding stone was hidden.

 Then, Natsume Yang carried him in and walked in together.

"This is the guide stone. It wasn't there last time. Big Mom is very fast. He deserves to be the Four Emperors!"

Once you enter, there are only two red stone tablets with historical texts in the entire space!

Other than that, there are no unnecessary decorations, and it looks extremely deserted.

  Natsume Yang started to make rubbings!

 Making rubbings is a time-consuming thing. You must wait until the ink dries before you can remove it, otherwise the content will be blurred.

 Natsume Yang didn’t want his trip to be in vain because of his own mistakes.

 Fifteen minutes have passed since I finished rubbing the two guiding stone tablets!

 “That’s it, that’s almost it!”

 After putting away the contents of the two rubbings, he carried Mondor and walked out.

“Bigum, I do things with integrity and I hope you do the same. Don’t lie to me!”

“If I find out that the content you gave me is false, don’t blame me for destroying your entire pirate group!”

Xia Muyang said with a smile when passing by Big Mom.


Hearing this, everyone present looked at each other angrily, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense.

With just one order from Bigum, all these people will rush towards Natsume Yang and make him pay for what he just said.

“Well, don’t worry, I, Big Mom, never deceive people! As long as you are not deliberately looking for trouble!”

Bigumam narrowed his eyes and said with a smile as well.

 “If so, then I’ll be relieved!”

Xia Muyang grinned, and then left here and the cake island calmly, as if taking a leisurely stroll.

It was less than two hours after Natsume Yang returned to his base camp with the contents of the guiding stone he obtained from Bigum.

 Finally, the news that the navy had blocked for several days began to spread across the sea!

 Suddenly, it was like a powerful bomb dropped on the calm water, causing a huge wave!

Countless pirates are going crazy!

 Natsume Haru has actually found a way and route to the final land, and is about to become the Pirate King!

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