The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 134: The End of the Herrscher of Corrosion

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A crisp cracking sound echoed in this strange space.

Purple shards fell to the ground like smashed mirrors.

As if a certain line in the void was broken, Jizo Yuhun's scarlet eyes lost their brightness and fell to the ground helplessly.

"Now!" Theresa shouted.


Hitamaru rushed to the sky, holding one hand in front of Jizo Yuhun, putting the other hand on his chest, and closed his eyes.

After a while, she opened her eyes, "Erosion, gathering!"

As Hitamaru finished speaking, the surrounding space began to vibrate, and black gas continued to gush out from Jizo Mithun's body.

Black gas continued to emit from the body of the doll Hitamamaru. The old doll body was torn apart and looked like it was about to be broken into pieces.

Seeing this situation, Teresa couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Hitamaru! Are you okay?"

Rita patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Lady Theresa. This should be the final curtain call for the Herrscher of Corrosion."

Youlandel also came to Theresa, carrying Yae Sakura on her back.

"Huh? What happened to Sakura!" The moment Teresa saw Yae Sakura, she suddenly remembered that she had not seen her during the previous battle.

Theresa leaned over in panic, "Was she injured by Jizo Yuhun? When did it happen? Damn it, how could I forget her! If something happened to her, how would I explain it to Xiao Lin!" "

"It's okay, Lady Teresa."

Seeing Theresa's anxious and guilty look, Rita comforted her softly, "Miss Yae Sakura's life is not in danger, and she did not faint because of the attack."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Theresa's brows relaxed a little, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, Theresa became confused again, "Then, what's wrong with Sakura?"

Youlandel answered her doubts, "It was the power of the knife in her hand that was affected by the power of erosion."

Seeing Theresa's expression of confusion, Hollandale continued: "Yae Sakura lost the holy mark that can adapt to Honkai energy, and she can barely support it by relying on the power of the sword in her hand. Jizo Mihun appeared At that time, the corrosive power came together. We were not affected because we were not strong enough, but Yae Sakura was affected. "

"Hitamamaru also used some unknown method to take Yae Sakura away from the battlefield. That's why you didn't notice her just now."

"So that's it." Theresa suddenly realized, and then her expression changed, "Wait a minute, does that mean that Sakura didn't actually get better, and she only survived with the power of Sakura Fukiyuki? Then what if Sakura Fukiyuki one day What if I don’t have enough power? Will Sakura still die?”

"Lord Theresa, don't worry so much. Too much worry will prevent you from calming down and thinking about problems, and will also make it difficult for you to get into a dead end." Rita stretched out her hand and softly touched Theresa's head.

Well, it's still as comfortable as before.

Rita continued: "Actually, Hijimaru has never lied. There is indeed a way to save Miss Yae Sakura. It lies with him."

Hearing this, Theresa's eyes lit up, "What method is that?"

"Harness the power of the God Key."

Rita said unhurriedly: "Just like Lady Hollander's second divine key, Black Abyss White Flower, is destruction and salvation, Lady Theresa, your divine key, Judas' Oath, is the power of restraint. The Herrscher of Corrosion naturally has the unique power of its God’s Key.”

"Miss Yae Sakura lost her stigmata and could no longer adapt to the erosion of Honkai energy. But with the erosion of the God Key, she no longer needs to worry about this problem. Moreover, the twelfth God Key contains The power of the Herrscher core can also give Miss Yae Sakura a new lease of life."

"Right now, Hitamaru is doing just that."

I see.

"Haha, little girl. Do you still want my help?"

In her mind, Lord Mo's joking laughter made Theresa blush involuntarily.

"No, no, no." Theresa returned in her mind sheepishly.

"It's right to worry about your companions, but you should also calm down. After all, worrying too much is useless. The two little girls in front of you just now were actually quite worried. But they can analyze calmly."

"Me me me"

Mr. Mo smiled leisurely, "It's okay, Theresa. I know why you are like this. The departure of your best friend, Cecilia, is your inner demon. So when you encounter something like this, you will We can’t face it rationally.”

"However, I believe you understand the truth, and I don't need to say more. As for whether Cecilia can be resurrected again, it also depends on you in the future, or whether you can meet the requirements I want."

