Naturally, Duanmu Yawang could not scare the patient, so he smiled and soothed: "Please don’t think too much, don’t you have a cold and fever for a long time, don’t you have a cold and fever for a long time, maybe there will be problems with your body consumption if you continue to live here, let us give you at any time. Observe, okay?"

"Yes, the doctor is right."

The continuous colds and fevers these days are so uncomfortable and terrible, he almost suspected that he was going to be burned to death several times!

"Well, you go home and report to your family. Come here. We will cook the medicine for you."


The patient responded and left.

"Egret, show me the written medicine list and medical condition list."


Egret handed Duanmu Yawang. Duanmu Yawang glanced at the patient's medical condition sheet. After seeing that she had also noted the patient's heart, she was very satisfied. He glanced at the medicine sheet again and pondered: "Add two more medicines."

Egret picked up the pen, "You said."

"Jingling grass, solid alchemy flower."

"Ah, these two kinds." Egret was a little surprised when he heard it. "Both of them are deodorant. Jingling grass purifies and washes. Gudan Huayetong spends the night, but it has an extra layer of consolidation for the heart and guts."

In fact, Duanmu Yawang’s entire set of prescriptions is different from all the doctors in the drugstore, including the prescriptions prescribed by the young master for the patients, and they are very different.

With so many medicinal materials and rich levels, with his current ability, it is even difficult for him to analyze the true efficacy of this medicine list.

However, if the patient has a cold and fever, it should be the medicine list for the treatment of cold and fever.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Yes, these two herbs are actually not common. You actually know the effects."

"Actually, I just read a book these two days." Bailu was a little shy by praise, scratching his head and said: "What you said that day, we couldn't help looking for more medicine books to make up for evil, and found that reading more books is really useful. It's huge."

"It's natural."

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he felt that he could not waste time, and said: "The next patient, please..."

She didn’t finish her words. The purple-eyed patient who had been taught by her sat on the patient’s table and chair opposite her. Fight? But I don’t have time to care about you now, so I don’t want to die and leave."

"Who wants to fight with you!"

The patient's face was a little red, and he hummed, "I'm sitting here, so naturally I'm here to see the doctor!"

Duanmu Yawang stared at him silently.

"What to look at!"

The patient became a little embarrassed and turned into anger, "You Luochenfang is open, isn't it just for the patient to see a doctor, I am a patient coming to see a doctor now, do you have this attitude?"

Duanmu Yawang continued to stare at him for two seconds, then faintly said: "Put out your hand."

"No need." The patient turned his face to the other side, not looking at Duanmu Yawang, and muttered: "My condition is the same as the last patient. In addition to a cold and a fever, there was also heart pain and even unable to breathe. "

Duanmu Yawang's face condensed, but still said: "Put out your hand, I will see the specific situation."

The patient was awkward twice, and stretched out his hand to Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang pressed two fingertips on the patient's wrist, and the patient looked at her two fingers, only to feel that they were slender and white, as if they were white and beautiful.

It looks better than a woman's hand!

This person is really weird. A blue-eyed person is better than a purple-eyed person, and he looks very delicate, and his face and fingers are even better than women.

Duanmu Yawang naturally didn't know his muttering. After reading the patient's condition, her brows were solemn, and she said to Egret: "Add two more medicines to the patient just now."

Egret: "Okay, you say."

"Lingxiong grass, Sha Mugen."

Egret listened, and only wrote a white character, so he paused, "Master Gongyu, which Xiong from Lingxiong Grass?"

He had never heard of these two herbs!

"Let me do it."

Duanmu Yawang took the pen in Egret's hand, swiped it neatly, and also wrote Sha Mugen. Egret took a look and felt a little ashamed.

As soon as Gongyu's words came out, his words seemed a little unreadable.

"You live here too." Duanmu Yawang handed the pen back to the egret, and said to the patient with purple eyes.

The patient nodded, and Duanmu Yawang waved his hand: "You go back with your family first..."

"Need not!"

The patient interrupted Duanmu Yawang's words irritably. After speaking, he might feel that he was too irritable. He took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions and said, "I can do it myself."

Duanmu Ya looked at it and couldn't help but glance at him more.

Is this person not here or is there no one at home?

Of course, she is not easy to ask these words. She nodded and said, "It's okay, but we have a lot of patients and it is impossible to arrange it for you right away. You can find a second one by yourself and arrange it for you at noon. At the same time, the medicine will also take care of you. You cook well."


The patient responded, glanced at Duanmu Yawang, and asked what he wanted to say, but in the end he didn't say anything and turned his head and left.

Egret smiled and said, "Master Gongyu, I guess he was shocked by you. He wants to apologize, but he can't hold back his face. It's quite interesting."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, raised her head and shouted, "Please come in for the next patient."

The next patient, the blue-eyed person, also went for a follow-up visit, but the other party did not have a heart problem. Duanmu Yawang asked Egret to give him an order and asked him to take the medicine and go back to fry and it was over.

The following patients never experienced heart pain again. Duanmu Yawang occasionally modified two or three kinds of medicinal materials according to the patient's condition, and all of them let the patient take the medicine and go home.

Following this rhythm, Duanmu Yawang sees the patient very quickly.

She was busy for more than an hour.

When she was finished, it was noon. Seeing that the last patient here was also dealt with, Luo Jiuchen also came in. Seeing a stack of lists next to her, he said: "Deyin, it seems that you watched it all morning. Many patients!"


Duanmu Yawang stood up and stretched, "I haven't seen such a large number of patients for a long time. It is really not easy to find, but the most tiring is probably the Egret, and my hands are almost broken."

"No, no." Egret said, and smiled again: "However, you see a doctor really fast. I have never written so many things in a morning. I can learn a lot by recording with you."

Luo Jiuchen patted the egret on the shoulder and took a chapter of the medicine list at random.

At this time, his expression became serious, and he analyzed the medicine list seriously, "Deyin, this..."

This list is extremely complicated, and the most important thing is that it is not a simple cure for colds and fever at all!

Duanmuya looked at him deeply and said, "Mr. Luo, don't worry, I'll explain to you later."


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