The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 131 So Jizi bumped into...

"That's it?"

Otto continued to ask: "What about other than that?"

"Well, other than that, there's nothing else going on."

Otto's reaction was beyond Amber's expectation. Originally, according to her idea, this group of people would at least show a momentary expression of surprise.

but now

Walter Yang patted Amber's shoulder, "With all due respect, is there any strange movement in the light group in the sky?"

Amber recognized the other party, the leader of the anti-entropy alliance, and in terms of status, he was on par with the bishop of destiny.

"According to the known information, the light group in the sky has no other movement except that it keeps beating up and down."

After she finished speaking, she felt that everyone's brows relaxed a little instantly, not knowing whether it was Amber's illusion.

"It seems that the sudden explosion of the castle tower was probably caused by the Herrscher."

"so far so good."

"No, I don't think I can be sure yet."

Below, the leadership figures in Destiny and Anti-Entropy also looked relieved and started discussing.

Amber almost felt like she was in the wrong place.

When did destiny and reverse entropy become so harmonious?

When did the Herrscher's appearance become so unworthy of attention?

Didn’t I just not attend the meeting? What information did I miss?

Why do you feel like the world has changed?

How much did Lord Otto not tell me?

While Amber was complaining crazily in her heart, Otto and Walter looked at each other.

"Then let's go first."

"Of course, I won't send you off if I walk slowly."

Walter nodded and left with the anti-entropy people.


After Walter left, Amber suddenly heard her name.

"I'm here, Lord Otto." Amber replied respectfully.

"Go and gather all the Valkyries and go to the main camp."

"Yes." Kohaku lowered his head, and when he was about to leave, he still couldn't help asking, "Then, Mr. Bishop, over there at the castle tower."

"It's okay over there at the castle tower. The three S-class Valkyries of Destiny are all there. What are you worried about?"

Otto smiled half-smilingly, with a joking look on his face, "Go quickly."


After Amber left, a voice sounded in Otto's mind.

"Why, those people who don't trust you so much? They are also the Twelfth Herrscher of the pre-civilization after all."

The timbre of the voice was almost identical to Otto's.

"Ha, old friend, there is no need to scare me with this at this time." Otto listened to the words in his mind and sneered, "It's just a chess piece that was used as a discarded piece by Honkai Will."

"If you were really not afraid, would you send all three S-class Valkyries over?"

Otto flipped his palm, and a golden cube object suddenly appeared, standing on the palm of Otto's hand: "Sending three there is indeed considering the threat of the Herrscher, and on the other hand, it is the main battlefield. "

"Rita knows the information about the extraterrestrial visitors. I ordered her to tell Theresa the news when the time is right. It is impossible for Theresa to escape after learning the news. Together with Youlandel, three S-class women The God of War is naturally on the main battlefield and can better cope with the complicated and confusing changes that will follow. "

"It's just about Youlandel's situation. I'm still a little worried. But since Honkai's Will chooses to be on our side, he should help Youlandel escape from the predicament."

"The anti-entropy people have also arrived. Basically, the main force of our world has been assembled."

At this point, Otto paused and said, "Next, we can only hope that this alien visitor is not too strong or too weak. Otherwise."

"Theresa! Theresa!"

The castle tower that once towered into the sky is now nothing but ruins strewn across the ground.

Ji Zi ran all the way on the ruins.

"Theresa! Damn it, don't let anything happen to you!"

Jizi's heart was very panicked, and her eyes were scanning the ruins everywhere, hoping to see some familiar figure.

But there were broken pieces of wood and debris everywhere, and the diffuse dust blocked the view.

Suddenly, Jizi's ears twitched.

A sound came from the ruins behind her.


There are people below.

Jizi reacted quickly, inserted her sword into the ground, and swung it upward vigorously.

The wreckage of the collapsed house on the ground was instantly lifted off.

"Theresa?" Jizi looked down expectantly.

Then she saw three people who were laughing.

Ji Zi: "?"

Mei: “(????)”

Kiana: “(?????)?”

Bronya: “(??w??`)”

The heavily armored bunny disappeared again, and the three of them climbed up obediently, trembling.

During this period, Ji Zi's unkind eyes never left them.

"Drink-" Taking a deep breath, Jizi put down the sword that had been in the air.

When she saw the three people appearing, Jizi knew how they appeared here in an instant.

But now is not the time to settle accounts with them.

"I'll have something to eat when I get back." Ji Zi glared at the three of them angrily.

The three of them didn't dare to speak. They were pitiful, weak, and huddled aside helplessly.

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Ji Zi was furious, "Okay, okay, you three!"

"Beep beep beep." Jizi's communicator suddenly sounded.

Jizi frowned and picked up the communicator.

"Major Jizi, please pay attention. Gather at the general camp immediately. Gather at the general camp immediately."

Listening to the sound of the communicator, Ji Zi's eyes flickered and her thoughts changed rapidly.

Before the explosion, the Valkyries of Destiny had already controlled the situation in Changkong City.

Most of the continuous Honkai Beasts and countless dead soldiers have been wiped out.

The rest is just cleaning work.

But a sudden order came from the Tianming headquarters to let all the Valkyrie return to the corresponding camp on their own.

Although Ji Zi was confused, she still obeyed the instructions.

After returning to the camp, Ji Zi heard the news that the reverse entropy was also here.

Just when Jizi was wondering why reverse entropy had arrived, the castle tower was bombed.

The power of the explosion was so huge that the aftermath almost tore down Jizi's tent.

The most important thing is that this source comes from the castle tower.

Himeko did not forget that Teresa went to the castle tower alone.

Now that such a big change suddenly happened, could it be that something happened to Theresa?

The energy just now would have hurt even an S-class Valkyrie.

What's more, there are still Herrschers there!

With this thought, Jizi became even more worried about Theresa's safety.

But the order from the headquarters was still there, and the Valkyries were not allowed to go out.

Jizi suspected that he might have to issue an order later, so he took away his communicator, and then found an opportunity to sneak out to take a look at the castle tower.

However, before coming, Jizi did not expect to meet those three guys.


"Major Himeko? Major Himeko? Please answer if you hear me. Please answer if you hear me."

"Okay, I'll go there immediately."

Jizi put the communicator back and turned to look at Mei and the others.

Himeko touched her chin and thought

Kiana was so stared at by Himeko that she couldn't help but said coquettishly: "We know that Himeko and Akiko-sensei are wrong, please don't be angry, okay?"

"Don't be poor, I won't do this." Jizi glared at Kiana angrily again, "Since you three came here, did you go to the castle tower?"

"Hey hey hey hey" the three of them lowered their heads with their hands behind their backs, giggling coquettishly.

"Hey, I'll settle this with you when I get back! Now, tell me what happened in the castle tower!"

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