And above, Duanmu Yawang and the others listened to Yin Huiyin's retelling, and Xiao Bailu immediately "leaned on" and said to Duanmu Ya: "Master, this Lin Sui has a bit of brain, even this point!"

Duanmu Yawang kept pulling the tree. Actually, the soldiers were uncomfortable. Her hands, feet, legs, waist and limbs were all sore. She changed her posture and said, "This Lin Sui is really smart." And the sharpness was exposed, which was quite interesting.

No wonder Qin Fengyue kept asking his opinions and acted according to the opinions he provided.

"Master, there are a lot of people. If you go separately, the aura density will be low, but your acuity will definitely increase. If they really come up to look for it, you will most likely be spotted."

After all, Duanmu Yawang is in danger of being discovered at any time if he uses spiritual power abnormality during this period of time.

It is best for her not to use spiritual power.

But they are only tens of meters away from these people. If they come up and look for it, they will find it easily. If they don't want to be found immediately, they must use spiritual power.


Things have become complicated.

Before Duanmu Yawang answered, Yin Huiyin, who had been listening attentively, said: "Shhh, don't make a noise, let me listen to their next decision."


Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu stopped facing each other, waiting for Yin Huiyin to continue to describe Qin Fengyue and others' situation to them.

Yin Huiyin laughed after listening for a while: "Don't worry, they are all refuting Lin Sui's opinion, and Qin Fengyue doesn't seem to agree with it either, because their giants are too big and it is too difficult to climb trees. The easier it is to break, they are afraid of falling off."

Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but smile, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Then what are they going to do next?"

Yin Huiyin said: "I will continue to listen."

On the other hand, Lin Sui had already guessed that his suggestion could not be adopted, so he didn't bother to pay attention to how other people refuted, and he didn't say a word.

When they finished arguing, Qin Fengyue asked him again, "Is there nothing else but this way?"

Lin Sui is just Qin Fengyue: "City Lord Qin thinks if there is a way, I won't say it?"

A displeasure flashed through Qin Fengyue's eyes, but it didn't happen, and she smiled and said, "Let's do it, the project is too big to look up. It's really hard to find. It's better to divide it into three batches, that is, three directions. Go look for it? What if you can't find it?"

Lin Sui said calmly: "If you don't find it above, we are like a slippery net. The fish will slip away from the leaky position at any time. There is no difference between looking for it and not looking for it. It's just a waste of time."

Qin Fengyue's expression was even more ugly, but she was still calm: "Then try our luck. Let's find it if we can't find it. We will continue to find a way to break the formation and continue to move forward."

Lin Sui didn't answer, he obviously didn't dare to agree with Qin Fengyue's passing attitude.

But Qin Fengyue's words made the other guilds overjoyed, and they rushed to say, "City Lord, follow you!"

"City Lord Qin, I want to follow you too!"

"Me too!"

Several nobles were clamoring to follow Qin Fengyue.

Qin Fengyue had a headache. These nobles were rich in wealth and had many soldiers. He has benefited a lot from them over the years. This time he entered the Black Forest. He didn't want to bring any of these people in, but they finished the banquet. He wanted to come over and get a share of the pie. He was worried that disagreement would cause trouble, so he had to agree.

I just didn't expect things to become so troublesome after coming in.

These people are just like moths, they can't help me with anything, and they have been trying to stick to him, so that he can't use many methods.

And it's not easy to offend anyone.

I'm so guilty right now!

Because he knew that Lin Sui's four batches of methods were the wisest, and now he had to give the most wise method personally, so he could only step back and ask for the second best method.

It is uncomfortable enough to retreat, these people still follow him, and they don't want to be divided into batches, that is, the three batches can't be divided!

Still have to look for it together!

So many people are mighty and mighty, the mouse knows to leave when he hears the sound, let alone such a clever little man?

Qin Fengyue smiled tolerantly: "Everyone, I don't think you need to follow me all the time. We should track down a few kilometers, maybe just a few hundred meters before we can't find it. What do you think?"

