
The audience was silent for a while, and Duanmu Yawang burst into laughter, "Hahahaha..."

Six-year-old is said to be two-year-old, Xiao Bailu can't be happy.

However, some people praised him for being cute, and he was beautiful in his heart. The **** pouted and raised the toes and pulled the sleeves of the head of Lin: "Grandpa, when you were two years old, did you giants be the same as me?"


The more Lin’s family looked at Xiao Bailu, the more adorable he became. He glanced at his blushing son and said with a smile: "Yes, but Suier didn’t like to eat when he was a child. He was thin, not as soft as you. cute."


Does this indirectly mean that he is fat?

At first, the little white deer, who thought he was the most adorable in the world, couldn't help but began to doubt.

"Father, don't tell others about the things I used to." Lin Sui couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he heard his father's remarks.

"Okay, well, let's not say." Lin Dangjia was happy, seeing Xiao Bailu still pulling his sleeves on his toes, his heart softened, he squatted down and hugged him. Very tired, grandpa will hold you and go."

? ?

The surprise came too suddenly!

He was originally afraid of being tired, but he didn't need to walk anymore!

Little Bailu blinked his eyes twice, a little dumbfounded.

Duanmu Yawang didn't expect Lin Dang's family to like children so much, but he was not surprised when he thought that he loved his son very much.

She glared at Xiao Bailu and said to Lin Dang's family: "Lin Dang's family, he likes to be lazy, so he should exercise well..."

"But it's too small."

Before Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, Lin Dangjia moved Xiao Bailu onto his shoulders to let him sit firmly, and said: "His weight is the same for me anyway, and it saves children. exhausted."

Duanmu Yawang: "...Thank you Lin Master."

Little Bailu said sweetly, "Thank you, Grandpa!"


Lin Dangjia responded to Xiao Bailu with a smile, and said: "I have a hard shoulder, and I'm tired of sitting and tell me."

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

She thanked her, Master Lin had no response at all, Xiao Bailu thanked her, and all the folds on her face appeared...

The little white deer has been taken care of, and Ye Nongying will also be mentioned.

Duanmu Yawang thought so, coughed slightly, and said embarrassedly: "Master Lin, can you let your people help me lift up the shadow? You are giants. If you walk normally, we can't keep up with you. "


Lin Dang’s family is not a person who sees other people’s troubles, he nodded and asked the four guards to raise the bed. Seeing Ye Nongying's face was a little pale, he couldn’t help asking, “She’s injured. ?"


Everyone continued to set off. Lin Sui was very curious about how she escaped from Fu Yuan after entering the Black Forest, and couldn't help asking her.

After asking, I felt a little abrupt, and said: "Of course, if Miss Duanmu doesn't want to say it, you don't have to force it."

"Since we have reached a cooperation, there is nothing we can't say."

Duanmu Yawang knew that Lin Sui actually wanted to test her, and wanted to use her experience and ability to do things to evaluate her strength and wisdom, and perhaps her personality.

Duanmu Yawang didn't hide anything, she simply said everything she could.

When the Lin family heard this, they were taken aback: "So you have gone so far, and have you met Gayo?"

Duanmu Yawang gave a faint hum.

"It's amazing." Lin Sui seemed a little embarrassed: "On the way, I was also observing the formations, and I took them forward, but the speed is too slow. You say I am smart, Miss Duanmu. It's so polite."

Therefore, Lin Sui was very puzzled: "Why did you invite me to go with you?"

"You should know the endless city very well. I can say that I don't know anything about the endless city. I need your information about the endless city." Duanmu Yawang said very honestly: "Of course, no one knows the endless city. I will invite you to go with you. Wisdom and character are indispensable."

The two talked about Lin Master in the endless city, but she was a little bit responsive, but when she mentioned character, Lin Master's expression suddenly eased a lot.

Little Bailu could feel the tightness of Lin Dang's body for a moment, and quickly relaxed. He had a guess, and said with a puffed cheek, "That's right, the old man next to Fu Yuan just said it. Know the endless city, but my lord...my sister would not care about him, because he is a bad old man!"

