Wang Lao Er obviously didn't like such silence, the evil charm's face was gloomy, and said: "We really gave them too much freedom before. Not only did we allow them to move freely, all we need is her eyes. If you catch them back once, why not chop off all her limbs!"

Fu Yuan and Wang Lao Er were still silent.

If you don't speak, it's acquiescence.

Wang Lao Er sneered: "Mayor, you are so kind to them, so they don't know, what you are actually good at is how to create the most perfect person!"

The little white deer took a breath and was dumbfounded: "People, people?"

"Okay, don't intimidate them." The mayor sighed and then persuaded him.

Second Wang: "Ye's name is badly injured. There is a barrier outside her, and a new layer has been built. We can't see or hear. They must be too. Isn't this a threat?"

Little Bailu smirked, "Uncle Yin, you see, they can't see it after we changed the enchantment!"

Yin Huiyin didn't respond, because the mayor outside spoke up.

What the mayor cares about is obviously different from that of Wang Lao Er. He squinted his old eyes and stared at the enchantment thoughtfully: "Why does she have so many enchantment secrets with different effects?"

"If the mayor likes it, I can force her to ask it at that time." Wang Lao Er looked confident, "You used to be hundreds of thousands of people, which one didn't listen to you obediently?"

The mayor did not answer, but he looked happy.

As long as you know how to observe words and colors, you can see that he obviously likes this proposal very much.

"Hundreds of thousands of people?"

Little Bailu closed her mouth tightly and stared at the mayor: "My little master always thought he was the most kind and loving, because they always smiled and groaned very gently to the master, but they didn't expect to be an old pervert who likes to be human. !"

As long as he thinks of someone, he gets goose bumps all over!

"Don't listen to the conversations of perverted people, so as not to smear your ears." Yin Huiyin stretched out his hand to cover his ears, waved his hand and rebuilt the barrier that was invisible and invisible to each other no matter it was outside or inside. .

Little Bailu grumbled.

Yin Huiyin rubbed his head: "They won't wake up for a while. There is no difference between watching it by two people and watching it by one person. Or go back and lie down on the bed, or you will be tired if you squat."


Little Bailu didn't force herself, so it was really boring and sleepy outside, "Thank you Uncle Yin, then I'll go back."

"Go ahead."

Little Bailu went back to sleep.

He only wanted to get up when he wanted to sleep for a while, and he didn't dare to sleep for a long time. He had to watch Duanmu Yawang wake up to feel at ease.

He obviously overestimated himself, and he sleeps for two hours.

After he woke up, Duanmu Yawang had already woke up, being half-supported on the iron bed by Yin Huiyin, and he was cautiously feeding and drinking water.


Little Bailu was a little guilty, holding her little finger and muttering: "When did you wake up?"

"Just woke up."

After Duanmu Yawang finished drinking, she was carefully supported by Yin Huiyin and lay back on the bed.

Duanmuya looked at Xiao Bailu's expression and knew what he was thinking. He took a breath and soothed: "If you sleep or not, you can't help, so stop thinking about it."

Little Bailu saw that she was still pale and panting when she spoke, but at any rate she could say a word completely, and her tone suddenly relaxed: "That's not what I said, at least I can give you medicine, right? "

"Yes, you are just that useful."

Little Bailu snorted and asked with a smile, "Then have you taken medicine? Do you want water and medicine?"

"She just woke up, she must take medicine, but she has to wait first." When Yin Huiyin said, she looked at Duanmuya: "Close your eyes and rest your mind, take some time, and I'll adjust your breath."

"Are you giving me aura again?"

"Otherwise?" Yin Huiyin didn't get angry: "Two hours have passed. Even if you drink a sailor, I can't lift you up and ask me to hold you. My legs must still be unable to walk. It should be bright after about an hour. After about three hours, Gayo and others will all wake up. If you still can't move freely at that time, if you don't say anything else, you will lose more than half of your momentum."

"But it hurts you too much."

