The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 106 Take the initiative to enter the illusion!

"The sun is falling!"

Lin Jue, who had just arrived, threw the Lingxi Knife out, then instantly jumped into the sky to catch the Lingxi Knife, and swung a ten-meter-long sword energy towards Fei Yuwan.

The sword energy was round, and the street where it passed was ignited with hot flames, hitting like a sun.

Hiyokumaru interrupted Akane Sakura's spellcasting and ducked backward to avoid Lin Jue's attack.

Lin Jue refused to give in and continued to attack.

The concentration of Honkai energy at the highest level of the castle tower was extremely high, just like a power bank, allowing Lin Jue to squander it as much as he wanted.

Hijamaru had just fused with this doll's body, and was still not used to it. His condition was extremely poor. Although he had the demon sword Chiran Sakura, he was constantly pestered by Lin Jue and couldn't find a chance to fight back.

Facing Lin Jue's continuous fierce attacks, Feiyuwan accidentally exposed his flaw. Lin Jue did not miss this opportunity. The Lingxi knife in his hand was shining brightly and slashed directly towards Feiyuwan's middle.

Seeing this, Hitamaru had no choice but to place Akane Sakura across his chest to resist the blow.

He felt Lin Jue's undisguised murderous intent and the bursts of heat on the Lingxi knife. Hitamaru shouted loudly: "Lin Jue! If you kill me! Then all the people lying on the ground will die with me! They have been caught in my illusion, and I control their souls. If you insist If you don’t give in, I don’t mind if the fish is killed or the net is broken!”

When Lin Jue heard this, the strength in his hand became smaller unconsciously. .

Taking this opportunity, Hijamaru swung the long sword forward fiercely. After repelling Lin Jue, he immediately pulled away.

"Damn it, damn humans." Hijamaru cursed.

In Hiegomaru's body, the consciousness of "Hitamaru" is still resisting the suppression of "Hitamaru".

After Hidamamaru once again suppressed the conscious counterattack of "Hitamaru", he poured power into Akazome Sakura.

Akazome Sakura once again emits blood-red light.

His thinking suddenly slowed down, and a feeling of drowsiness came over him. Lin Jue bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, letting the severe pain keep him temporarily awake.

"Is it the power of this knife?" Lin Jue felt the source of the power, "We can't let him continue like this."

At this moment, a sudden cat meow sounded.

Wuming jumped into the air, and several rays of golden light flew into the sky with Wuming's figure, turning into countless iron thorns. Wuming waved his claws towards Fei Jia Maru, and countless iron thorns rushed towards Fei Jia Maru.

"Where did the kitten come from?" Hijamaru looked at Wuming in surprise, and had to interrupt the spellcasting to block the attack from Wuming, "Why didn't I feel any aura about it before?"

Neither Lin Jue nor Hei Yu Wan expected this sudden change.

"Wu Ming did a great job!" Lin Jue did not miss this rare opportunity.

Lin Jue's momentum was at full swing, and he used all his strength to channel all the Honkai energy around him into the Lingxi Blade.

Like an endless black hole, Honkai energy rushed into the Lingxi Knife like a cyclone. Lin Jue gritted his teeth and tightly controlled this majestic power.

"The stars are falling, the sky is falling!"

Hijamaru's eyes widened: "This is this?"

A beam of starlight as powerful as a rainbow transformed into a sword with a length of a hundred feet, slashing at Hitama Maru from top to bottom.

In the closed space, a brilliant starry sky appeared, with dazzling galaxies rippling in it.

The galaxy, accompanied by the knife turned into starlight, rushed towards Hitama Maru below.

With a ferocious look on his face, Hiegomaru focused all his power on Akazome Sakura, and then he faced this gorgeous and powerful force.

A brilliant light flashed across the entire world, followed by a huge roar.

The castle tower, which had been unshakable until now, was finally violently shaken by such a violent force.

Half of the surrounding walls were flattened by the aftermath.

After everything calmed down, Lin Jue was so exhausted that he couldn't even hold the knife steady. He half-knelt on the ground, gasping for air.

On the other side, Hitamaru in the doll form was almost beyond recognition, except for the Akane Sakura in his hand.

Lin Jueqiang held on to prevent himself from falling, and slowly came to Feiyumaru, followed by Wuming.

After arriving at Feiyu Wan, Lin Jue raised the Lingxi Knife.

"Hehehehe" Hiyokumaru laughed suddenly, "Lin Jue, have you forgotten? If I die, those people you care about will also die with me."

"They entered the illusion caused by the corrosive power and the power of the demon sword Akane Sakura. No one but me can bring them out."

"Besides, if you kill me, Hitamaru will die too."

With a "swaying" sound, the Lingxi knife in Lin Jue's hand fell to the ground.

"Hahahahahaha, have you finally figured it out and not kill me?" Hijamaru showed his signature smile.

But the next moment, its smile solidified.

Lin Jue directly grabbed Chi Ranying with both hands.

A crazy smile appeared on his face.

"Coincidentally, I just got a treasure related to the illusion. I wonder if it can affect this knife?"

Behind Lin Jue, a scepter suddenly appeared.

The moment the scepter appeared, Hijamaru could clearly feel a flash of fear in Chiran Sakura.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Lin Jue grabbed the puppet Heijomaru, "Don't you like letting others enter the illusion? Today, I will let you experience this feeling!"

The red cherry blossoms suddenly emitted red light, shrouding Lin Jue and the flying salesman together.

"Are you crazy? You will also enter a dreamland like this?!"

At this moment, Hijamaru finally felt fear.

However, Lin Jue was indifferent: "Let's take a gamble! Let's see who passes through the illusion first in the end!"

The light of the Akazome Sakura became more and more intense, and the consciousness of Lin Jue and Hijamaru was about to be unable to resist.

At this moment, Wuming moved his scepter curiously.

"Boom boom boom!"

The scepter suddenly vibrated, and the space also vibrated.

Chiran Sakura, who was originally glowing with blood-red light, suddenly lost control.

The blood completely enveloped the entire space.

Then, everyone disappeared, including the playful Wuming.

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