The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 179 The Original World Line

"If I guess correctly, the test I originally had to go through in the secret realm of nature shouldn't be like this, right?"

"Lin Jue" nodded, "That's right. Search and read on Google."

"Why change?" Lin Jue approached "Lin Jue" and asked curiously.

"Lin Jue" raised his eyes, glanced at Lin Jue who was approaching, put down the tea cup in his hand, and said: "It's not that I changed him, but because of your appearance, it changed."

Lin Jue: "What do you mean?"

"Lin Jue" stood up, grabbed a fallen leaf, and walked slowly: "The cold and heat change, the heaven and the earth rotate, all things spring, summer grows, autumn harvests, winter hides, and it starts again and again, the cycle is endless."

The 100-foot-high tree located in the center of a fairyland among flowers suddenly began to bloom, and countless fallen leaves fell.

The beautiful petals of various types around them suddenly died and then bloomed again.

"Lin Jue" slowly raised his head and waved lightly.

Space is frozen and everything is still.

Only his voice echoed in this space: "However, even if one of the three thousand avenues escapes, everything in the world may not be settled."

Lin Jue twitched the corner of his mouth: "You can be more straightforward, I am a 'variable', right?"

The world suddenly started moving again, "Lin Jue" sat back like a normal person, "Yes."

"Are you really from the same origin as me?"

"Although I am just breath, I live and grow together with the origin of nature. My personality is very different from my own."

Lin Jue: ""

"Lin Jue" continued: "The shape of living things is still affected by the surrounding environment. Whether a person is inherently good or inherently evil at the beginning, his own growth experience determines his final character."

"Lin Jue" did not continue, but Lin Jue could hear the implication.

There's nothing surprising about this, and it's easy to guess, unless you're a fool

"Right, so according to the original development, what should I experience?"

Lin Jue asked, he was really curious about this.

"Lin Jue" thought for a while and said: "When you came here, you met the black bear Jubei, the rabbit king Dotted, the eagle Chiling, the tiger Jiuwangtian, and the lord of the forest, the overlord Snake Feiyi. And understand You came to the city and met the top figures in the five major human families. Found traces of evil spirits.”

"Differences have emerged within human beings. Some people want to completely eliminate the forest tribes, while others advocate peaceful coexistence. When the signs of a major natural disaster are becoming more and more obvious, the conflict between humans and the forest has reached an extreme - in When the forest and humans were discussing how to fight the natural disaster, a group of humans suddenly appeared and took away the children of almost all races. The animals who returned to the forest were furious and ordered to fight to the end. Lin Daoyin hurriedly reconciled. Asking for time. However, at this time, news came that the children of this group of animals were tortured and killed. The Overlord Snake ordered all the forest animals to be expelled in the name of the forest owner, and they faced each other on the front line of mankind. The war was about to begin. To explode."

"You have long realized that an evil spirit possessed a human being, deliberately creating a conflict between man and nature, and that he was the one who took away the offspring of all animals. After you rescued them, you rushed to the battlefield where the war was about to take place. , relied on his strong strength to stabilize everyone, and told what happened. "???

"Humans and animals get back together. With your help, they help each other and finally overcome the difficulties. Successfully survive the natural disaster."

"——This is the result I saw."

After hearing this, Lin Jue smacked his lips and said, "There are quite a few changes."

It seems that Xi'er, Brownie, Stargazing and the sea beasts from the Quantum Sea are all here because of Lin Jue.

Lin Jue of the Quantum Sea didn't know much about him. He only knew that he was a special existence in the collapsing world.

"So, where did the sea beasts in the sea beast world come from?" Lin Jue asked.

"That's what happened later. In the original history, humans and animals were disturbed by evil spirits and ultimately failed to survive natural disasters. During the long period of desolation, the origin of nature gradually took shape. At the same time, a group of people who lost their homes and wandered around Creatures came to this planet and settled here. Then humans appeared again, and you can probably guess what happened next.”

"Is the world presented in the natural secret realm the past of the sea beast world?"

"It is the past of the world of sea beasts. However, this is not what the secret realm of nature presents, but what this test presents." "Lin Jue" clapped his hands: "This is the secret realm of nature."

In an instant, the fragrance of the surrounding flowers became stronger.

Seeing this, Lin Jue suddenly asked another question: "Is this your special ability?"

"No, this is the ability of the laws of nature. I can only use it in the secret realm of nature."

"Lin Jue" raised his head and glanced at the sky, "It's almost done. Do you still have any questions?"

Lin Jue shook his head: "No more."


"Lin Jue" suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, there was a loud roar in the sky.

The world collapsed and everything dissipated into a ray of light.

A ball of light appeared in the center of the world. It exuded majestic and thick vitality, and the surrounding momentum was majestic.

Then, this ball of light suddenly rushed towards Lin Jue's eyebrows and went straight into the depths of Lin Jue's mind.

The next moment, Lin Jue's eyes turned white.

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