Duanmu Yawang nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's really miserable."

How could it not be miserable, he clearly contributed the most, and has always been very serious about giving advice. It can't be said that it is not bad, but Qin Fengyue is really not so cruel to be exploited in this way.

Although Lin Sui and others were trying to catch them, Xiao Bailu couldn't help but pity them.

Duanmuya smiled, "I don't have to be a pity for him. Every adult has to be responsible for what he does. I think his father has always tried to attach himself to Qin Fengyue. His choice led to his consequences, nothing. Very poor."

Little Bailu still feels a pity: "Lin Sui is very smart."

"Since you know he is smart, what are you pity for him?"

"Huh?" Little Bailu was unsure.

Duanmu Yawang said meaningfully and authentically: "A truly smart person will find a way to find a way when encountering a desperate situation. If he still waits for his death in accordance with the rules, it can only show that this person is not a smart person."

Little Bailu frowned, feeling that her words were too profound.

"Never mind, don't understand." Duanmuya touched his head lovingly: "After all, it is difficult to understand with your IQ."


On Lin Sui's side, he listened to several guards clamoring to show loyalty to his master, and he was speechless for a moment while pursing his lips.

Master Lin was even more flustered, Nu Nu couldn't utter a word several times.

Qin Fengyue looked embarrassed: "Lin Master Lin, look at..."


Lin Sui didn't wait for Qin Fengyue to finish speaking, so he snatched it up and looked up at Qin Fengyue: "City Lord Qin, my father and I will go on two separate roads."

Master Lin was dumbfounded, and began to discourage: "Sui'er, you..."

When several nobles heard this, their faces showed complacency, and they interrupted Lin Master’s words, "Master Lin, Master Lin is well-known. At this time, City Master Qin has admired him a lot. Since both City Master Qin and Master Lin think you It can be divided into two ways. What else do you have doubts about? Do you doubt Lord Lin's wisdom or the commanding ability of City Lord Qin?"


These words were like two big hammers falling down, and Lin Dang's family couldn't hold it at all, and couldn't say a word.

Qin Fengyue walked over and patted Lin Sui's shoulder, her face solemnly and sincerely: "Lin Master Lin, you don't have to worry so much. Although we will walk separately, the distance will not be too far, and we will be able to support immediately if we give a signal. "

Lin Sui said indifferently: "City Lord Qin is right."

Qin Fengyue took a close look at his expression, but couldn't see what he was thinking, but didn't care.

He was accustomed to command, and he pointed in a direction and said: "We chase from this direction, and your father and son discuss how to assign people, and then how about setting out to chase people?"

Lin Sui said.

Qin Fengyue didn't mind his plain response. This young man had a big idea, and it was normal for him to be a little dissatisfied with this arrangement.

He didn't feel the need to reassure him at all, and he added a sentence of course: "We are going now, you also hurry up, chase as soon as possible to catch people as soon as possible, if you drag people on your side for too long, you can't catch up... …"

He didn't say what was behind, but everyone knew what it meant.

Lin Sui raised his eyes and glanced at him, "Okay."

After finally looking up at him, Qin Fengyue was very satisfied, nodded and said, "Then let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he personally led forty people and set off in one direction.

At this time, Yin Huiyin asked Duanmu Yawang: "Then are we tracking Qin Fengyue's breath or Lin Sui's breath?"

Little Bailu said for granted: "Of course it is Qin Fengyue."

"No." Duanmu Yawang held different opinions, her eyes flashed: "Lin Sui."

Little Bailu stayed for a while: "Huh?"

Yin Huiyin turned his attention back to where Lin Sui and the others were.

After Qin Fengyue and others left, there were only eleven people left.

Master Lin watched them walking away, and looked at his son helplessly, with the shame and love that his father could do nothing in his eyes: "Sui'er, you take six guards, and your father should take three."

"No, let's go together." Lin Sui didn't look at his father, staring at Qin Fengyue and the direction they were leaving, and said calmly, "Let's go home."


