The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 151: First Entering the Secret Realm

There was no turning around as imagined.

Just a moment of dazzling.

After stepping through the black hole, what appeared in front of Lin Jue was a lush forest.

The blue sky is clear and clear, and there are no clouds around.

The sunlight passed through the gaps in the leaves, forming golden spots one after another on the path full of fallen leaves.

Lin Jue took a deep breath and couldn't help but said: "Comfortable!"

The fresh air makes the pores all over the body relax.

"Meow, meow, meow~" Wuming's cry became more cheerful.

Lin Jue took a step forward and strolled along the path of the golden years.

The walk is lazy and comfortable. Like a retired old man walking in the community park

Of course, Lin Jue was not simply taking a walk.

He still remembered that he was in the secret realm of natural inheritance.

But this place is really suitable for walking, so Lin Jue couldn't help but take a walk.

【Ding! Host trigger event detected, a natural test! The task has been automatically generated. 】

[Event: Natural test! 】

[Introduction: Nature, contained in all things, controls the way of the world. Since ancient times, it has been closely related to all kinds of creatures]

[Main mission 1: Reach sufficient tacit understanding value with pet Wuming (currently 67/100)]

[Main task 2: Understand nature - the way of beasts. 】

[Main Task 3: Survive the natural disaster with Wuming. 】

[Task 1: Achieve a good or above intimate relationship with all animals in this forest. 】

[Task 2: Build a home to help the animals in the forest resist the coming natural disaster. 】

[Challenge Mission 1: After the natural disaster, there are more animals surviving in the forest than there are now. 】

The bright red words were like burning flames, beating quietly in the void in front of Lin Jue's eyes.

This was the first time Lin Jue had seen so many tasks.


[System, how to calculate the mission of the castle tower last time? ] Lin Jue said in his mind.

[10 lottery opportunities have been sent. 】The system's electronic sound without any emotion sounded.

【Only 10 times? 】

[What about deductions? 】

【You are cruel. 】

The chat ends.

Lin Jue took out Andre's notes.

Main tasks 1, 2, and 3 were what he had already guessed, because that was what Andre had done in the first place.

The word nature encompasses many things.

Such as the natural movement, metal, wood, water and fire, thunder, lightning, rain, birds and animals, etc. are all natural categories.

What this natural secret realm inherits is the "nature" related to birds and animals.

"To pass this test, you must first have a pet beast. It can be your contracted beast or your pet. But no matter what, it must have a tacit understanding and understanding with you."

"In the secret realm, you will encounter many things. Note that some things must be completed by you and your pet."

"When you and your pet animal have experienced enough things, the characteristics of the natural secret realm itself will help you understand nature - the way of the beast. When your understanding of the way of the beast reaches a certain level, it is considered complete. Test. The natural secret realm will reward you according to the degree of completion.”

"But there is something to note. When you step into the natural secret realm, the environment of the natural secret realm will become more and more bad, and eventually it will become impossible to survive at all. I guess at this time, the natural secret realm has a time limit for the tester-if If you don’t understand the way of the beast within the stipulated time, you will die in it, so you must seize the time.”

"I also drew the map of the secret natural realm. I hope this can help you."

The above is the main content of the opening chapter of Andre's notes. There are many other contents, such as the difficulties he encountered, what dangers he encountered, and he should be careful about the things in the forest, etc. There are also some things he wrote about his understanding of the way of the beast.

I have to say that Andre is indeed very talented.

He knew nothing about the test of the secret realm of nature and passed the test entirely by relying on his own wisdom.

Putting it in another position, Lin Jue really couldn't say whether he could do it.

However, precisely because he had no understanding of the secret realm of nature, Andre did not completely pass the test.

It can be seen from the contents of his notes that he did not pass the test of natural disaster.

But this is normal. For most people, their first reaction when encountering this situation is to guess what kind of time limit mechanism this is, and then they will rush to complete the test quickly.

If Lin Jue didn't have a system, he would do what Andre said.

It's a pity that there is no if in the world.

Sorry, he cheated.

At the end of the note, there is a parchment map.

The paper is large and the map is small.

Because the mirror of nature is large, the place Andre goes is small.

There were many places that Andre did not go to for safety reasons, but just marked them on the map.

Originally, Lin Jue was worried that the place where he entered the secret realm was different from the place where Andre entered the secret realm, and it was not even on his map at all.

He also conceived many plans for this.

But after entering, he knew that his worries were unnecessary.

Because the illusion around him was just like what Andre described.

"Just entering the secret realm, I came to a forest. This forest is magical and beautiful. I saw fallen leaves everywhere, a clear blue sky. There were also a few light red flowers, and a strange crooked-necked tree. ”


Lin Jue passed by a crooked-neck tree and lowered his eyes to look at Wuming in front of the pale red flowers.

He paid attention to these things when he first entered the secret realm. As long as the surrounding environment matched the details of the environment described by Andre, it could be proved that his initial position was Andre's initial position.

joke! If he hadn't confirmed this, how could he dare to take a walk here!

According to the notes, there is no danger around the initial position. Maybe it's the buffer zone provided by the secret realm.

Walking all the way to the trail from the initial location, you can see a river. There are two overlapping trees near the river where people can sleep. In addition, there are some fruits near the river, which are non-toxic and edible.

While thinking about it, Lin Jue suddenly heard a "hissing" sound in his ears.

When he turned around, he found that his own Wuming was staring at a little snake with big eyes and small eyes.

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