Master Lin immediately calmed him with a loving look: "Just ignore that kind of bad old man. Grandpa will give you delicious food."

When I said that, I juggled out two candies from his waist, "Candy, it's very sweet, eat it."

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

As for being so spoiled?

"Wow! What a big candy." The little Bailu, who had hardly eaten anything good when he came to Baizhou, immediately flashed a golden light, and immediately reached out to take it.

A candy is as big as an egg, Xiao Bailu holds one in one hand, and his small hand is full.

Master Lin looked at it, but found it very cute, smiled cheerfully, took one from his hand, and said, "After eating one, I will give it to you." After that, he peeled the candy paper for him.

Duanmu Yawang didn't look at it, her face turned aside.

Little Bailu held a piece of candy and gnawed sweetly.

While nibbling, he complained to Lin Dang's squishyly: "Grandpa, let me tell you, I haven't had a candy for a long time, and my sister has never bought me candy."

Master Lin smiled and said, "It's okay. After you go out of the forest, Grandpa will buy you more. You can put it in your pocket and eat it."

"Your father did the same to you when he was young?"

Lin Dang's family was obviously attracted by the little white deer, and walked to the front, Duan Mu Yawang watched from behind and the two asked Lin Sui quietly.

Lin Sui said with a complicated expression: "When I have time, it is true."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, saying that Master Lin is indeed a good father.

Duanmu Yawang asked him: "This time you came into the Black Forest, did you mention it by your father?"

Lin Sui glanced at her unexpectedly and sighed, "...I."

After speaking, she asked her again: "How do you see it?"

Duanmu Yawang still had those two words: "Observe."

Lin Sui looked at her, obviously curious how she observed it.

Duanmu Ya looked at him: "Didn't I say that you are very curious about things, you are curious about the endless city far away in Hongzhou, and it is impossible not to be curious about the Black Forest."

"Yes." Lin Sui nodded, "My father received the invitation. He really just wanted to attend the banquet. He just wanted to know some people to do things well, but he never agreed with dangerous things, so the people who went to the banquet at the beginning did not many.

Originally, I would not go to the banquet. Only if I wanted to come to the Black Forest, I would come to Fengyue City with my father. I also know that when I come to Fengyue City, Qin Fengyue will definitely invite me to the Black Forest. My father also asked Qin Fengyue because of his intention to expand Linjiabao. After Qin Fengyue invited me, he hesitated and agreed. I just didn't expect..."

"I just didn't expect people and things to become so complicated after entering the Black Forest?"


Lin Sui nodded: "If there is only Qin Fengyue, I would still be willing to endure some of his orders, but those nobles I can't bear, because of their interference, and Qin Fengyue's compromise with them, my opinions will not be respected, otherwise. I won’t be in this place for so many days."

"I also think it's weird. With your ability, you won't be in this place."

Lin Sui smiled bitterly without answering.

Duanmu Yawang also has her own curiosity, "But I don't understand, if I want to enter the Black Forest so much, why do I give up so quickly and want to go out?"

"Because going on like this will only waste time." Lin Suileng said coldly: "Besides, the more you go forward, the greater the danger. Especially after hearing you talk about Fu Yuan and Gayou uniting, the more I am glad I decided. We have to be in time, otherwise the three parties will conflict and we will become cannon fodder."

Duanmu Yawang agreed: "Yes, you are very considerate."

Lin Sui narrowed his eyes, turned his head and looked back, and said with a firm tone: "But I will try to break through the Black Forest again."

"What a break!"

Master Lin, who had been chatting with Xiao Bailu before, heard it, and turned his head back annoyed: "This time, you are not allowed to come in again! If you want to come in, you have to pass through Fengyue City. You think Qin Fengyue will allow you to enter after this time. Fengyue City?"

Lin Sui touched the tip of his nose, lowered his head and dared not refute.

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