The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 110 Ordinary campus life

The next day.

A ray of sunlight passed through the window and hit Mei Yi's face.

The alarm clock rang, and Mei turned it off in a daze.

Then she sat up and stretched: "Ah - it's a brand new day."

A good student always has a regular schedule. As the number one student in her class at St. Freya High School, Mei is one of the best.

After washing up, Meiyi packed up her schoolbag and went out.

Mei's family is also well off and lives in a villa with beautiful scenery.

The other villa next to Mei's house is Kiana's house.

Opposite the two of them, there was a villa, which was Lin Jue's home.

Yes, all three of them live in a villa.

As soon as I walked out the door, there happened to be a sound of closing the door next door.

Mei turned around and looked, and sure enough, Kiana had just gone out.

"Hey! Mei!" Kiana spotted Mei and ran over excitedly.

Only then did Mei realize that there was a girl following Kiana.

The long fiery red hair, the exquisite clothes - it looked like they were worn by Kiana, and she also had a pretty, cute and silly face.

Mei recognized her—the new student who just transferred in yesterday, Hitamaru.

"Eh? Kiana, why did you come out with Hitamaru?" Mei asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Kiana tilted her head and tapped her chin with her hand.

"Well, it's a long story. Let's talk about it while walking on the road."

After having breakfast in the cafeteria, Mei also heard what happened last night.

"I see."

Mei Yi suddenly realized, then frowned and said: "Kiana, it is a good spirit to help others when you see them in danger. But you must also consider your own safety. Fortunately, Lin Jue came yesterday."

Feeling the worry in Mei Yi's tone, Kiana smiled: "It's okay, I will definitely pay attention next time."

Then, Kiana quietly approached Mei's ear: "Hey, Mei, do you remember that your mother said she wanted to kill you when you were a child?"

"Kiana, I've said it many times, it was just a joke." Mei said angrily.

"But I think Mei really seems to have that idea." Kiana spread her hands and said innocently.

"I, I don't have one." Yayi was suddenly speechless for some reason.

At this time, Hitamaru also asked curiously: "Hey? Does sister Mei like brother Lin Jue?"

Thanks to Ms. Hitamaru for the assist

Kiana just wanted to give Hitamaru a thumbs up.

"Oh, no." Mei Yi became a little anxious, "I, I just bumped into him by chance, and then we walked and chatted together."

"Oh!!!" Kiana looked excited, "Is there such a thing?!"

Because Kiana's voice was too loud, all the surrounding students looked over.

"Kiana" Mei took a deep breath and stared straight at Kiana.

"Hey hey hey" Kiana smiled coquettishly.

Meiyi sighed: "Okay, okay, let's go quickly, the morning reading class is about to start."

"Hmm x2"

Back to the classroom.

A white cat lay lazily on Mei Yi's stool.

Meiyi looked surprised: "Isn't this the cat from yesterday?"

Because the characteristics of this cat are so obvious, Mei Yi has a deep impression on her.

Leaning down, Meiyi gently rubbed the cat's body.

Well, it's very soft and comfortable.


The white cat meowed comfortably.

Afterwards, Kiana and Hitamaru also walked in.

"Isn't this the kitten from yesterday?" they both said with surprise on their faces.

Lin Jue walked in the corridor and came to a class door - "Hey, good brother, did you see a white cat?"

"did not see."

"Okay, excuse me."

Lin Jue exited and walked down the stairs.

"Strange, where did that kitten go?"

Lin Jue muttered to himself in confusion as he walked back to his class.

As soon as he arrived at class, he saw such a scene

Three girls were playing with a white cat at the same time.

Lin Jue recognized the cat and approached them speechlessly.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, and it turns out you came here. Really, if I had known better, I shouldn't have brought you here today."

Although St. Freya High School does not explicitly stipulate that students cannot bring pets, it is actually not allowed.

Of course, if you take it secretly, as long as you don't get discovered by the teacher, there will be no problem.

Lin Jue also walked out of the door in the morning and found a white kitten lying in his schoolbag.

After that, the cat couldn't get rid of him, and it just wanted to follow Lin Jue.

Lin Jue had no choice but to bring him over.

Hearing Lin Jue's complaints, Kiana turned around and asked, "Hey, Lin Jue, is this your new pet?"

"That's right." Lin Jue thought for a while and nodded.

"What a cute and intelligent cat! Where did you find it?"

Kiana marveled at this cat. From just now until now, this cat has shown them many talents.

Drawing, writing, and arithmetic are all childish.

The most important thing is that it seems to understand what they say and can communicate with them through writing.

However, the communication was not smooth.

Like the first time, when they asked the white cat where he came from, the white cat wrote "Don't you remember me?"

But everything went smoothly after that, and Bai Mao could basically answer all their questions.

"Hehe, hehehe" Lin Jue didn't know how to answer this question, so he could only laugh.

"What are you doing?" came the cold girl's voice, and Bronya walked into the classroom door.

Then, she saw the snow-white cat with purple eyes.

"Isn't this the kitten from yesterday? Why is it here?"

Bronya walked to her seat, put down her schoolbag, and asked everyone at the same time.

"It's Lin Jue's pet. Hey, Bronya, I'm telling you, this cat is awesome. Come here when you're angry."

Kiana pulled Bronya over and showed Bronya how smart the white cat was.

"Is it really that powerful?" Bronya became interested when she heard that Kiana praised the kitten so much.

"Moreover, its hair is also very soft and comfortable to touch."

Hearing Kiana's words, Bronya couldn't help but stretched out her hand and tried it.

Then, she also joined the cat petting team.

Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Hitamaru, the four girls chatted together. While chatting, I played with the white cat.

What's special is that later, there were other students who wanted to play with the white cat, but the white cat avoided them nimbly. Only the four of them don't.

It wasn't until class started that Lin Jue hurriedly stuffed the white cat into his schoolbag, and everyone returned to their seats and started reading.

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