The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 178: Digging a hole feels good for a while, filling the hole for the crematorium

"How did you get here?"

The source of nature and a breath, it was obvious that Lin Jue had been here before.

But in this world, Lin Jue couldn't see anything worthy of attracting him.

Hearing the question, "Lin Jue" raised his eyes, took a sip of tea calmly, and then said: "I once experienced a fierce battle, was seriously injured and escaped to this world to heal. At that time, this place was still a Death Star. I During the healing process, I gained a deeper understanding of the laws of nature, and the power of the laws that overflowed during the breakthrough transformed the planet."

"Then the real me left. As time passed, the remaining power of law gradually formed a new natural source, and I was born."

"Lin Jue" After saying that, Lin Jue nodded, and then asked curiously: "What kind of fierce battle was that? How strong was I at that time?"

"I can't describe it to you, and you don't need to know too much."

"Okay." Lin Jue was not surprised by this answer, "Is there anything you can tell me about the plan?"

"I don't know what plan you are talking about." "Lin Jue" was silent for a while and then replied, "Is this related to your amnesia?"

It seems that the time for this matter is later.

Lin Jue raised his eyebrows, "By the way, how do you know that I have lost my memory?"

As soon as this guy saw me, he seemed to already know that I had lost my memory.

"Lin Jue" said: "You and I have the same origin, I feel it."

Lin Jue was thoughtful and continued: "So, do you know Stargazing and Brownie?"

"Lin Jue" heard this and lowered his eyes to look at Lin Jue, "I'm not sure."

"Can not be sure?"

This answer was far beyond Lin Jue's expectation, "What do you mean?"

"Lin Jue's" eyes were wandering, as if he was reminiscing. After a few hours, he said: "As I said before, I only have partial memory of the original body. In this part, I did not find any relevant memories of these two people."

That is to say, it may be that these two people are not recorded in some of his memories, but there may be other memories, so he cannot be sure?

Originally, Lin Jue was still very hopeful about this issue. Since Mr. Mo and the others didn't know about Guanxing and Brownie, he felt that he had a close relationship with them in the past. Maybe he could get some information by asking "Lin Jue" in front of him.


"Forget it, it seems that this matter is not that easy to solve." Lin Jue decided not to continue to struggle with this matter.

The two most critical questions have been asked. Let’s continue.

"What is the origin of nature? What are the laws of nature?"

"Lin Jue" shook his head, "You can only know this after you accept the baptism of the origin of nature."

Not strong enough to know.

Lin Jue understood his subtext.

"How much do you know about the Six Paths?"

"I have been to Huangquan Road." "Lin Jue" said calmly.

"What?" Lin Jue was shocked.

Originally, he didn't have high expectations for this question, but it turned out to be rewarding?

"Lin Jue" continued: "By chance, I discovered the whereabouts of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The legend of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has been spread around the world, and I have naturally heard of it, so I went with others. Of course, I am not particularly particular about what happened. clear."

Lin Jue frowned.

Going with someone?

He remembers that time

There is a person who admitted himself wrongly

Could it be that that person is the place where I used to go together?

No, wait a minute!

Lin Jue suddenly realized something again and asked aloud: "You said that I have been to the Underworld Road, has he been to the Human Road?"

"Lin Jue" shook his head, "I don't have it in my memory. I just remember that I accepted the test of Huangquan Dao in the real six paths of reincarnation. I don't know anything else."

Accepted the test? Huangquan Road!

Lin Jue remembered that strange place.

The little girl in red and the staff of the Ghost King of Purgatory!

But, no!

he remembers

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation is also a mysterious and powerful existence in all the worlds. There are existences similar to it in countless worlds, but very few people know where it really is."

Lin Jue went to the real six realms of reincarnation.

If you put it this way, the six paths in the castle tower should be different from the six paths that Lin Jue went to.

So, here comes the question, why is the little girl in red there? Why is the Purgatory Ghost King Staff, the artifact of the underworld, there?

It's impossible for the two to be in the same world, right?

Lin Jue thought of stargazing and Brownie again, and suddenly felt confused.

Mr. Mo said that his connection with the collapsing world was a variable.

But Mr. Mo didn’t know the existence of Stargazing Brownie.

Could it be that this is not a variable, but a part of the plan?

Could it be that I originally lived in a collapsing world a long time ago?

"No need to think so much."

"Lin Jue"'s calm and steady voice calmed Lin Jue's restless heart.

"Indeed." After calming down, Lin Jue also calmed down and took a sip of tea.

No matter what the truth behind this is, what happened, what is my true identity, and what is the plan.

——This is what I have done.

Don't think so much, improve your strength first, and you will naturally learn the truth gradually in the future.

Lin Jue was drinking tea and suddenly remembered something.

"Do you know the Fenglin Army?"

"Lin Jue's" indifferent expression suddenly froze, and he looked at Lin Jue: "Don't you remember?"

Lin Jue noticed the change in the other party, "Is this matter very important to me?"

"Lin Jue" looked at Lin Jue quietly for a long time, and suddenly said with a sense of gain: "Since you have forgotten, there is no need to think about it. When you have the opportunity in the future, you will know everything."

Again, he speaks like the Riddler.

Lin felt speechless.

"Okay, I've basically finished asking the questions I want to ask the most." Lin Jue spread his hands, "Next are some questions to satisfy curiosity."

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