The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1878: What else can I do? Of course it's chasing

"Yeah, Uncle Yin, what shall we do?" Xiao Bailu was panicked. "The strength of those two people is that the master and Miss Ye are afraid that they can't keep up. They have such severe injuries, and they can't see them. People have a straight and fierce temper. What should I do if I ran into those two people and were killed?"

"Don't panic, it's not impossible that you said it, but you have to be clear that the two of them are actually smarter than anyone else and know how to adapt to changes."

Yin Huiyin was not as worried as Little Bailu, he was lying on the desert and panting, his face kept looking straight at the sky.

"How can you not panic!"

Little Bailu was about to stamp his feet, and said anxiously: "Uncle Yin, you said what we should do!"

"What else can I do? Of course it's chasing."


Yin Huiyin nodded and asked him, "I can remember, in which direction did they go just now?"

Little Bailu pointed a direction silly.


Yin Huiyin took a breath, and was about to sit up.

Little Bailu was scared to death, "Uncle Yin, your ribs are broken, and your leg bones are also broken, you, don't move!"

Yin Huiyin was very calm and supported herself with her hands. While doing it, she stretched out her hand to tear off the cloth strips: "Did you just say that I have no flesh and blood and nourish bones? Since the bones are broken, it doesn't make any difference whether they move, anyway. Bleeding, and there will be no deepening of the wound."

Little Bailu felt sore after hearing it, "Then, then you still feel pain?"

In fact, he even wanted to confirm whether he could raise it well.

Yin Huiyin cracked his mouth and smiled without answering.

Little Bailu squeezed his hands and stared at him bubblingly.

Seeing that he had tore off three small strips of cloth, he began to take off his clothes.

"Uncle Yin, what are you...why?"

"Tie the bones."

Yin Huiyin had already stripped off his upper body when he said that, revealing a white body of bones, and then beckoned to Xiao Bailu and said: "White, come and help me."

Little Bailu ran two steps quickly and asked nervously, "How can this help?"

"Just fix the bones for me. I will tangle a knot and don't let the broken bone move around."


Little Bailu understood, he nodded to stretch out his hand, but he had never touched anyone else's bones. Looking at Bai Sensen's bones, he couldn't do anything at all.


"Not afraid."

He is really not afraid, it's just this feeling, he doesn't know how to say it.

Sad and sad.

Yin Huiyin smiled and said softly: "You kid, you know how to care for people so much, just like your master."


"Your master is so desperate, in fact, what he thinks in his heart is just like you." As a human being, he can say that he can move and eat, but he is still just a bone.

No blood or flesh, but not human.

Such a person is your friend, a friend who cannot see the light or walk in the crowd with dignity.

Being a friend sincerely, how can you not feel sorry for him?

Although she didn't say anything, he still understood.

The little white deer lowered her head when she heard it.

To be honest, he didn't have much feeling before, only thought it was quite interesting. After all, it is said that the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm had all kinds of rare and ancient monsters in the past.

However, Yin Huiyin is a human being.

No blood and no flesh, how cruel?

Now he and Yin Huiyin have a much deeper relationship. He felt uncomfortable when he heard his painful gasp, and he felt even more uncomfortable when he was about to touch his broken bone just now.

"Don't be sad, I'm used to it."

Yin Huiyin smiled and rubbed Xiao Bailu's head, barking his teeth and said, "First help me connect the bones. After connecting the bones, while there is no wind now, the traces of the python dragging the gravel have not been covered and caressed. Ping, we figured out a way to follow the traces of them."


Hearing what he said, Xiao Bailu didn't have time to hurt the spring and sad autumn. He hurriedly got up on his toes, helped hold his ribs, and let Yin Huiyin do the bandaging.

The advantage of the whole body bones is that the ribs are especially easy to tie. Whether you go to the side or the back bone, you can find a fixed place to tie it casually.

The ribs are fixed in a couple of strokes.

It's too simple and too unbelievable.

The tip of the little white deer's nose has been sour.

Before, he felt that Duanmu Yawang had been busy with other people's affairs, and he was struggling to go to the endless city. Now he is blind and unpredictable.

He once felt really unnecessary.

But now, for the first time, he feels that his master is right here.


Yin Huiyin saw his nose twitching and twitching, and his eyes were red. He thought he was too worried about Duanmu Yawang, rubbing his head, and his voice was extremely gentle: "Don't worry too much, let’s trust Xiao Yawang. I always feel that she He is a person who can retreat all over his body no matter what environment he is in."

The little white deer had a meal and gave an unexplained hum, and said: "Uncle Yin, and your leg bones, the bones are all broken, this..."

"Isn't there a tree over there? Just find a branch to fix it. It's just broken, it can't be broken."

"Let me go."

Little Bailu wiped the tear marks on his face, and ran out without saying a word.

Yin Huiyin wanted to make him too late.

Finally, sighing, watching him walk away, I feel sad too.

Although he persuaded Xiao Bailu that way, in fact, he didn't have such a calm face in his heart.

After all, he just fought in a real fight, and he knew the opponent's strength very well.

He couldn't beat him alone, not to mention that there were two opponents. Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were not his opponents. The two of them had to deal with two tough opponents, just like hitting a stone with a pebble.

The little white deer didn't dare to neglect, and soon found the branch back.

Not only a branch, but also a cane for him.

Yin Huiyin raised his eyebrows: "It's still in vain and careful."

Xiao Bailu was also afraid that Yin Huiyin was upset, and explained: "It's better to walk with a stick than to jump."

"Ok, I know."

Yin Huiyin smiled gently, and then began to look at the branches used by the little white deer to fix the bones, and found that each branch was found very well, and couldn't help being surprised: "It's a good one."

Little White Deer was not happy, but squatted down and said, "The master has said, and I have seen her do many things like this."

The topic returned to Duanmu Yawang.

Yin Huiyin shut up this time, carefully bandaging herself and fixing it.

After fixing it, Yin Huiyin stood up on crutches and waved to Xiao Bailu. Xiao Bailu passed by, Yin Huiyin took his hand, squinted at the direction Duanmu Yawang had left, and said: "Let's go now. ."

Little Bailu nervously said: "You don't need to hold me, it's better for you to use crutches with both hands."

"It's too slow to walk, I'm not without a sword."

After Yin Huiyin finished speaking, with a move of his wrist, a sword was transformed into a sword, and Yujian left.

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