Yin Huiyin looked a little exhausted from the sidelines, and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Yawang, would you like to take a break?"

Little Bailu woke up at this time, and she was accustomed to having a lazy waist and said: "Uncle Yin, don't persuade her. The owner has tried researching things without sleeping for more than ten days. This afternoon It's really nothing."

"Ten days?"

Yin Huiyin has no eyeballs in his eye sockets, otherwise the real eyeballs will fall out, "Xiao Yawang, you are going to violate the human sleep law, your body will collapse!"

"Do I know medicine or do you know medicine?"

Duanmuya glanced at him, but said with a serious face: "This is the case in special circumstances. It is not always the case. Don't worry, it's okay."

It was quite late at this time. While we were chatting, no wind came over and knocked on the door, saying: "Master Gongyu, the young master is hosting a banquet in the inner hall. Please also go over the meal with a few distinguished guests."

"OK, thanks."

Duanmu Yawang responded, and Xinyu spoke to Huo Fei with a voice transmission: "Fei Fei, help me set up a barrier."


Huo Fei understood that an enchantment was set up in the room, and outsiders were forbidden to enter casually. Moreover, even if they entered, they could only see the illusion that they did not have the appearance of various medical machinery when they first came in.

Duanmu Yawang and the others went to the inner hall. Luo Jiuchen hadn't come yet, but a lot of food came up. They sat down and drank a cup of tea before Luo Jiuchen hurried over, "Sorry, it's late."


Luo Jiuchen smiled, "Speaking of which, this matter is also related to you. Didn't you help to treat those patients who had symptoms similar to those of my father? Now that they are cured, they all come to thank you."

"Especially those patients who we forcibly want to treat with their family members. The family members are grateful. In the past few days, the family members of such patients have come to thank you."

Duanmu Yawang nodded: "It turns out that way."

Luo Jiuchen and Duanmu Yawang talked about the follow-up of those patients, and then everyone began to have a formal meal, and while eating Luo Jiuchen, they asked Duanmu Yawang about the research situation.

Duanmu Yawang shook his head, "Not so fast."

"Then take your time."

Luo Jiuchen looked at the bluish black in Duanmu Yawang's eyes, and said worriedly: "Don't be anxious, take a rest first."


we can only do this.

It's rare that everyone is here, there are many people Duan Mu Yawang and Yin Huiyin Luo Jiuchen eat, chat, and drink, the atmosphere is very pleasant.

Although Yin Huiyin wore a black cloak all the time without revealing a bit of bone, Luo Jiuchen was still very friendly to him, and the two of them had a very happy chat.

A dinner, eating and talking while drinking, actually ate for more than an hour and a half!

By the time I finished eating, it was quite late.

Duanmu Yawang and Luo Jiuchen Yin Huiyin were about to go back to the room to rest. At this time, the door of the inner hall was knocked quickly, "Young Master, Miss Duanmu!"

It was the voice of Dr. Bai.

Duanmu Yawang and Luo Jiuchen looked at each other, and Luo Jiuchen said, "Doctor Bai, come in and talk."

As soon as the words came out, the door was pushed open, and Dr. Bai walked in, and behind him followed a Zhong Qishan's subordinate. However, the subordinate did not follow into the hall, but stopped outside the courtyard. Anxiously paced.

Doctor Bai: "Young Master, Miss Duanmu, Sect Master Zhong's subordinates approached me and said that their Sect Master suddenly stopped beating and couldn't breathe. I want you to come over and take a look."

Duanmu Yawang's face remained as usual, "Zhong Qishan also said today that his heart would stop sometimes. Wasn't it okay before?" How could they be dispatched this time?

"I heard that the heartbeat stopped for only a moment in the past. This time it lasted for a long time. I almost stopped breathing several times." Physician Bai said anxiously, "I went to give him a pulse, and found that his body temperature was dropping. The pulse is almost stopped!"

"so serious?"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows.


"Let's go and take a look." She hasn't asked how Zhong Huainan was resurrected from the pass of Zhongqi Mountain. If he is dead now, it will not benefit her at all.


Therefore, Duanmu Yawang was not a few people from Luo Jiuchen Yin Huiyin, and they walked out of Luo Jiuchen's room together.

"Miss Duanmu, Young Master Luo!"

Zhong Qishan's subordinate saw them go out and knelt down at the two with a thud, and kept kowtow at them, "Please, you must save our Sect Master!"

"stand up."

Duanmu Yawang said coldly: "Lead the way."


The subordinate quickly climbed up and led the way.

Duanmu Yawang asked Xiao Bailu, Huo Fei, and Yin Huiyin to return to the room first, and then followed Luo Jiuchen with that subordinate.

When I went to the ward, there was a foul smell as soon as the door of the ward opened. Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but wrinkle his nose, and asked as he went in, "Isn't it taking a bath with the medicine?"

"not yet!"

Zhong Qishan's subordinates respectfully said: "The young master's person has just sent a potion that has been boiled. Before the master can wash it, his heart stopped beating and he couldn't move."

When he said that, seeing that Duanmu Yawang and Luo Jiuchen had both walked in, the subordinate immediately walked to the door and closed the door, lest the appearance of his Patriarch be seen.

As soon as Duanmu Yawang and Luo Jiuchen entered the room, they saw a few bewildered men around one of the beds. Duanmu Yawang walked over and saw that the cloak on Zhong Qishan had been taken off, revealing dense pustules. Disgusting face and neck arms.

The clothes on his body are also messy, probably because the heart stopped beating, and he couldn't breathe causing extreme pain and struggling to cover his chest.

"His heart stops beating, every time it is without warning or is it caused by some irritation?" Duanmu Yawang stretched out a pair of rubber gloves and put it on, while pinching one of Zhong Qishan's arm, while resting on his throat Mouth check.

"No warning." One of the men hurriedly returned.

"What did he do before the heart stopped beating?"

"A little over an hour and a half ago, the person from the young master sent you the medicine you prescribed to the master, the kind of medicine that can relieve pain after drinking. After drinking, the master relaxed a lot and slept for more than an hour."

The subordinate replied carefully: "Sect Master hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time, just..."

Speaking of this, he began to hesitate, watching Duanmu Ya hopefully hesitate to speak.

Seeing that he seemed to mean something, Luo Jiuchen said coldly, "What is it?"

"It was when I was sleeping most comfortably, the Sect Master suddenly yelled, saying that my heart hurts and stopped beating. After yelling twice, I couldn't scream anymore." The pale subordinate said in a small whisper: "So, will it not happen? Will it be a sequelae of the medicine?"

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