The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 144 Fierce battle! An unstoppable enemy!

"Huh~" Walter took a deep breath, his eyes firm, "It seems that this time I have to fight hard."

Yulandel didn't say anything, but summoned her exclusive Valkyrie armor.

"King! Queen!"

Light particles gathered behind Yulandel, and two giant phantoms appeared in the void. One of them held a sword and the other held a shield, like two door gods, protecting Yulandel on both sides.

Then, the lance in Yulandel's hand changed. The original blue and white patterned lance turned into a lance that looked like a flower.

-This is the sixth god's key, the black abyss white flower. A weapon made from the core of the sixth Herrscher of the previous generation, the Herrscher of Death. Reversing the ability of the Herrscher of Death, the lance with the strongest "creative power"!

The momentum of the two people rose steadily, and even caused a strong wind to roll up in the windless starry sky.

Although, the two of them were like two ants facing a tall building in front of the giant tentacle monster opposite.

But they will not be afraid, let alone escape.

Because behind them is their world, their home!

No one is allowed to invade!

The tentacles of the giant tentacle monster were squirming, and it seemed to have just discovered the two people in front of it. The head that was high above was lowered, and the hollow and dark eyes kept flashing with strange light.

"Shh! ——————"

The strange sound kept echoing in this space. This sound was like a fish, a bird, and a sharp sound of claws rubbing against glass.

The momentum in the voice was extremely compelling, and it wanted to suppress Walter and Yulandel together.

Countless tentacle monsters were still crawling out of the giant tentacle monster's body one after another, and they were waving their claws and rushing towards the two people.


Walter snorted coldly and raised his hand.

In a moment, countless warships were constructed out of thin air, appeared behind him, and sprayed at the group of monsters in front of him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the shells ruthlessly harvested one tentacle monster after another, and the sound of artillery bombardment continued to sound in this starry sky.


Another sharp cry erupted from the mouth of the head that was high above, and then a series of "rumbling" sounds reached the ears of the two.

The body that filled the entire starry sky moved, and the tentacles of the giant tentacle monster squirmed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The starry sky suddenly dimmed, and a tentacle that almost covered the entire space quickly fell from above and hit Yulandel and the others!

Such a huge tentacle, if hit, would probably be directly crushed.

Facing this situation, Yulandel's face did not show any panic.

Her momentum suddenly increased again, and a pair of light wings were ejected from the Valkyrie armor on her body.

The light wings vibrated, Yulandel raised her lance, rushed into the sky in an instant, and stabbed at the tentacles that covered the sky with all her strength.

The two phantoms behind her followed the direction of the lance and danced with their weapons in their hands.

"Black Abyss White Flower!" Yulandel shouted tenderly. A beam of light penetrated the sky and earth.

——It was Yulandel who pierced the tentacle.


The giant tentacle monster burst out with a deafening sound. Obviously, this attack obviously caused great damage to the enemy.

Even if you don't understand, you can feel the pain hidden in the roar.

The tentacles broke, turned into a thick black liquid and fell into the starry sky, dissipating in the boundless space.

At this time, Yulandel keenly discovered that the frequency of the tentacle monster on the opponent's body decreased a lot.

Is it because a tentacle was pierced?

Or is it ready to really take action?

No matter which possibility it is, you must attack the opponent now.

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, but less than a few seconds have passed.

The opponent just injured a tentacle, Yulandel will definitely not miss this opportunity.

She clenched her hands, and the space around her suddenly changed.

A circle broke above the starry sky, and the surrounding wind and clouds surged.

A giant lance that was no less than the tentacle just now passed through the circle and landed in this starry sky.

Then, she waved her hand at the giant tentacle monster.

The lance that descended rushed straight towards the giant tentacle monster.

Without any obstacles, the lance hit the giant tentacle monster.

"Beep! ——————"

A sharp, piercing bird cry came out of the head's mouth, with a hint of ridicule.

It shook its body, and the giant lance that pierced its body turned into a pool of thick black liquid and fell from its body.

"No damage?"

Yulandel looked at the other party's body without any trace of being pierced, and her heart gradually sank.

This attack can almost be said to be one of her strongest attacks, but

"Ka! ————————"

Another sharp cry.

The head's empty eyes stared straight at Yulandel. Obviously, it had already hated Yulandel.

The powerful pressure descended on Yulandel, making her breathless.

The void broke, and countless tentacles surged out of the void and attacked Yulandel.

Gritting her teeth, Youlandel held on to the pressure, waved her lance, and swept forward, knocking away the tentacles in front of her. Then he turned sideways and narrowly dodged several tentacles that sneaked up from behind. Then Youlandel stepped forward suddenly, jumped up with the help of the tentacles around her body, and then drew an arc in mid-air. At the same time, her hands kept moving, waving her lance to ward off the tentacles.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Countless tentacles came from all directions.

Youlandel gritted her teeth again and summoned the phantom to block.

The phantom appeared next to Hollander and unfolded a blue shield.


A tentacle rushed out of Youlandel's body.


Blood spurted out along the tentacles, and Youlandel looked at the tentacles rushing out from her chest in disbelief.

There was no tentacle that penetrated her, this tentacle appeared out of thin air in her body.

The tentacles spread and connected to the body of the giant tentacle monster at a very fast speed. Then, Youlandel clearly felt the blood in her body and the power flowing away quickly.

