The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 143 Outside the Black Hole

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Thousands of miles of frost condensed everything, along with countless tentacles in the sky.

Above Changkong City, a black tentacle monster that looks like an octopus is wrapped in ice.

The next moment, a huge sickle passed by.


The ice shattered and the "octopus" split into two.

The "octopus" split in half fell to the ground and turned into a thick black liquid, corroding the earth into a huge pit.

"Ha ha"

Rita was breathing heavily, looking tired.

This was already the fifth monster she had encountered that was as powerful as an S-class Valkyrie.

Moreover, this monster is far more powerful than the previous four. She almost used all her methods and tried her best to manage to kill him.

Now she has almost no strength.

"But" Rita gasped, looking up to the sky.

In that black hole, there are still countless tentacle monsters pouring out.

Looking at the still swarming enemy, Rita's heart gradually became desperate.

Even when she was alone in the horde of Honkai beasts, she never despaired.

After the battle so far, both Anti-Entropy and Destiny have become weak.

The anti-entropy mechas were almost completely wiped out, and the Destiny Valkyrie was also heavily damaged.

The enemy's offensive has no tendency to retreat at all. On the contrary, it is still increasing.


Along with the huge roar, another powerful aura hit his face. Another enemy whose strength is comparable to that of an S-class Valkyrie.

Rita gritted her teeth, braced herself, and prepared to go into battle.

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Leave it to me, Miss Rita."

The voice was soft yet strong, and Rita recognized the voice.

Wearing a black mask, Fu Hua walked up to Rita and patted her shoulder, "Miss Rita, take a rest first. Leave this to me."

"Yeah." Rita didn't show off and nodded.

Suddenly, she thought of something and asked: "Where is Lord Youlandel?"

"I am not sure."


Rita didn't say anything, she just stopped the erupting Valkyrie Armor.

——She had to rest where she was for a while.

Although resting where she was was not a good idea, Rita was too tired to even walk.

Fu Hua didn't say anything more, turned on the Valkyrie Armor and left.

"Lord Youlandel"

Rita adjusted her breathing, but unconsciously became worried in her heart, "Until now, there has been no fluctuation in the battle between Walter Yang and Lord Hollander. They"

Having said this, Rita looked up at the black hole again.

At the same time, in the base camp on the frontline battlefield, Otto, who was commanding the battle, also looked up at the black hole.

"The situation has taken a turn for the worst. This is not good, this is not good."

Otto's eyes were wandering, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart at the moment.

Outside the black hole.

A huge black ship floated in the starry sky.

Its hull was riddled with holes, but there were still countless feeders crawling out of it.

They waved their tentacles, either attacking the two enemies in front of them, or rushing towards the black hole.

"Is it really a more advanced civilization? All this trouble has only damaged its surface."

Walter’s face was not very good.

Earlier, he and Youlandel rushed out of the black hole.

The reason is that he used the power of the Herrscher to feel the scene outside the black hole.

As the Herrscher of Reason in modern civilization and the first Herrscher to fight for mankind, Walter's identity has always made people feel uneasy.

However, Hollander still chose to believe Walter and followed him to the outside of the black hole.

——Of course, this was carried out with Otto's permission.

When they came outside the black hole, they spotted the black ship flying in the starry sky at a glance.

Endless feeders - oh no, they don't know this group of monsters yet - endless "tentacle monsters" continue to emerge from the ship.

Acting decisively, Walter used the power of the Herrscher of Reason to build a large number of ships and fired at the opponent.

——As long as you understand the principles, you can construct them. This is the power of the Lawyer of Reason.

The artillery fire poured on the black ship without any hindrance, destroying a group of "tentacle monsters" along the way.

Then, this is the scene now.


"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!!"

There was a loud bang, followed by endless roars.

A giant tentacle spurted out from the head of the black ship and rushed straight towards Walter.

The speed of the tentacle completely exceeded the speed of sound, and it arrived in front of Walter without any warning.

— and then was pierced by a lance.

"Pfft", Youlandel took back the lance.

Walter dispersed the protective shield that was about to condense, and said to Hollander: "Thank you."

This thank you comes from the heart.

Although Walter reacted, he could only make a simple defense in time.

Walter could feel the intensity of the attack just now, and the protective shield he had condensed in an emergency might not be able to block it.

If Youlandel hadn't helped him block the blow, I'm afraid he would have been seriously injured by now.

In addition, he is not in good condition right now. If he is seriously injured again, I am afraid he will be blamed here.

"You're welcome."

Looking at the black ship in front of her, Youlandel understood that this might be the enemy's key point. "Your feeling is correct. The top priority is to find a way to destroy the opponent's ship."

The surrounding "tentacle monsters" attacked and were ruthlessly destroyed by Walter's condensed artillery. Hearing Youlandel's words, he nodded and said, "This ship's defense is extraordinary, but if you and I attack together, we should be able to sink it."

"I'm afraid the other party won't give us this opportunity."

Suddenly, Youlandel keenly felt a powerful breath coming towards her face.

Almost at the moment Youlandel finished speaking, the deck of the black ship suddenly burst.

Afterwards, both Youlandel and Walter couldn't help but their pupils shrank suddenly.

Tentacles as thick as giant pillars stretched out from the cracks in the deck one after another, spreading to the surrounding space.

The head of the ship suddenly exploded, and a huge head emerged from it.

The head looked like a human head, with a gray-black face covered with tentacles, and two empty eyes shining with a strange light.

"Tat Tat Tat"

After a while, the original black ship disappeared. A giant tentacle monster that could not be seen appeared in front of them.

It seemed to have no body, and its whole body was covered with extremely thick tentacles. There are countless thick black liquids flowing on the tentacles. After a while, new tentacle monsters will crawl out of the liquid.

The giant tentacle monster's bald head may be as big as a house, not to mention its body shape.

It filled the entire starry sky, and countless tentacles continued to spread, extending deeper into the place.

Even Youlandel and Walter had never seen such a shocking scene, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak for a while.

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