"what do you mean?"

Without waiting for Duanmu Yawang to speak, Luo Jiuchen stared at the subordinate coldly, "Are you suspecting that we intentionally harmed your Sect Master?"

"Belonging, subordinate doesn't mean that."

The subordinate Nono made two voices, daring to be angry but not speaking, "It's just that, I, our Sovereign has never tried this before. The cardiac arrest was only a moment before, and it will definitely not be like this."

Luo Jiuchen still had to speak, Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand to stop him, and turned to look at the subordinate, "If I'm not mistaken, the number of times your Sect Master's heart stops beating should be every day, right?"

When he heard it, he nodded: "Yes."

"It takes longer for the heart to stop beating, right?"


The man bit his teeth and argued: "But at most a little more time in the past, it won't be as long as it is today!"

Duanmu Yawang sneered: "You mean, it's because of my medicine?"

"The subordinates dare not."

"Dare not, this will not be the final conclusion for the time being." Duanmu Yawang finished speaking lightly, before the subordinate could speak, turning to look at Zhong Qishan whose lips were blue, "Or you really want to continue arguing with me now, and Isn't it to rescue your Sect Master?"

"Sect Master... is there any rescue?"

"Why not?"

As soon as he heard that, he knelt down and said, "The subordinate is wrong, please don't worry about Miss Duanmu, save our suzerain!"

Duanmu Yawang did not answer. He reached out and pressed it at the heart of Zhong Qishan. I don't know what he felt, frowned slightly, then took off the Qiankun bag on his waist, and took out three packs of silver with different lengths from it. Needle out.

"Mr. Luo, I need three pots."

"no problem."

Luo Jiuchen responded and immediately went out to get the basin.

Duanmu Yawang took out the silver needle, and continuously took out various potions from Qiankun's bag.

While she was doing this, Zhong Qishan's subordinates stared at one side, without blinking their eyes, Duanmu Ya looked like a smile, "Why stare so tightly, afraid that I will kill your Sect Master on the spot?"

"No no."


Duanmu Yawang snorted and took out a long plastic tube from Qiankun's bag. She said to one of them: "Help me hold your Sect Master's jaw."

Although several people didn't know what she was going to do, they were annoyed by Duanmu Yawang just now. They were afraid that she was really angry, so they still obediently followed suit.

After the man pinched Zhong Qishan’s chin, Zhong Qishan’s mouth opened slightly, and Duanmu Yawang inserted one end of the tube in his hand into his throat, and handed the other end to Zhong Qishan’s other man, "Hold it. , Blowing into it with small mouthfuls."


The man looked at the pipe in Zhong Qishan's throat, then looked at Zhong Qishan's face, and almost wanted to vomit.

"Isn't you still concerned about your Sovereign? It's just for you to blow the tube. Is there any mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration? Why are you sick?"


The subordinate did not dare to object, held his breath, frowning and blowing into the tube like a torture.

While he was blowing, Duanmu Yawang observed the condition of Zhong Qishan's throat and chest from one side, "The breath is too big, take a little bit more, don't blow too fast, take your time."


If Zhong Qishan's body is dirty and smelly, then his body is only more smelly than outside. With every breath of that subordinate, Zhong Qishan's throat will return him a stale breath that is ten times more stinky than external pus.

He endured it a few times, but couldn't help it after all, threw the tube in his hand, covered his mouth, and vomited out nauseously!

Duanmu Ya glanced at him and looked at the other subordinate: "The next one will continue to blow."


The other subordinates who stood by and watched did not dare to defy Duanmu Yawang's words, and went over to hold the tube and blow.

Not many people can hold back such a stench. The second one blew a few mouthfuls and vomited out of the door, and he could only come up through the third person.

All of Zhong Qishan's subordinates have almost blown through that tube, and some even have a second round.

The pain of those subordinates is unspeakable, but they know that they have to do it. The temporary pain is nothing. They are even more afraid that Zhong Qishan is dead. He is dead. They will definitely not be better without the protection of the Golden Crow Zong.

After blowing like this, Mo Yue took a quarter of an hour, and Luo Jiuchen had already brought the three pots. Duanmu Yawang put the three kinds of silver needles in the pots, and then paid attention to mixing and dispensing the water to soak the silver needles.

While observing Zhong Qishan's throat and heart while soaking the silver needles, she didn't know that Zhong Qishan's Adam's apple swallowed. She said, "Okay, stop!"

Her words were simply the sound of nature to Zhong Qishan's subordinates, and several of them sat prostrably on the ground and didn't want to move.

However, they still want to know: "Miss Duanmu, the Sect Master's heart is beginning to beat?"

"When did I say his heart started beating?"


"Don't bother me."

Duanmu Yawang looked at the silver needles in the basin and saw that the three silver needles were dyed in different colors, as if to estimate something, and said impatiently.

Seeing this, Zhong Qishan's men could only obediently shut up.

Duanmu Yawang waited for a while, seeing that the colors of the three silver needles were about the same, he first fished out the shortest silver needle from the basin, and inserted it directly from the flesh into the heart of Zhong Qishan!

More than ten short silver needles were inserted around the heart.

Then, she took out the longest silver needle and inserted it directly above the skin of the heart.

This plug has more than twenty densely packed.

After inserting the two long and short silver needles, she stretched out her hand and pressed twice on Zhong Qishan's artery, and then stretched out **** to feel it in others, and then she started to take out the medium-long silver needle.

Yin Huiyin's eyes were sharp. After seeing Duanmu Yawang's fingers probe Zhongqishan, he seemed to be relieved and asked, "Xiao Yawang, the situation has improved?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "I can breathe a little bit."

After that, she started to insert that kind of medium-length silver needle.

However, she did not insert this kind of silver needle in the heart of Zhong Qishan. She gently screwed the two into Zhong Qishan's forehead, then inserted several needles in the side of her throat, and then took all the rest. Inserted into his abdomen.

As soon as these silver needles were inserted, Zhong Qishan's brows frowned, and then his face began to twitch violently.

Duanmuya saw this, and immediately took off the silver needles that were about to be inserted on his forehead and throat. As soon as he got down, Zhong Qishan's breathing began to rush, and a hoarse low throat emanated from his throat.

It sounds extremely painful.

However, he did not open his eyes.

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