Sending people's qi consumes the body, why not consume the body if there are too many auras?

He only gave her a lot of spiritual energy two hours ago.

"It's not that you don't let me worry about it." Yin Huiyin was not angry: "However, even if I have a bone and a physical body, it doesn't matter whether I hurt my body or not. Besides, if something happens to you, the endless city cannot go. I'm the one who lost, isn't it?"

Duanmu Yawang knew that he said that these were just feeding and lightening her burden, and she also obeyed his wishes and nodded lightly with a smile.

"Okay, let yourself go, I'm about to start."


Duanmu Yawang closed his eyes and rested.

Duanmuya saw that her state was much more peaceful, and she stretched out two finger bones to press on her forehead, and then passed a wisp of spiritual energy from her forehead.

This time it was not as long as the last time, but when he retracted his hand, he had to stand up and walk two steps before sitting on the iron bed, but when he got up, he felt dizzy and his bones were limp. , It's simply unsteady.

Duanmu Yawang: "For nothing, help him."

With Yin Huiyin's constant infusion of spiritual energy to help her adjust her breath and repair, Duanmu Yawang's body has improved a lot, her face and lips are not so white.

However, she was still a little reluctant to stand up by herself, so she could only ask for help from Xiao Bailu.

But Xiao Bailu's little effort, coupled with this small body, couldn't hold Yin Huiyin at all, and the two fell to the ground together.

Little Bailu was worried: "You all, one by one, you don't seem to have any bones, but I'm so worried."

"Don't blame you." Duanmu Yawang has the strength to speak, and she will fall asleep: "I don't know how to practice well. Now if something happens, I can't help the individual. He is a big man just sitting on the ground. Are you embarrassed."

Little Bailu couldn't help Yin Huiyin and felt a little guilty, so she didn't dare to reply for a while.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I'm useless."

Yin Huiyin's finger bones covered the skull, looking like it was relieving the pain, he said to Xiao Bailu: "I will be able to stand up after a while, and I will return to the medical system to take a rest. You will look at Xiaoya for a while, what's the matter? Just wake me up."


Little Bailu was a little worried about him, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Master, Uncle Yin's situation should be suitable for drinking Xianlu, should you give Uncle Yin a little Xianlu?"


Duanmu Yawang was dizzy just after adjusting her breath. In fact, she really wanted to sleep. At this time, her eyelids were heavy, and she became sober after hearing the words. After analyzing it, she found it feasible: "Go take it out and give him a drink."


Little Bailu was very happy to be able to help, and quickly ran up and down to get Yin Huiyin's dew.

After Yin Huiyin drank it, she really felt a lot more comfortable, and Duanmu Yawang also said, "In my current situation, I should be able to take a sip."

Little Bailu gave it to Duanmu Yawang to drink.

After Duanmu Yawang finished drinking, her drowsiness improved a little for a while. She was worried about the night shadow, reached in and probed her situation, and felt that her vital signs were not bad, but she was still very weak, so she followed Little Bailu said the name of a medicine.

Little Bailu heard it, took it out, and fed it to her with spiritual water.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't hold on for long and became sleepy again, and said to Xiao Bailu: "Her condition needs to be adjusted slowly. She will not be able to wake up within two days. When I get better, I will give her a nutritional injection. Now she also needs to drink. A little water, Lingshui is not suitable for her and too much, just drink ordinary water."


Little Bailu nodded seriously: "I remember, I promise to do it well. Go to sleep when you are sleepy."

"This time is different from before. You can't sleep lazily when the task is arduous, and you're not allowed to go play or know."

Little Bailu nodded his head seriously: "Yeah! I see."

After Yin Huiyin drank Xianlu, she gradually gained some strength and returned to the medical system to rest. Duanmu Yawang really couldn't hold it anymore, and said to Xiao Bailu: "I'm asleep too."

Little Bailu had to say a good word to make her sleep at ease, but when Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, she fell asleep deeply, looking extremely tired.

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