This time, Hollandel's power to control the phantom was interrupted.

The phantoms around him dissipated, and tentacles from all directions came directly to Hollander.

Seeing countless tentacles about to penetrate Youlandel.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several energy pillars suddenly shot out from a distance, destroying the group of tentacles.

Then, a thick energy beam cut off the tentacle connected to the giant tentacle monster in Youlandel's body.

Walter quickly came to Youlandel and helped her up.

At this moment, he was also covered in blood - there was no one else here, so it was all his blood.

Naturally, it is impossible for countless tentacles to attack only Youlandel.

Walter's situation was actually more serious than that of Hollander, because the tentacle monsters that kept crawling out of the giant tentacle monster all ran towards him.

He not only had to guard against the countless tentacles released by the giant tentacle monster in the sky, but also resisted the endless tentacle monsters below.

At this moment, he was covered with bruises.

But his eyes were still sharp and determined.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough."

Youlandel coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and the light wings appeared again behind her, stabilizing her figure.

This is a starry sky. If you don't have the power to float, you will fall into an abyss that you can't see at a glance.

The tentacle monsters are still gathering, and the huge number is despairing.

The eyes of the high heads were no longer looking at them, but the countless tentacles were still attacking.

Not giving any time to breathe at all.

"Queen!" Youlandel raised her strength and shouted.

The phantom holding a shield stood in front of the two of them, and the shield unfolded into a solid blue barrier.

Countless tentacles fell down and were blocked by the barrier.

However, the barrier also cracked a few traces. Apparently, it couldn't hold out for long.

Youlandel naturally knew that she did not expect the barrier to hold up. Just providing a moment of respite is enough.

Walter also breathed a sigh of relief, dispersed the structures around him, turned to Hollander and said, "How are you?"

After all, Walter's injuries were not fatal, but Hollandelle was stabbed in the chest.

"Cough, cough." The blood had stopped, and Youlandel coughed a few more times, and when she mentioned the white flowers of the black abyss, her eyes were tired but firm, "It's okay and I can still fight."

"Now, we are facing two problems." Walter looked at the endless tentacle monsters in front of him and then looked up at the monsters filling the starry sky. His words were very clear, "First, there are too many opponents, and second, the opponent's defense Extremely strong.”

Walter also saw the scene where he just stabbed the opponent with a lance without leaving any trace on the opponent, "Moreover, quite a few monsters have already entered the black hole. We cannot let these monsters in. Otherwise, the world will definitely fall." ”

"Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. These monsters crawled out of that big guy. Maybe if you can kill it, these monsters will also die."

Youlandel guessed and came up with a plan.

"Now, this is the only way to bet." Walter did not refute, this was also the best plan he could think of.

There was a hint of madness on his face, he took a deep breath and said, "It seems like I have to go crazy again."

"Mr. Walter, do you have any idea?" Youlandale heard this and asked.

"The concentration of Honkai energy here is unprecedentedly high, which is why I can construct the battleship with such high strength." Walter raised his hand to his chest and opened it, "The core of the Herrscher of Reason has never been so active. Thought, maybe I could try to use it completely."

"Use it completely? In other words, you before"

"It's not what you understand," Walter interrupted, "The incomplete Herrscher core cannot exert its full energy, and even the complete Herrscher core is not equal to the Herrscher's full power. Haven't you noticed one thing? ?"

"Of course I paid attention. The concentration of Honkai energy here is obviously extremely high, but the impact on me is very small. On the contrary, I can still use this Honkai energy freely."

Youlandel has been fighting Honkai for many years, so she is naturally sensitive to Honkai energy. She discovered this problem when she first entered the starry sky.

Honkai energy is almost destructive to humans. Even if one has strong adaptability to Honkai energy, excessive use of Honkai energy will cause irreversible damage to the body.

This is why, even if most Valkyries retire alive, they will not be able to enjoy their old age. Because their bodies have already been fundamentally damaged in the process of using Honkai energy again and again.

According to unofficial statistics, the average lifespan of each Valkyrie is under 40 years old.

Of course, this includes the Valkyries who died in battle.

However, the Honkai energy here completely violates the rules of the Honkai world.

Youlandel felt that she and Honkai Impact were like brothers, completely unrestricted.

That's why she recovered so quickly.

"I want to try to fully activate the power of Herrscher's core to see if I can create a powerful enough attack." Walter's face was not good, but his voice was still as gentle and powerful as ever.

"As far as I know, every time Mr. Walter uses the power of the Herrscher's core, his strength will become weaker."

As mentioned before, Honkai energy is a poison to every human being.

Even humans with Herrscher cores will continue to be eroded by Honkai energy.

This is especially true for the lawyers of modern civilization.

Walter has endured the power of the Lawyer in a human body for many years, and his body has long been unable to bear it.

This is not only the reason for the backlash from Honkai Energy, but more importantly - it is difficult for human beings' weak bodies to carry strong power.

"Perhaps, I will die. But, this is the only chance!" Walter looked resolute, without any hesitation.

Youlandel was silent.

The cracks in the shield were already densely packed, and Youlandel tightly grasped the white flower of the black abyss, the key of the sixth god, and the core of the Herrscher of Death.

At the moment when the broken shield broke and countless tentacles surged up!

A cannonball passed through the black hole and came into the starry sky.


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