The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 107 The Beginning of the Illusion

"Ding-dong-dong, ding-dong-dong."

The crisp bell rang, and the students of Class 2 (3) of St. Freya High School began their morning reading.

The sound of reading woke up the morning, bringing the youthful vigor.

Of course, there were some people who didn't fit in.

For example, in the second to last row of the classroom, a girl put her book on her knees and lowered her head.

It seemed that she was reading, but in fact, the girl's eyes were quietly closed.

She was secretly sleeping.

Theresa, who was patrolling by, saw through Kiana's disguise at a glance and walked over, shaking her head.

Noticing Theresa coming over, Kiana's deskmate, a girl with long black hair, bumped Kiana with her elbow.

Kiana was suddenly bumped, and raised her head in a daze: "Who, who bumped into me? Didn't you see I was sleeping?"

Kiana and Theresa's scrutinizing eyes met.

Ding! Congratulations to Kiana for receiving Theresa's death stare.

"Alas." With a sigh, Theresa said helplessly to Kiana, "Kiana, don't sleep. The final exam is coming soon. If you don't study, you will always be the last one."

Kiana immediately promised: "Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely not sleep."

Theresa nodded and left the classroom.

Seeing Theresa leave, Kiana looked around and stretched her body after confirming that there was no teacher.

"Wow, I'm so sleepy. I want to sleep for a while."

The black-haired woman next to Kiana also looked around and confirmed that there was no teacher. She whispered to Kiana: "Kiana, you really can't sleep anymore. If you are the last one in the exam again, Teacher Theresa will definitely not let you go."

"I know, I know. After all, not everyone is a good student like Mei who is the first in the whole grade. Well, I also want to have a brain as useful as Mei."

Kiana also sighed. It's not that she doesn't want to study well, but she is really not good at studying.

"Kiana is also very smart, you have to believe in yourself." Mei encouraged, "Try to memorize the "On the Qin Dynasty" that the teacher just taught yesterday."

"Okay." Kiana replied reluctantly, put the Chinese textbook on her knees on the table, and turned to the page of "On the Qin Dynasty".

As soon as she turned to it, Kiana saw the length of this article.

"Mei, do I have to memorize the whole article?" Kiana asked Mei in an unbelievable tone.

"Uh" Mei hesitated for a moment, thinking about the wording, "Kiana, just memorize the third paragraph."

"That's a lot--" Kiana howled, "Forget it, forget it, I'll give it a try."

Kiana took a deep breath and started reading as if facing a great enemy.

The time of the morning reading class was short, and soon the bell rang.

"Hey, Kiana actually started studying?" Lin Jue, who went to the back row to get water, found Kiana who was still reciting "Are you a prodigal son?" "What do you care!" Kiana glared at Lin Jue fiercely. Lin Jue shrugged and said to Meiyi: "By the way, Meiyi, your mother asked me to tell you that she has something to do tonight, so you have to eat outside." "Oh, I see." Meiyi responded gently, and then she asked Kiana, "How is it? Have you memorized it?" "I forget the hard-remembered ones without reciting the ones behind." Kiana drooped her little head and lay on the table with grievance. "I also went through this, Kiana, just keep insisting, you will definitely be able to do it." Meiyi put her hand on Kiana's head lovingly and gently rubbed it. "Liar, I saw Meiyi recite it quickly every time." Kiana muttered softly. "Hey, I heard that there's a new transfer student in our class?"

After filling the water, Lin Jue passed by the two on his way back. He suddenly remembered something and asked them, "Do you know about this?"

Mei and Kiana shook their heads together.

Lin Jue saw the two people's synchronized movements, and his mouth twitched.

"Ahem." A crisp girl's voice sounded behind everyone, "The class has already started, why don't you go back to your seat?"

Theresa stood at the door, and she said unhappily to Lin Jue who was blocking her way. Behind Theresa, there was a little girl following.

"Oh oh oh"

Lin Jue hurriedly slipped back. Kiana and Mei also sat upright.

"Hey, where did the kitten come from?"

Theresa walked up to the podium and found that a cat had been lying on the podium table at some point.

The cat was snow-white, with a pair of big purple eyes, a small body, and a cute appearance. It lay on the podium table, looking lazy.

"Meow." The cat found Theresa walking up to the podium and called out, then it stood up and waved at Theresa, as if to say hello to her.

Seeing the kitten's actions, the students under the podium couldn't help but smile.

Theresa couldn't help but smile and said: "Sorry, kitten, I don't understand your cat language, but we are going to class, can you please leave first?"


After the kitten called out, it jumped off the podium flexibly, then ran out of the front door, and disappeared in a moment.

After the kitten left, the class returned to its original order. Theresa patted the table to attract the attention of all the students: "Before the formal class, let me introduce you first."

Theresa stepped aside and revealed the little girl standing next to her: "Our sophomore (3) class has welcomed a new member, everyone welcomes it with applause!"

"Wow!" The students clapped and looked at the little girl curiously.

She has red twin tails, light blue eyes and a pure face, giving her a playful sense of the girl next door. The girl's figure is perfectly presented in a white-red dress, and her slender white legs are paired with red boots, which fully shows the girl's beautiful posture.

She seemed a little frightened by everyone's gaze and took half a step back involuntarily.

"Ahem, don't look at others so deliberately, especially some male students. After seeing a beautiful female classmate in the class, their eyes almost bulged out."

After Theresa finished speaking, there were a few laughs from the students.

"Her name is Hitamaru, and she is relatively shy. She will spend the rest of her high school career with us. Everyone should get along well and take care of her. Did you hear that?" Theresa said simply After introducing Hitamamaru, he said to everyone.

"I heard it." Everyone responded together.

"Okay, come on, Hitamaru." Theresa looked around, "You can sit next to Bronya-san first, that's the seat."

In fact, Theresa didn't need to point it out, there was only one vacant seat left in the class.

Hitamaru walked to the seat with small steps, put down his schoolbag and sat down.

Seeing Hitamaru sitting down, Teresa opened the book in her hand, and then said to the students in the audience: "Okay, let's start class now, turn the book to page 92, and let's learn a new article "

After Hitamaru opened the book, he found that his deskmate was indifferent and couldn't help asking, "Well, aren't you going to open the textbook?"

Bronya heard a weak voice from the side and glanced at Hitamaru with an indifferent gaze, "You don't need to worry about it."

"Ah, okay, okay." Hitamaru was frightened by Bronya's eyes and lowered his head.

Bronya didn't pay attention to Hitamaru's actions, she was lying on the chair.

"Hitamaru? If I remember correctly, isn't she the one with the terrible legend?"

Bronya was recalling all kinds of information about Hitamamaru in her mind—news that were more like rumors than legends.

"Forget it, what does it have to do with me. I don't believe in that stuff."

Bronya shook her head, opened the textbook, and started studying at Theresa's pace.

But she didn't notice that on the windowsill nearby, a kitten was secretly staring at them through the curtains.

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