The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 132 Ksitigarbha Yuhun

There is nothingness here.

It's dark here.

Lin Jue could vaguely see a tall figure standing in the darkness in front of him.

"You are special."

Male voices came from all directions, and it was not difficult to guess that it was the figure opposite who was speaking.

Along with the sound, a strong momentum pressed towards Lin Jue.

"Who are you?" Lin Jue's expression remained unchanged and his tone was calm.

"We've met."

The voice came from all directions again, with echoes and even stronger pressure.

"Really? I have no memory. Why don't you help me recall my memories?"

Lin Jue's expression remained unchanged - in fact, he had already guessed who the other party was as soon as he arrived.

"Leave this world."

"Unless I want to."

"You must leave, otherwise, the women you care about will die."

The darkness suddenly disappeared, and Lin Jue's eyes lit up.

The tall figure before also collapsed. In its place was a gray figure.

Its entire body is gray, including its body. The gray face reflected the human face miserably, as if someone had buried their head in the gray paper.

"Outsiders, because of your arrival, the spatial coordinates of this world have been exposed. If you don't leave, even I won't be able to save this world."

The words that destroyed the will echoed in this world, as if a group of people were shouting loudly in Lin Jue's ears.

Lin Jue was not in a hurry to reply. There were two key points in Benkai Will's words.

One, the coordinates of the world have been exposed.

This sentence is very crucial. On the one hand, it turns out that the world has coordinates? On the other hand, can coordinates be hidden?

Second, the exposure of the coordinates is related to me, and the crisis will be eliminated after I leave.

Why will my arrival expose the coordinates? Why would my leaving resolve the crisis?

These are the questions Lin Jue was thinking about in a moment.

Based on these questions, Lin Jue still has another most fundamental question - are these words true?

Lin Jue didn't understand this knowledge, so who knew if the other party was lying to him.

Don't forget, when he first came here, Benkai Will didn't even say hello, he just pulled Lin Jue over and wanted to beat him to death.

Now that I can sit down and talk properly, I either learned the lesson from last time and knew that Lin Jue was not that easy to control, so I didn't take action.

Either that or Lin Jue really needs to leave here in order to take away the crisis.

But no matter which one it is, the purpose of Benkai Will has never changed - to let Lin Jue leave this world.

"Why does the crisis disappear when I leave?"

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Lin Jue asked.

Voices still came from all directions, "You have something they want in you. If you leave, they will naturally leave."


Lin Jue keenly captured the keyword, "Who are they?"

"That's not something you should know."

Oh, it's specious, and it's watertight.

Due to the poor information, Lin Jue had no way to accurately judge whether what Honkai Will said was true or intentional.

"I have to spend more time with it and get more information. I believe the things outside are not serious."

Lin Jue made a decision in his heart.

The eerie purple-red fills the space and becomes the background color.

"Then you showed up here?"

More than half an hour ago, Youlandel was still trying to break this space.

Theresa, Rita, Yae Sakura, and Hitamaru three dolls suddenly appeared in front of her out of thin air.

"Yes, Lord Hollandale." Rita seemed to respect everyone.

"Then Youlandel, how did you come here?" Theresa asked, looking at the light group in the sky.

"When I was at the castle tower, I came here as soon as I opened the door." Youlandel said concisely.

Rita crossed her hands and nodded her head with one hand, "I think this is the final battle point."

"Huh? How do you say this?" Yae Sakura asked in confusion.

Rita smiled slightly, "Because, since the so-called Honkai Will has pulled us here, then we are not far from the final battle."

"Huh?" Theresa was surprised and confused.

"Actually, it's not hard to guess, Lady Theresa." Seeing Theresa's blank face, Rita secretly thought cutely.

At this time, the doll Hitamamaru also nodded, "To gather the erosion energy into a new individual without the core of the Herrscher, there is no other way but to destroy the will."

"And once the purpose for which it was created is achieved, its effect disappears."

Rita continued: "Oh, by the way, there are still some information gaps between us that have not been filled in, Rita will do it now"

Suddenly, a powerful aura appeared in an instant, and was instantly sensed by the Valkyries.

"What is that?" Theresa looked back and saw waves of mist filling the air under the dark black and dark purple light.

Suddenly, the mist was dispersed, and a pair of huge swords carrying purple gas rushed towards the Valkyries.

Everyone present was an S-class Valkyrie, and their reaction speeds were not unsatisfactory.

Teresa quickly raised Judas's oath and held it against the sword, blocking the blow.

Then, the right hand unfolded directly to unfold Judas, and one chain after another followed the sword and rushed towards the person behind the scenes.

Rita and Hollander were naturally not idle either. When Judah's chains were launched, one person on the left and one on the left attacked the uninvited guest.

Rita held the scythe in her hand, and the Valkyrie armor was activated, "Dark Rose, activate!"

Youlandel did not activate the Valkyrie armor, but just pointed at the opponent with a huge lance.

"Dang! x2"

Two crisp sounds sounded at the same time.

It was obviously the sound of metal colliding.

"The opponent has armor!"

Almost at the same time, Rita and Hollander made judgments at the same time.

At this time, a super strong wind blew.


Along with the thundering roar, the three Valkyries couldn't help but retreat a few points.

The blocking fog also completely dispersed, and the appearance of the uninvited guest came into view.

Wearing red armor and a pair of huge swords.

However, under this warrior-like combination, there is no substantial body.

The two holes emerging from the front of the body were still shining with a strange purple light, looking like two eyes blinking.

As for its head, it was not human-like at all. Instead, it looked like the heads of some bull-headed and horse-faced heads, terrifying and imposing.

It looks like some kind of evil ghost.

"What kind of monster is this?" Theresa had never seen such a creature before.

"have no idea."

"Sorry, Rita doesn't know either."

Rita and Hollander both shook their heads.

"It's Jizo Yuhun."

On the side, Hitamaru in the puppet state slowly said, "It is the soul of the weapon I once made."

"Or to put it another way, you will understand him better. Jizo Yuhun is the key to the twelfth god."

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