Master Lin asked to refute, but Lin Sui nodded, "I am interested in the endless city, but how do you know?"

"By observing, guessing."

Can you know by observing?

Lin Sui narrowed his eyes, "How long have you been observing me?"

"Don't be nervous." Duanmu Yawang smiled: "It starts when you discover our wheels and footprints."


Lin Sui was silent, and raised his eyebrows after a moment: "It's just such a short time, you just say you admire me, and you guessed my interest?"

"In fact, it’s not hard to guess that young people have curiosity and thirst for knowledge, especially smart and assertive young people, they will definitely have their own things in their hearts. I think the endless city is actually a seductive and adventurous existence. , I don’t believe that a smart and assertive young man like Lin Gongzi would not want to go to a magical place like the endless city."

As Master Lin listened, he pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

Duanmu Yawang's guess was right. Lin Sui is very smart, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge about everything. He has heard about the endless city since he was a child, and began to ask about the endless city. When he was eleven or twelve years old, he wanted to see it in person. I saw it, but stopped by him and his mother.

He had mentioned it over the years, but he was discouraged because of the persuasion of everyone and the painstaking dissuasion from him and his mother.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the Black Forest, someone invited him to the endless city. How could his son not be tempted?

Duanmu Yawang looked at Lin Sui and said seriously: "Young Master Lin Sui, if you also want to go to the endless city, you can make a decision now if you are interested in cooperating with me, because I still have friends and I have not come back yet. I want to go there and take it as soon as possible. Click him."

"Good." Lin Sui agreed without hesitation.

Father Lin was almost furious, "Lin Sui, do you think I don't exist? Don't you discuss such an important matter with your mother and me?"

"Father, is it useful to discuss it?" Lin Sui calmly and firmly looked at Master Lin: "You know that I have always wanted to visit the endless city, but you and mother have always disagreed before, if I never go there once in my life After living in the endless city, I am definitely unwilling to die. Father really wants me to keep one thing in my heart?"

"What are you doing, when will you not let you do it?" The Lin Master said bitterly: "But that is the endless city, so dangerous. I'm just your son. I worked so hard to raise you up, not just like that. Let you go to die!"

Lin Sui pursed her lips and said softly, "Sorry father, I have already decided."

Father Lin was so angry that his chest was constantly rising and falling. He wanted to say something, but it seemed inconvenient for outsiders to say. He turned his head and sulked.

Duanmu Yawang until the two fathers and sons had something inconvenient for outsiders to listen to, she consciously said, "Master Lin Sui, head of Lin, you should continue to set off now. I will pick up my friends and we will meet you as soon as possible."

She left for a while, so she could have a good chat with the two of them.


For the sake of safety and to have space to chat with his father, Lin Sui said to his angry father: "Father, let's talk while walking."

Master Lin snorted, but apparently he was not willing to refuse his son.

The Lin family and his son walked in front, and the nine guards followed not far behind.

Duanmu Ya looked around for a while, then returned to find Yin Huiyin.

After returning tens of meters, Yin Huiyin's figure emerged from the dark place. Obviously, he had followed that place long ago.

Duanmu Yawang asked: "How is the matter resolved?"

"A guard in a small area, although the strength is good, but it is not enough to stump me." Yin Huiyin grinned, and wondered: "Xiao Yawang, why didn't you show me just now?"

"Not just to make a shadow."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless, and with a wave of his hand, he built an enchantment and asked him to move Ye Nongying out of the medical system's bed with him.

Yin Huiyin helped move together, wondering: "Why did Miss Ye move out at this time?"

"I have reached a cooperation with Lin Sui, and he has guards by his side."

"Do you want the guards beside him to help carry Miss Ye?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Nong Ying can't stay in the medical system all the time. If we reach a cooperation with Lin Sui, Nong Ying will definitely go to the Endless City with us. If you don't find a chance to show her, then the opportunity will be difficult. found."


