The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 135 Yae Sakura’s Resurrection

In a strange space with a dark purple background. Google search reading

As time goes by, everyone can clearly feel that the consciousness of an obsession gradually dissipates.

The red flames rose and the black light faded.

A long blade appeared in front of everyone.

The long blade is black in color, with ancient and complex patterns on it, containing extremely strong Honkai energy. It is conceivable that if an ordinary person comes into contact with this knife rashly, he will be burned by the huge energy.

And among the red flames, a girl with blue eyes and cherry hair slowly walked out.

The girl was wearing a white shirt, a pink plaid skirt, and black shorts, revealing her long legs that were like gelatin. Behind it are three tufts of hair that look like the tail of a demon fox, which seems to symbolize the girl's identity as different from human beings. Her cherry hair is tied into a ponytail and hangs naturally on the back of her head. The hair near her bangs is pink with two fox ears on it.

"Ksitigarbha is the name of a Buddhist Bodhisattva. He is a Bodhisattva who vowed to appear in the six realms to save all sentient beings between the death of Sakyamuni and the appearance of Maitreya. Because he is like the earth, unmoving, calm and thoughtful, and contains It contains the seeds of countless good roots, so it is called Ksitigarbha. It is a concept in Japanese Shintoism. "One spirit and four souls" means that every living being has a soul with four different qualities. This is the "Ksitigarbha Yuhun". ”

The girl's voice was clear and sweet, pure and unadulterated.

Following the girl's words, the long black blade slowly floated into the girl's hand.

"Let this blade be the final touch and let this matter be settled."

The girl murmured softly and slowly pushed the knife in her hand upwards.

In an instant, the blade of the sword glowed with purple light.

An invisible force dragged the unconscious Yae Sakura into the air.

Jizo Yuhun floated on her body.

The next moment, a dazzling light flashed.

The radiance was so great that all the Valkyries present involuntarily covered their eyes.

After the light disappeared, everyone took a look and saw that the long black knife had disappeared. Only Yae Sakura lay quietly on the ground.

The enchanting purple color unexpectedly contrasted with her peaceful sleeping face.

Her slightly raised eyebrows suddenly trembled, and she opened her eyes like autumn water.

What caught his eye was the face of a girl with narrowed eyes and a playful smile.

"Hehe, sister, you're awake!" Hitamaru threw herself on Yae Sakura, and the lively and lovely aura on her body made Yae Sakura feel dazed for a while.

——She had just woken up and had not yet realized what had happened.


Another shock came, followed by a burst of fragrance into his arms, accompanied by a little cry.

Theresa couldn't bear it anymore at this moment, her petite body was swaying in Sakura's arms - it was impossible to tell that she was almost fifty years old.

Hollander and Rita on the side just smiled and watched quietly without speaking.

"Principal Teresa, this is me"

At this time, Yae Sakura felt that there seemed to be endless power spreading in her body, and she couldn't help but call out Sakura Fukiyuki.

But when she saw Sakura Fubuki, she was stunned again.

The fiery red blade, the complex lines, the sinister and holy taste, and the power within it that was about to erupt at any moment like a volcano.

——It’s like the Demon Sword Akane Sakura and the Spirit Sword Sakura Fubuki merged together and upgraded.

At the same time, another sword was summoned by Sakura Fubuki and his peers.

The whole body is black with purple veins.

Yae Sakura was confused, very confused.

Didn't you just faint for a while?

What happened to my knife?

What happened to the knife?

What happened to my infinite power?

"Um, did I miss something just now?"

Yae Sakura held "Sakura Fukiyuki" with one hand, and held "Jizo Mitama" with the other hand. He turned to look at Hitamaru in human form.

"Well, if you think of what happened just now, it's actually not that big of a deal." Hitamaru raised his head in contemplation, tapped his chin with his finger, and then said with a smile, "I just helped my eldest sister to level up. ”


In a blank space.

Although he could not feel the passage of time, Lin Jue's common sense told him that

He has been facing Honkai Willi for a long time.

During this period of time, he had gained nothing but one more thing: Honkai Will and the outsiders were not in the same group.

However, he had guessed this news a long time ago.

Lin Jue didn't want to continue consuming it.

"Perhaps our conversation has to come to an end today." Lin Jue said tentatively.

"You haven't told me yet whether you will leave here or not."

The tone of the faceless gray figure obviously changed slightly. Obviously, the other party was also intolerant of Lin Jue, and his words made him a little irritated as if he was doing Tai Chi.

"I told you from the beginning, it depends on my mood." Lin Jue's eyes were slightly narrowed and his tone was calm, "My going or staying has nothing to do with you."

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want with someone protecting you?"

Suddenly, Lin felt chills all over his body.

"not good!"

Just as Lin Jue was about to resist, he felt that the space around him was instantly frozen.

The tremendous pressure overwhelmed Lin Jue, leaving him with no room for resistance.

The white space was instantly covered with purple. Lin Jue gritted his teeth and held on.

Lin Jue's instinctive feeling told Lin Jue that an energy higher than Honkai Impact had invaded this space and locked him firmly.

But he still didn't panic.


Lin Jue shouted in his mind.

The next moment, a black hole appeared on Lin Jue's head.

The moment the black hole appeared, the surrounding energy seemed to sense something was wrong and wanted to run away.

But it's too late.

The black hole began to spin, and its overbearing attraction absorbed all the surrounding energy.

The next moment, the space collapsed.

The world has returned to darkness.

Vaguely, Lin Jueneng could feel an unyielding gaze staring at him.

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