The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1034: It turns out there is such an operation

“Hahaha, Miss Lingling, if that’s the case, I think I might as well just rob it!”

“Although guiding stones are important, they are not so precious!”

Although Natsume Yang was speaking with a smile, his tone was so cold that even the air was frozen.

 “Well, well, there’s no need to talk about it, Natsume Yang!”

Hearing this, Bigum’s eyes suddenly became fierce, and his aura became extremely fierce.

Seeing this, the others also took a breath and took a step forward together.

 The auras of all the people directly merged into one and rushed towards Natsume Yang, which simply changed the color of the world.

 But Natsume Yang seemed completely unaffected. He glanced at Big Mom indifferently and said: "In the entire pirate group, only three generals and others can still see it!"

“The rest of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, Bigum, do you think they are any different from ants to me?”


This sentence immediately made the people present angry.

 At any rate, each of them is a well-known figure in the new world. How can he bear being belittled by Natsume Yang like this?

“Whatever he says makes sense if he is strong, don’t fall into his aggressive tactics!”

Katakuri suddenly spoke and suppressed these people, causing the scene to become quiet again.

"As expected of Katakuri, one word can determine the morale of the army. Bigum, you have given birth to a good son!"

"Without Katakuri, I'm afraid you won't be able to be the fourth emperor." Natsume Yang provoked again.

“Well, of course, you don’t need to explain this!”

Big Mom smiled proudly, not being provoked by Natsume Yang at all.

 “Then let’s stop talking nonsense, how about Bigumam, an island and 400 million jewels?”

“If the deal is concluded, then proceed to the next step. If the deal is not concluded, then I will have no choice but to force my way in. You guys can’t stop me!”

Natsume Yang has a tough attitude. Either make a deal with him, or be prepared to be forced in by him.

  Anyway, he must look at the guiding stone!

“You can try to force your way in, maybe I’m nothing in your eyes in terms of strength!”

“However, without my ability, you would never be able to enter the world of books and see those two historical stone tablets!”

Mondor suddenly floated out and said proudly.

“Oh, what’s so difficult about this? I just need to catch you and control your mind!”

“But if you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t have known you had such a skill. Thank you for letting me know!”

Natsume Yang’s answer simply made Mondor want to vomit blood.

 He instantly saw Bigumam's unkind eyes, and couldn't help but shrink his neck and hid behind Katakuri.

"No matter where you hide the guiding stone, I know it. Just catch those of you with the corresponding abilities. It's very simple!"

“Of course, by then, your Cake Island will have become a legend and will no longer exist.”

“If a Yonko’s base camp is taken away, do you think some people will start to have other ideas?”

Xia Muyang said calmly, but it was full of threats. Even Bigum and others couldn't help but change their expressions.

They don’t doubt whether Natsume Yo can do what he says. Since Natsume Yo can say it, he can definitely do it.

Even if he talks big words or makes jokes, people like Katakuri will definitely take it seriously and don't dare to take it lightly.

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