Master Lin was stunned, "Go back, go home?"

"Otherwise? Father, you don't understand the formation. The environment here is changeable, and you may get lost at any time. If you only have three guards and there are more evil beasts at the same time, you will not be able to fight back. It is better to go home instead of dying here. Although our Lin Jiabao is not a big one, we are well-known at any rate. Why should we look at Qin Fengyue's expression here and let him decide our life and death?"

"Son, don't be impulsive." The Lin Master was a little reluctant. "If you are afraid, we will catch up and ask City Lord Qin to ask a few people to come over. We will definitely agree with City Master Qin if we are moved!"

"Father, don't you understand? Do you still have expectations for City Lord Qin?" Lin Sui looked at his father like needles, and pierced his father's illusions one by one: "Those guards belong to him, they are just slaves. That's it, they are all only obedient to him, without his silence and instruction, how can they dare to express their opinions casually? Slaves have the right to express their opinions?"

Master Lin was silent.

"Oh!" Xiao Bailu listened, and exclaimed twice, "Lin Sui is really sober."

"This is what you see?" Duanmu Yawang looked at him lovingly with a mentally retarded gaze, "He has made a decision and knows how to find a way out, understand?"

"Ah, yes." Little Bailu didn't mind Duanmu Yawang's gaze, and patted his head: "It's really like what you said, then he is really smart."

Duanmu Yawang no longer commented on the lips.

On the other side, Master Lin seemed to be persuaded by his son, but hesitated: "Son, if we go back like this, if City Lord Qin gets angry, we will be Lin Jiabao after we go back..."

"Not afraid."

Lin Sui's eyes flickered, "His temperament and ability, I have found out these days, I know what to do with him so that he can't move our Linjiabao."

Master Lin's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Father doesn't believe me?"

"Of course I believe."

He is his smartest and most beloved son. Although he is still very young, he has made a lot of contributions to Lin Jiabao in recent years. It is their Lin Family treasure. These days they have been listening to Qin Fengyue, and they are ridiculed by the nobles everywhere. Ironically, he didn't care about it, but his son was treated this way like poking him in the heart with a knife.

Thinking like this, he stretched out his hand and rubbed the back of his son's neck, and sighed: "Karma, Lin Jiabao's growth depends on us. After all, others are unreliable. Once we rely on others, it may not be as good as now."

Lin Sui nodded: "Father's words are reasonable."

"Then go."

Father Lin looked at the direction Qin Fengyue and the others had left, and said carefully: "We have to hurry up, otherwise Qin Fengyue knows to chase them, we can't beat them."

"He was afraid of getting lost, so he didn't dare to walk casually." Although he said that, but there were so many people, Lin Sui was still a little worried, and said, "Father, let's go now."


As a result, a group of eleven people left in the same direction.

Listening to Yin Huiyin saying that they are gone, Duan Muya said: "Let's wait for Qin Fengyue and the others to go a little farther and go down after Lin Sui and the others."

"Chasing Lin Sui?"

Little Bailu was stunned: "What are you doing after them?"

"Stupid!" Duanmu Yawang knocked on their heads, "Of course there is something to talk about."

Little Bailu: "???"

What is there to talk about if you don't know each other?

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to explain to him, waited quietly for a while, feeling almost finished, and was about to go down, but Yin Huiyin held her down and said, "Wait, someone!"

Duanmu Yawang paused, and asked him, "Who?"

"Looking at Qin Fengyue's guards, there are two in total, coming from two directions." When Yin Huiyin said, she pointed in two directions.

Duanmu Ya took a look and saw that those two directions should be the directions that Lin Sui and his son wanted to search, but the two fathers and sons are now returning the same way, and they did not search in two batches each.

Duanmu Yawang thought about this, and immediately understood: "I just asked you to pay attention to Lin Sui and the others. I have no idea Qin Fengyue. Could it be that he quietly sent someone to monitor Lin's father and son in those two directions, and the guards in the two directions waited for a while. Didn't wait until someone found something was wrong and came back to check the situation?"

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