A nobleman immediately shook his head: "It's easy to get lost a few hundred meters in front of the Black Forest. No one knows if I can't come out all the time. I don't dare to go arrogantly."

Another nobleman immediately agreed: "Yes, didn't someone walk away before, and walked away from us all the time, now I don't know where the person is?"

There are also nobles who are rushing to express their opinions, and they are all unwilling to leave.

Lin Sui had already guessed that this would happen, and watched coldly from the side.

Lin Dangjia was at a loss. He wanted to express his opinions, but he didn't dare to say anything, for fear that he would offend others.

"Okay everyone." Qin Fengyue was so quarreled that everyone disagrees and he can only compromise: "Since everyone disagrees, let's go with me."

Lin Sui curled his lips and sneered secretly: As expected!

He had said before that it would not work, and Qin Fengyue asked him to tell.

What's the point of saying that but not being able to do it?

His face was too dark. Master Lin noticed it, hit him secretly with his elbow, and whispered, "Son, don't show your face and offend people."

Lin Sui was unfavorable, his face stinking even worse.

Master Lin sighed, so he refused to persuade him. He also felt that these nobles were simply sick.

Qin Fengyue let go, and the other nobles were relieved.

Qin Fengyue also knew that Lin Sui would be unhappy, but he was not happy either. At this time, he didn't want to know Lin Sui's dissatisfaction, after all, the Lin family still begged him.

At this time, he had to vent his emotions at Lin's house to get rid of his discomfort.

Of course, these cannot be said explicitly.

He chuckled his lips and said mildly: "Lin Master Lin, you see, everyone trusts me too much, I can't touch their kindness, so..."

Lin Sui couldn't help his temper: "So, no one is looking for it?"

"Looking, of course I did." He knew how clever the two dwarves were. Once they found them, he didn't need Lin Sui anymore.

Lin Sui's temper has made him faceless during this period of time.

The most important thing is that Lin Sui's can only be inferior to those two dwarfs. He has instinct. The reason why Fu Yuan and the others can leave them far behind is the two dwarfs!

It is estimated that they have escaped now. Now that they are captured, when will they stay?

Thinking this way, Qin Fengyue showed a look of embarrassment: "I think so, Master Lin and Master Lin, you both have good strengths and have your own opinions. It's better to divide them into two groups. In this way, we will have three groups of people. "

As soon as the words came out, the air suddenly fell silent.

Lin Dang's face turned pale, Lin Sui's lips tightened, his eyes were extremely cold!

A few nobles were taken aback, but soon stared at Lin Dang's house and Lin Sui with gazes at the theater, as if they were looking at some inferior people.

"City Lord Qin, is this wrong?" Lin Dang's hands hidden in the sleeves were tightly clenched, cold sweat on his forehead came out, he said nervously: "Our father and son only have nine guards, plus the two of us. One person, eleven people are divided into two teams, wouldn’t there be only a few people in each team? There are so many beasts here, if you meet Fu Yuan and the others on the way... Then, then..."

Qin Fengyue still has a gentle appearance: "I think Fu Yuan and the others shouldn't be around here. There are only a few dwarfs around here. The dwarves can't even beat your guards. What's so scary about Lin Dang's family?"

Master Lin: "But..."

"There is no but." Qin Fengyue said without giving Lin Master a chance to speak, and said, "You will be divided into two teams and set off now."

"City Lord Qin."

Lin Suiyin endured it for a while, but finally couldn't help it: "I have no opinion on your arrangement, but it's really wrong that our two teams only have this person. Why don't you send some people..."

Before he finished speaking, one of the nobles immediately said: "My guard only protects me!"

Several other nobles also said: "My guard eats my family's food, and only protects me!"

Even Qin Fengyue's guards were loyal: "We only follow the arrangements of the city lord!"

Listening to Yin Huiyin's description, Xiao Bailu sighed: "The Lin family and his son are too miserable." The father and son are already weak and will be divided into two teams.

In this black forest, there is danger at any time.

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