Duanmu Yawang asked him: "Do you want to come up with it?"

Little Bailu said: "I don't want to be in the Black Forest."

Duan Muya sighed, "If you don't come out of the Black Forest, then you won't be able to come out anymore. You have to think about it yourself."


The little white deer narrowed his mouth and finally came out.

Duanmu Yawang and Yin Huiyin pushed the iron bed and walked along, Xiao Bailu followed. Yin Huiyin suddenly thought of something and asked Duanmu Yawang with his eyes wide open: "Xiao Yawang, you just asked Baibai to choose whether or not you were ready for medical treatment. Did you tell Miss Ye about the system?"

After all, Ye Nongying knew that he was with Yin Huiyin, but he was absent moment by moment. Ye Nongying would definitely find it strange and could not explain clearly.

Duanmu Yawang: "Yes."

Little Bailu couldn't help it: "You were still enemies before, so you trusted her so soon? The medical system, or the source of Linghu, is too mysterious and secret for most people. Are you afraid of trusting the wrong person? "

"I and Nongying are too fateful, and she is not an ordinary person anymore." Duan Muya said: "I already know her very well, and I believe she will not let me down."

Little Bailu and Yin Huiyin nodded, and had no objection to her decision.

"It's not easy to push her away."

Just now Duanmu Yawang, who said that she had a life-long friendship with Ye Nongying, couldn't help complaining at this time, and said to Yin Huiyin: "Let's push it faster, keep up with them and let them help."


The two pushed people and ran.

These roads were very uneven. The two relied on their spiritual force to push at a very fast speed. Little Bailu saw Ye Nongying on the bed bumping and bumping and bouncing around on the bed, and immediately felt full of sympathy for Ye Nongying. .

He believed that Ye Nongying's bones would not be too good when she woke up.

Fortunately, they were fast enough, and after a while, Duanmu Yawang saw Lin Sui and others.

"Lin Master Lin is headed!" Duanmu Yawang began to shout loudly after a certain distance.

Lin Sui and the others heard that they had stopped, and when they turned around, they saw a child and a person wearing a black cloak who couldn't see their faces, pushing a weird little bed and running over.

After they came, they could see the person on the bed.

Lin Sui: "Miss Duanmu... do you have four?"

"Right." Duanmu Yawang nodded out of breath, and asked with a smile: "Young Master Lin mind?"

"No, it's just weird." Lin Sui said, "Beside Fu Yuan before, I only saw you and the lady on the bed, but didn't see the other two."

"We are here together, but we just came here and were seriously injured. We were attacked by Fu Yuan and Wang Lao Er on the way. They took me and Nong Ying, but did not take Xiao Yin'er and Bai Bai, so we were temporarily Separated."

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he introduced the names of Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu to them, and then explained: "They have been inquiring about our news, knowing that we are also in the Black Forest, and secretly looking for opportunities to meet us."

Lin Sui nodded: "That's it."

Master Lin talked with Lin Sui for a while, obviously not very angry.

However, when he saw Xiao Bailu, his brows were still frowned, and he said in disapproval, "Why do you take such a small child with you when you come out on an adventure?"

Duanmu Yawang secretly wondered: Does he blame her for not knowing the severity and putting the child in a dangerous situation?

"Grandpa, I'm not young!" Xiao Bailu smiled sweetly, and stretched out a few fingers crisply: "I am six years old now!"

...What cute to pretend!

Duanmu Ya looked at a bitter cold.

Duanmu Yawang was not used to it, but the little white deer was so good-looking, with red lips and white teeth and lovely snow, plus the voice of grandma, no elders could resist such a child.

That's the case with Master Lin.

He looked at Xiao Bailu’s tender little face, his facial muscles moved, and after all he couldn’t help but stretch out his hand lightly and touched his head as if he were dealing with fragile items: “Like when my Sui’er was two years old That's so cute."

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