The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 150 Launching Ceremony

Therefore, in the next time, Lin Jue planned to rehearse the ceremony while improving himself.

At the same time, Lin Jue also decided to conduct some research on Fenghe Luoyang. Don't get me wrong, it was not about how they eat.

Lin Jue was curious when they first met him, how could a perfectly good sheep make the sound of a cow?

Of course, this is not unusual now. Because this sheep can not only make the sounds of cows, sheep, wolves, and birds.

However, they all look the same, no different from ordinary goats.

Lin Jue took the equipment and measured it, and found that the internal body shape was not much different from that of a normal goat.

What? You asked where Lin Jue's equipment came from?

Of course I found it by looking for resources before!

There is also a considerable amount of scientific research equipment in the cities of the Sea Beast World, which is quite complete. Lin Jue threw it into the system backpack together with the idea of ​​​​taking it for nothing.

In addition, the Hunters Association has a complete animal illustration, which is extremely detailed. The animal's habits, internal structure, etc. are all explained in detail, with pictures!

I don’t know who edited the book, but if I could give it a five-star rating, Lin Jue would definitely give it one.

After instrument testing and pattern comparison, the appearance and internal structure of the Fenghe Luo sheep are 90% similar to the goats in the world of sea beasts.

Because the Hunter Association also has serum specimens, DNA samples, etc. of various animals, Lin Jue also took the DNA of Fengheluo sheep for identification and comparison, and found that the DNA forms of the two were surprisingly consistent.

Theoretically, the two can be grouped together!

However, according to the Hunters Association’s Animal Encyclopedia, their goats can only bleat.

Sure enough, science still cannot explain metaphysics?

Lin Jue also took the instrument to test Feng He Luoyang's various skills.

The result was that only the first skill, "Extreme Speed", had any results. As for the second and third skills, the instruments of "Transforming Grass" and "Into Mud" did not detect anything at all.

Measuring top speed is very simple. Lin Jue designed many experimental plans and tested from all directions the degree of danger that can stimulate Feng He Luo Sheep, the changes in Feng He Luo Sheep's body, the changes in osmotic pressure, and the changes in internal hormones when the skill is activated. , changes in identity tissue, changes in cells

Tests have shown that Fenghe Luoyang will probably activate this skill when he feels his life is in danger and flee quickly.

This is consistent with the message given by the system.

In addition, there were no abnormal changes in Fenghe Luoyang's body, osmotic pressure, internal hormones, body tissues, and cells before and after activating the skill.

However, Lin Jue felt through his own body that there was an energy fluctuation when Feng Heluoyang activated his skills.

As for turning grass and turning into mud, these two really have no results.

Lin Jue casually took out a pen from the system backpack and let it melt.

Before it turns into grass, it is really a pen, both in terms of material and workmanship.

After turning into grass, it is really a grass, both in structure and cellular composition. Lin Jue tried it and found that it could even perform photosynthesis.

After the weeding time is over, it really is a pen

As for the skill of making mud, it’s pretty much the same.

Anyway, Lin Jue even tested the flowers of Fengheluoyang before and after it was made into mud, but he couldn't get any results.

It's just magical.

Time always passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the ceremony to begin.

This day is the full moon day in the world of sea beasts.

In the dark and gloomy night, Lin Jue held Wuming in his hand and walked out of the cabin.

[Ritual: Nameless Style]

[Materials: The mirror of nature, the light of the full moon, the dew on the grass, the earthy breeze, the nectar, the sounds of various animals, the first ray of sunlight that breaks the dark night. 】

[Steps:, open the mirror of nature, and supply the materials one after another within 5 minutes. 】

It is a very simple and hasty ritual, but for ordinary people, the materials used in this ritual will be rather harsh.

The Mirror of Nature is just a small box, but it has dense formations on it. Lin Jue needs to input his energy into it to unlock the formations one by one before it can be opened.

It's not a big deal, you'll get used to it after driving it a few times.

The main thing is that the sounds of various animals are very confusing.

How many types of animals are there? Are there quantity and type requirements?

Nothing was written.

That is to say, Lin Jue Youfeng He Luoyang, otherwise he would have a headache for a long time with this material.

——Once again, I felt that I was clearly arranged.


In the silent night, the nameless cry seemed particularly clear.

Lin Jue touched Wuming's little head and waited for time quietly.

There is also an item in the material called "The First Ray of Sunlight Breaking the Dark Night", which cannot be collected, at least not by him now.

So he has to control his time.

Start the ritual when the full moon is about to disappear, and when the secret realm is about to close, the sun is just coming out.

That would be perfect.

It just depends on luck.

Lin Jue has been rehearsing these days. No matter how hard Lin Jue controls the timing, if the time between the full moon disappearing and the sun rising is longer than 5 minutes, then his work will be in vain.

But it shouldn't be the case. Since Andre is fine, he should be fine.

As time passed by, Wuming felt sleepy and fell asleep in Lin Jue's arms.

Lin Jue held Wuming quietly, looking at the bright moon like a jade plate, and occasionally glanced at the distant horizon.

The Fengheluo sheep on the grassland also made no sound, and they must have fallen asleep.

The silence continued like this.

At a certain moment, Lin Jue suddenly noticed that the moon had suddenly dimmed.

There was also some inconspicuous light on the distant horizon.

"The time has come."

Lin Jue made a quick decision and immediately took out the Mirror of Nature.

He has rehearsed it several times these days, and the action of opening the Mirror of Nature is smooth and natural.

It started in less than 1 second.

As soon as it was turned on, the bright moon that was so dim that it was about to disappear suddenly shone brightly again.

The bright moonlight merged into beams of light and poured into the mirror of nature.

The darkness was broken instantly, awakening all sleeping creatures.

A Fengheluo sheep was awakened by the light and chirped.

"Oh oh oh——"

The next moment, the Fengheluo sheep all over the grassland responded one after another.


"Xiao Xiao~"


For a time, there was a commotion of birds chirping, horses braying, prairie dogs chirping and various animals.

As a gust of wind blew by, these sounds seemed to be absorbed into the mirror of nature along with the wind.

Lin Jue was not idle either. He took out the dew and nectar that he had prepared and dripped them in.

At this moment, a violent energy was emitted by the mirror of nature and hit the sky.

Energy surged and rolled in the clouds, gradually forming a circle.

Then, dawn rose on the horizon.

A bright ray of sunlight passed through the layers of darkness, struck the center of the circle, and then suddenly exploded, sending powerful waves across the entire grassland.

After calming down, a hole appeared in front of Lin Jue.

Surging energy flows around the hole, and another world can be vaguely seen through the hole.

The sun rose completely, and the original darkness was swept away.

The Fengheluo sheep are still crowing, and the grassland is particularly lively.

The breeze is much lighter, and the grass is swaying comfortably in the wind.

From stillness to movement, from darkness to light, from silence to noisy.

It was as if the world had gone through a baptism, with vigorous vitality beating in the air, connected with Lin Jue's heart.

Bathed in the bright sunshine, Lin Jue seemed to realize something. He opened his mouth, but couldn't describe it.

After a while, he murmured, "The ritual of opening the secret realm of nature is indeed extraordinary."

After experiencing what happened just now, he felt like his whole being had been sublimated.

Suddenly I was full of unlimited expectations for the future, and suddenly I felt that there was inexhaustible strength in my body.

Lin Jue seemed to have a new understanding of the power of ritual.

However, he did not immerse himself in it for too long. Lin Jue picked up Wuming and walked into the cave entrance.

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