The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1017: This new era can be as you wish

 “Alas, you!”

Xia Muyang couldn’t help but shook his head when it came to Guanyue Qianxia.

 He came here for an inspection, but rather to hang out with Kanyue Qianxia.

He has been to this island more than a dozen times and has seen everything he needs to see. There is nothing interesting to see anymore!

“I’m very satisfied every time I come to see you, every time I come here. You can exceed my expectations, very good, good job, Ryan!”

Before leaving, Natsume Yoman patted Ryan on the shoulder with a smile.

 “Yes, Sir Natsume Yang!”

Looking at Natsume Yang leaving, Ryan was so excited that he couldn't help himself for a long time.

“You, can’t you eat less desserts? Be careful of getting cavities, it’s not good for your health!”

On the boat, Xia Muyang looked at Guanyue Qianxia beside him and said.

It’s strange to say that Kantsuki Chinatsu ate so many desserts but didn’t gain weight at all. It’s really puzzling.

 “Huh, no matter, I just like it, you can’t interfere with me!”

“As for tooth decay, I’m a doctor, so I’m not afraid of it!”

Kanzuki Chinatsu bared her teeth at Natsumeyo, and then continued to enjoy her delicious desserts.

In this situation, Xia Muyang just wants to say that if you want to keep a woman, you must first satisfy her stomach.

 After returning to the base camp, Natsume Yang came to an underground factory alone.

 This is the place where weapons, one of the underground trades of the Ice King Pirates, are manufactured!

As soon as he entered, he was hit by a hot wind, there was fire from time to time, and the sound of impact was heard.

 Here, there are the manufacturing of cold weapons, and of course, there are also the manufacturing of hot weapons.

 Maybe it’s because the navy has some equipment, all of which were made by the Ice King Pirates.

 Among all the weapons made, artificial devil fruits are the most important!

The artificial devil fruits produced in this place are partly provided to the pirates under the Ice King Pirates, and the other part are provided to the major forces in the sea.

 This is a very important industry, and there are at least more than a hundred forces cooperating with it.

If there is any disadvantage, it is probably that the side effects of using it are too great, and it will be eroded by the devil fruit's ability.

Furthermore, after death, it cannot be transferred again and will dissipate directly.

After a daily inspection, I looked at the person in charge here, one of Natsume Yang’s most trusted confidants, a pirate named Cyrus, and left.

 Xia Muyang is absolutely assured of Cyrus, just like he trusts Ryan.

 Five months later!

 Two years have passed since the battle that shocked the world and saw the fall of the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard!

 On this day, at the former naval headquarters, there is now a somewhat broken island—Marinvando!

 A man came here!

“Whitebeard, it’s been two years, I’m standing here, and I still think of the tragic moment you said those words in my mind!”

“Whitebeard, you are great. You are the only one who deserves the title of the strongest man!”

 “In today’s new era, I don’t know if it will be as you wish!”

“But, there is no way, no matter whether it is as you wish or not, you started this, good or bad, you have to bear it!”

 Natsume Yang stood where he stood back then, looking at where Whitebeard stood back then, and felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Behind him is the broken justice, behind Whitebeard is the vast sea, the contrast is obvious!

 “Look, there’s someone!”

 “Isn’t that the Four Emperor Ice Emperor Natsume Yo!”

 “What is he doing here?”

 The arrival of Natsume Yang immediately caused huge chaos on this broken island.

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