The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1018: That final land I'm about to reach

“Alas, the only bad thing about being famous is that you will be recognized wherever you go!”

Seeing that the people below were instantly surrounded, Xia Muyang couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then left in Bai Ling.

 No need to think about it, he will be the headline tomorrow!

The title is probably: "Big Bang! The Four Emperor Ice Emperor Natsume Yo appears in Marineland. What is the deep meaning behind it?"

  New world!

New Navy Headquarters!

“Marshal, the Ice Emperor showed up in Marineland, but he left immediately!”

 A colonel suddenly knocked on the door and walked in, speaking excitedly.

“What, what does he want to do when he appears in Maleinfando? Does this indicate that his next big move is related to Maleinfando!”

 After hearing the news, Sakaski's brows suddenly frowned.

Natsu Muyang’s identity is not trivial. Every move he makes may have profound meanings and must be carefully considered.

 Natsume Yang rode Bai Ling to the Shampoo Islands!

 But this time, he transformed himself into a sunny young man who looked like a noble.

Xia Muyang didn’t know why he came here. Anyway, he just wanted to take a look.

All the way through the area where pirates and human traffickers were rampant, but no pirate dared to attack Natsume Yang's pretending to be a noble.

Without him, Natsume Yang gave them too much pressure.

 Therefore, even if Natsume Yang seems to be very easy to bully, no one wants to be the one who stands out.

It would be terrible if we offend some big shot. It would be better to have more trouble than less trouble!

 This is the way for this group of people to survive here.

 Aunt Shao’s rip-off bar!

  “Alas, what kind of wind brings our little Natsume Yang here!”

The moment Xia Muyang opened the door and came in, even though he was showing off his disguise, Aunt Shao saw through it at a glance!

 “Hehehe, he is indeed a man who once crossed the sea, he has good eyesight...”

Natsume Yang sighed in praise, and then sat down on the bar.

Aunt Shao poured him a glass of wine, took a puff of cigarette, and said with a frown on her face: "Why do you have time to come to my place today!"

“Hehehe, I just came here to hang out, just in time to see what the rookie pirate group, which was the most popular two years ago, looks like now!”

“Ah la la la, it would be such an honor for them to be noticed by you, the leader of the largest pirate force in the new world!”

Aunt Shao glanced at Xia Muyang in surprise.

After taking a sip of wine, Natsume Yang said with a smile: "Hahaha, life changes so fast. I didn't expect that I would become one of the overlords of the new world in the blink of an eye!"

 At this point, he crossed his hands and propped up his chin: "I'm not far from the final place now!"

“So, I want to take a look at one of my opponents, the Straw Hat boy!”

“A year ago, he had enough passion, but not enough heart and power!”

“Let alone becoming the Pirate King, if there weren’t many people protecting him from behind, he might not even be able to get out of the first half of the Grand Route!”

Aunt Shao's brows moved again: "Alas, if you really succeed, then you will probably be the fastest person in the world to get there, and then you will create a historical record again!"

 “Hahaha, really! That’s such an honor!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang laughed.

“Alas, I didn’t expect that the first one to reach the island would be Mr. Swordsman who could never find his way!”

 Suddenly, Xia Muyang seemed to sense something, and his brows moved.

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