Everyone is asleep. Little Bailu watching everyone alone is even more boring than before with Yin Huiyin, and he is a person who wants to sleep when he is bored, and can fall asleep as soon as he wants to sleep.

In order not to make himself bored, he felt that he should find something to do.

What should I do?

He rested his cheek in one hand and pinched a branch, while thinking, he moved the leaves on the ground.

He knows very well that cultivation requires concentration. If he keeps things in his mind, it is easy to get confused, and there is no benefit to cultivation in his current state.

Jumping is too tired and too noisy, not suitable.

He also thought about his left hand and right hand rock-paper-scissors. After playing two rounds, he felt that he should not stand on the left hand side or the right hand side. He felt entangled and gave up again.

Why not play with leaves!

"Yes, he can pile leaves!"

Little Bailu's eyes lit up, and he didn't just pile it up with his hands. He just kept scraping with branches to scrape all the leaves around in one place. She thought it would be fun to make the leaves into a deciduous hill and jump up by herself. .

Thinking of this, his interest came, and the more he played, the more vigorous he got.

When he got tired from playing with his hands, he watched the three lying down and fed Ye Nongying some water by the way. After the water was fed, he squatted on the ground and scraped leaves to play.

After such a long time, he actually created a pile of fallen leaves that was taller than him and wider than the iron bed.

He looked at Luoyedui with satisfaction, and felt that he was almost ready to jump on it to play.

However, at this time, Duanmu Yawang's incredible voice came from one side: "In vain, what are you doing?"

"Master, are you awake?"

Xiao Bai Luti heard Duanmu Yawang's voice and threw the branch in his hand, forgetting everything, and immediately rushed towards her: "How do you feel?"

"I feel my body is stronger, it should be much better."

When Duanmu Yawang spoke, he sat up and got out of bed.

She took two steps, walking very steadily.


Little Bailu was immediately excited when he saw it, "Master, you are finally well!"

Duanmuya looked at the aura in her body, probed it, and sighed with relief: "Although it's still a little uncomfortable, it's almost the same." After speaking, she looked at the hourglass of the medical system and wondered how long she had slept.

As a result, looking at it, I found that three hours had passed!

Her face sank, it's no wonder she feels that her body has improved so much, it turned out that it has been so long!

Three hours, I don’t know what’s going on outside now.

She rubbed her brain, and her head, which felt comfortable when she woke up, felt a little pain now.

The hourglass's hour is very obvious, it's about half an hour before noon, and when it's noon, Guyu and others will wake up one after another!

No, it must be resolved quickly.

She thought so, but saw the enchantment under Yin Huiyin's cloth.

The barrier he laid down, if she were to break it with her hands, it would have a certain impact on Yin Huiyin, but Yin Huiyin hadn't woken up yet.

Thinking of the aura that Yin Huiyin had consumed for herself, Duanmu Yawang was too embarrassed to wake him up when she was resting well.


She sighed and went to see the situation of Ye Nong Ying.

She figured out the pulse of the shadow for Ye, and found that it was estimated to have the effect of spiritual water, and her physical condition was better than she had predicted.

However, Ye Nongying hadn’t eaten for a while, so she found some needed supplies in the medical system, and hung up the nutrition needle for her, and said to Xiao Bailu: “When the liquid in the bag is almost gone, you Remember to call me."

The little white deer nodded: "Okay."

Duanmu Ya looked at the time and felt that he couldn't wait. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pushed Yin Huiyin: "Xiaoyin'er, wake up."

Yin Huiyin slept very deeply. Duanmu Yawang pushed several times before his eyebrows moved. He let out a dazed "Well" and asked, "Xiao Yawang, what happened?"

"It's almost time, you pull up the barrier, I'm going out to deal with Fu Yuan and the others."

Yin Huiyin immediately became sober as he listened.

When he woke up, he subconsciously went to look at the hourglass. This look was also startled: "I actually slept for so long?"

Duanmu Yawang said on the matter: "You are using the spiritual energy to transition, and your body is too tired. It is not too long to sleep for three hours."

"It's still too long."

When Yin Huiyin said, he asked her seriously: "Xiao Yawang, I don't know what the external situation is, but we must make a plan for the worst. Are you sure?"

"I am not sure as well."

Duanmu Yawang shook his head and sighed: "But since I have decided to flee, I might not end well if I get caught back. Even if I die, I have to fight."

"Bah, baah!"

Little Bailu glared at Duanmu Yawang while poohing: "Crow's mouth, don't talk nonsense, you are going to die, but we in the medical system will not survive."

"I see." Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head and said: "You go back to the medical system first. It is not convenient for others to see you now."


Xiao Bailu went back to the medical system obediently, but Duanmu Yawang didn't want to waste time, moved the iron bed he took out with Yin Huiyin back to the medical system and directly said to Yin Huiyin: "Open the barrier."


Yin Huiyin took a deep breath and waved his hand directly, breaking the barrier he had built.

Once the barrier was opened, the situation outside was visible.

Duan Muya looked outside, but her face sank suddenly.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Bailu and Yin Huiyin in the medical system also exclaimed. Xiao Bailu said in amazement, "Why are there so many people? Why are they all here?"

That's right, Guyu and others are indeed here.

Gayou and others, together with Fu Yuan and the other three, seemed to be encircling the enchantment in a tight formation, looking like they did not give Duanmu Yawang any chance to escape.

The people outside finally saw that the inner layer of the barrier was pulled up, saw Duanmu Yawang, and stared at her one after another.

The faces of these people are different.

Fu Yuan was still expressionless, the mayor still looked peaceful, and Wang Lao Er was sneered and looked like he wanted to come in and strangle her!

Gayo looked complicated, and many of his subordinates looked at her as if they couldn't bear it.

Duanmu Ya hoped to look at everyone alone, and everyone looked at her alone.

Soon, everyone was thinking again, why is she alone? Where's Ye Nong Ying?

"Where is Miss Night?"

It was Gayo who asked this.

The abscesses on the head of him and his subordinates have been cleaned up, and all of them have begun to scab, so they did not wear a hood, and all of them showed their heads generously.

Duanmu Ya hoped that there was no time to react, so Wang Lao Er sneered and gloated, "The two of them ran away, and the boss used Reiki pressure to chase after him. The woman was unlucky and probably was hurt by the boss’ Reiki pressure. When we caught up with her, we saw that she was going to die, and she was so scared to cry at the time!"

After that, he pointed to Duanmu Yawang behind him, "This should be a new tomb."

Everyone listened to Wang Lao Er's words, followed his fingertips, and saw the pile of leaves that the little white deer had built up.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying helped Gayou and the others. Gayou and the others did not gloat like Wang Lao Er did. They twisted their eyebrows and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Are you in the funeral at these few hours?"



What are these people talking about, what new graves or burials?

Duanmu Yawang was inexplicably inexplicable, looked behind him in doubt, but saw the pile of tall fallen leaves that Xiao Bailu was playing with when he woke up earlier.

New tomb... What are they referring to?

Duanmuya looked at her clothes, she didn't feel anything before, but now she looks like a grave...

When Xiao Bailu heard what they said, he spouted a mouthful of water, "My little master just piled it up for fun, why did it become a grave?" I hope that this matter will not be known by Ye Nongying, otherwise she guessed it. Go crazy!

"Unintentionally inserting willow and Liu Chengyin, I think it's good." Duanmu Yawang said to him in his heart: "Otherwise, if the shadow is gone, they will definitely have doubts, so they will not want to shadow. Why did things suddenly disappear."


Xiao Bailu's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "It seems that Xiaoye has done a good thing unknowingly!"

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