"Okay, work hard, don't worry, you can still call me next time if something happens."

Theresa felt her mind lighten up and her whole body relaxed.

In fact, the tense look on her body just now was not only because she was worried about Yae Sakura, but also because of the pressure from Lord Mo who came to her mind.

Even a consciousness that cannot be any weaker is an existence that is difficult for Teresa to accept.

Therefore, Master Mo also left quickly.

Seeing Theresa suddenly relax, Youlandel and Rita didn't think much, thinking that they were heartbroken after hearing that Yae Sakura had a way to survive.

After Theresa calmed down now, she quickly figured it out. I found that my previous worries were simply unnecessary.

"Indeed, I am too immature." Theresa reflected silently in her heart.

On the ground, Jizo Yuhun's body had gradually disintegrated.

Countless corrosive forces surged out of Jizo Mitama's body, and the dark aura penetrated into the doll Hitamaru's body from all directions.

"It's almost over." Youlandel murmured, "The Twelfth Herrscher of the previous era is coming to an end."

Ksitigarbha Yuhun's body suddenly collapsed.

The body of the doll Hitamaru also fell apart.

The black air formed a vortex, and in the center of the vortex, there was a lens standing.

Finally, the vortex slowly gathered, and all the power of erosion was absorbed into the crystal.


Hitamaru's voice sounded in the void.

The crystal suddenly broke and split into two, one big and one small.

The big one had black gas constantly coming out of it. The small one is dull and dull.


Hitamaru's body voice sounded again.

Black air emerged again.

The surface of the large crystal cracked, and the power of darkness gathered into a knife.

The small crystals also broke together, and the remaining energy formed a body.

As time goes by, the Valkyries can clearly feel that a consciousness is reluctant to leave here.

In the void, Hitamaru closed his eyes and recalled the past.

There is a scene where she was killed by someone who was afraid of her when she was still in her prime.

There are scenes where she was sealed in a black box for more than several years, full of hatred for humans.

There is a scene where she seduces Yae Sakura and makes her fall into her own body.

There is a scene where she is sealed by a woman named Kallen Kaslana.


There is also a scene where she is embraced by Teresa's warm body.

There are also scenes where she is taken away and reshaped into shape.

What's more, the warmth and support I felt in that illusion.

Kiana gave her snacks.

Bronya who helped her out.

Mei who teaches her homework.

There is also Lin Jue, a "worker" who works for the four of them.

Hitamaru smiled in relief, looked at the scepter that also appeared in the void, and said from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you."

"No need to thank you. As a reward, the cause and effect of the castle tower carrying the six paths has been cleared."

In the void, a milky female voice sounded.

If Lin Jue were here, he would definitely recognize him.

Isn't this the voice of the girl in red he met on Huangquan Road?

"At this point, I will erase all your memories of the six realms. Do you have any complaints?"

"No." Hitamaru shook his head.

It had no intention of spreading the word about Six Paths.

Just like Rita said about the visitor from outside the world before, Liu Dao is also a visitor from outside the world.

Moreover, the strength of the Six Paths is absolutely, absolutely, far superior to the Collapse World.

Hijamaru has never coveted the power of the Six Paths, just because it does not have this strength.

But now, Hitamaru has decided to let go of all past resentments, put aside his identity as a Herrscher, and will no longer think about the Six Paths.


After the clear and childish female voice left these words, the scepter in the void shook.

Afterwards, Hitamaru left here.

"In this way, there won't be too much cause and effect. In this way, Brother Lin Jue won't have too much influence on his plan because of Liu Dao's intervention."

In the void space, the scepter slowly disappeared.

After a while, someone broke through the space and barged in.

"Strange, could it be that I feel wrong?"

"Tianxing, how are you?"

Suddenly, another female voice sounded.

The man known as Tianxing picked up an object similar to a communicator in his hand, "There is nothing. Maybe that guy has left."

"Don't be careless. The sudden situation in the world of sea beasts has caused us to lose all our original plans."

"Okay, I understand, I will keep an eye on it." Tianxing finished his reply. Communication seemed to be lost.

"It seems like the fighting there is fierce." Tianxing murmured, "What was that thing here just now?"

After thinking for a while, the man finally left the space

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