Originally Duanmu Yawang should have told Luo Jiuchen about her discovery as soon as she came over, but when the two masters happened, she suddenly forgot.

After talking to Luo Jiuchen, his face was solemn, "I will ask all our doctors to ask this point during the diagnosis and treatment."


After speaking, it was time for lunch, and Duanmu Yawang stayed in Luochenfang for dinner with his heart.

After eating, there were a lot fewer patients in the workshop, so she decided to go back to the inn.

Here, as soon as she stepped into the entrance of the inn, she saw three familiar figures sitting at one of the tables in the lobby of the inn. Her eyes were the same: "Mr. Mu, brother Mu Feng, are you back?"

Hearing the sound, the three looked back.

Mu Qingchen nodded faintly, Lan Chengche gave a hum, and Mu Feng yawned on his cheeks, and said listlessly, "Xiao Yawang, are you back from Luochenfang?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded and sat down at the table, "When did you come back?"

"Just came back, you came back as soon as you ordered a good meal."

When Mu Feng said, Lan Chengche poured a cup of tea for Duanmu Yawang. Duanmu Yawang smiled and thanked him, and looked at Mu Qingchen: "Mr. Mu, you didn't come back last night and heard that something happened. Can you solve it?"

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingchen shook his head, "Several things have been dumped in the pavilion. The opponent's strength is too strong, and the people in the pavilion simply can't stop him, and he hasn't even seen the opponent's face."

Things in Lingyue Pavilion were stolen?

Duanmu Ya looked at her, her face suddenly became serious: "How about the loss?"

Lingyue Pavilion is no longer unfamiliar to her. Even the smallest sweeper in it is a good person, and there are enchantments in the heavy ground. In such a situation, someone can go in and steal things?

And no one has seen him yet?

Mu Feng pulled the corner of his mouth and looked at Duanmu Yawang deeply: "The things that can be in the enchantment are naturally not available for purchase. Moreover, in a certain sense, it is no longer a question of whether the things are expensive or not."

Duanmuya understood it.

Lingyue Pavilion was the base of Mu Feng and Mu Qingchen. The heavy ground in their territory was openly invaded, which was a provocation to them!

Mu Feng knew at a glance that Duanmu Yawang understood her, her voice was rare and cold: "Xiao Yawang, this is the first time in so many years."

Duanmu Yawang felt that the recent events were too dense. "There should be very few people who know you are here. Who notified you? People in the pavilion?"


Mu Feng shook his head, "All the barriers in the pavilion were built by me and Qingchen. The barrier invasion was felt by ourselves, but when we went back, it was too late, and the people in the pavilion felt a little bit. nothing."

After Mu Feng finished speaking, he sighed, "Actually, we blame ourselves for being lazy. This enchantment is many years ago. I have rarely come here in these years, and I have never thought of re-strengthening the enchantment. Take advantage of the loopholes."

Duan Muya looked and listened, her eyes turned, and she remembered what happened in Luochenfang today. She always felt that it was a bit too coincidental and couldn't help but tell them.

The three of them were silent.

Mu Feng's peach blossom eyes narrowed: "Could it be that the two things are related, we have been in the plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain?"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Lan Chengche said: "Who in this world knows us like this? Just take this opportunity to transfer us?"

"No, I don't believe it is a coincidence."

Mu Feng said with certainty, "I have been walking away with Qingchen for so many years, and Lingyue Pavilion has been somewhat squeezed. After the smashing of the spirit, I think we look powerful and mysterious to ordinary people. I watched it."

Duanmu Yawang's face was solemn: "Are there any suspects?"

"No, if I were there, I wouldn't look like this." Mu Feng said, yawning in embarrassment, "It was already too late when we went back, and the other party's breath disappeared."

After speaking, he saw Duanmu Yawang's solemn expression, couldn't help but smile, and patted her on the shoulder, "Xiao Yawang, don't show this look, it will look like we are particularly useless."

Duanmuya frowned, and Mu Feng hurriedly raised her hand: "Just kidding, even if the word "worry" suits me, it doesn't suit you, Mr. Mu!"

Duanmu Yawang curled her lips, "That's right, I won't refute you, but don't bring us Mr. Mu."

When Mu Feng heard this, he immediately protested: "Xiao Yawang, you are all friends. Isn't it right for you to favor one another than the other?"

"My pleasure!"

After the two had a fight, Ye Zi and the others brought the food, and the others were eating and chatting. Suddenly, Mu Qingchen asked: "You just mentioned the construction of the barrier, why didn't you find Gong Yulan to stop? Is he not here today?"


Duanmu Yawang was full at Luochenfang just now, but the dishes on the table were good. She couldn't help but took the chopsticks and started eating. Hearing Mu Qingchen mentioned this, she curled her eyebrows and said, "It was really strange yesterday. , Even he hasn't come back, he hasn't come back today either."

She was a little worried in her heart, originally thinking that after returning to the inn room, she called Gong Yulan back with the bones in her ears.

In this way, if Gong Yulan stopped coming back, it would be fine. If she told him that he would not come back, then it is estimated that something really happened.

Mu Qingchen's brows moved, "Don't worry, I will help you find it after eating."

Duanmu Ya looked for a moment and blinked: "Looking for?"

The world is so big, how to find it?

Besides, Gong Yulan has never walked without a trace.

Mu Feng put a piece of meat into her bowl, "Xiao Yawang, you can eat well, since he says he can find it for you, you can trust him."


Duanmu Yawang stopped asking.

No matter how sluggish she was, she understood that Mu Feng meant that she should not ask.

After eating, Duanmu Ya hoped that they would go back to their rooms. Mu Qingchen Mu Fenglan Chengche and the three people said that they had not slept since last night. The three of them worked together to rebuild the enchantment together for almost five or six hours.

It's hard to hold it up.

Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu returned to their room. After locking the door, she was about to take out the bone in her ear called Gong Yulanzhi. At this time, Lan Linger fluttered her wings and said with joy: "Master, you are back!" "


Duanmu Yawang suddenly forgot about them. She looked at the side of Lan Ling'er, and then scanned the room again, but did not find Ziyuan's figure, "Where is Ziyuan?"

"I do not know!"

Lan Ling'er opened her beautiful eyes and shook her head somewhat innocently, "After I woke up, I was the only one left in the room."

Duanmuya looked at its pitiful appearance, reached out and rubbed its head: "Is there something you want to eat?"

Lan Ling'er's head shook, and he added, "I want to drink Xianlu."


Last time Gong Yulan put several bottles in her medical system, and he still gave it to drink.

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