The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 109: Hidamamaru’s Dilemma

Hearing Kiana's words, Bronya's indifferent expression changed for the first time, and she said with a puzzled tone: "How do you know?"

"Ah?" Kiana was stunned.

Lin Jue also asked curiously: "Not many people should know that Bronya is the daughter of the underworld. How did you know?"

"Ha?! Is Bronya really that?" Kiana's pupils opened slightly, "I just said it casually."


Hearing this, Lin Jue and Bronya were speechless for a while.

At this time, a soft voice came.

"Thank you for that."

Kiana looked back and her eyes widened: "Hey? Hitamaru?"

It was relatively dark before and the light in the alley was not strong. Kiana did not see the besieged girl clearly.

Only then did she realize that the girl surrounded by the group of bad boys was the transfer student who had just transferred here in the morning - Hitamamaru.

"Hitamaru, why were you targeted by those bad boys?" Lin Jue asked, "And Kiana, how could you dare to go up and fight so many people by yourself? Fortunately, that white cat killed me Brought here, Bronya happens to be here, otherwise you would be in danger."

On the ground, a snow-white white cat meowed twice.

Kiana turned her head away: "It was because the situation was urgent and I didn't think much about it. By the way, Hitamamaru, why were you targeted by those bad guys?"

Hitamaru hesitated: "Uh"

"Speak out, maybe we can help you." Kiana saw that Hitamaru was a little shaken and said again.

Just when Hitamaru was confused, another cold voice helped her make a decision.

"It's better not to embarrass her."

Bronya said to the two of them: "Her living conditions are not good. As far as I know, she hasn't even had lunch yet. If you want to help her, you can help her solve this problem first."

"I'm leaving first, I still have things to deal with." Bronya waved her head and then left without looking back.

After Bronya left, Hitamaru asked curiously: "Well, what does Bronya do?"

Lin Jue coughed twice: "Ahem, you'd better not know this. Anyway, she has a great identity and background. I only found out after saving her once."

"Hey, Lin Jue, is there such a thing?" Kiana put her hand on Lin Jue's shoulder, with an expression on her face that said, "There is something to eat."

Lin Jue stepped aside and pulled Kiana's hand away: "Let's take Hidamamaru to eat first. I heard from Bronya that you didn't eat lunch, so why not come home with me for dinner."

"What, Lin Jue?! You want to betray Mei Yi!" Kiana shouted.

Lin Jue and Kiana are neighbors. Unlike Mei Yi, Lin Jue is opposite Kiana, while Mei Yi is next to Kiana.

The three families also have a very good relationship with each other. The three of them have been visiting each other since childhood and have a very good relationship.

Ya Yi's mother also told Lin Jue that she would marry Ya Yi to Lin Jue when they grow up.

However, Lin Jue only regarded this sentence as a joke and did not take it seriously.

But Kiana heard about this somewhere and always liked to use this sentence to make fun of Mei Yi and Lin Jue.

"Follow me wherever you go." Lin Jue had a dark look on his face.

Kiana pulled Hitamaru over: "No, a girl is going back to eat with you. What do you want to do?"

"Ah," Lin Jue was speechless for a moment, "It's true that I didn't think carefully, so let her go to your house to eat?"

Hitamaru hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, I'm actually not hungry!"

Before Hitamaru finished speaking, he was suddenly pulled away by Kiana.

"Oh, let's go, let's go. I'm hungry too. I've just arrived at my house in time. Hurry, hurry up."

Kiana pulled Hitamaru and ran away, disappearing in an instant.

Lin Jue sighed: "Kiana is still so arrogant."

It was indeed getting late, and Lin Jue was ready to go back.

However, when he arrived at the door of his house, Lin Jue realized that he had brought a "person" back with him.

"You little kitten, when did you follow me?"

The cat with purple pupils walked to Lin Jue's feet, and Lin Jue couldn't help but bend down and touch the cat's fur.

Yeah, very smooth.


The cat meowed, pointed at its belly, and then looked at Wuming pitifully.

"You haven't eaten yet?" Lin Jue asked.

The white cat nodded.

"Okay, for the sake of your cuteness, let's come in together."

Lin Jue caught the cat in his hand, then took out the key and opened the door.

"Hmm, Hitamaru?"

Theresa was sorting through student information and suddenly found an explanation highlighted in red.

She frowned and carefully read the part circled in red letters.

"Huh, ridiculous." Theresa snorted, tore up the piece of paper and threw it into the trash can.

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