The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1877: Why are you crying, I'm not dead

"Second, when did you like nonsense so much in seven?" The boss obviously couldn't see it. He was much more silent than the second, and said coldly, "Who is not to enter the endless city when people from outside come here?"

"Boss, there are no absolutes in the world!"

The second child smiled and said disapprovingly: "I think, maybe someone is different?"

The boss snorted, "Don't keep talking, it's so noisy!"

After speaking, I closed my eyes and slumbered.

The second child shrugged, disapproving. You, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, who are sitting on the carriage template, can't refuse, "Answer."

Those who know the current affairs are handsome, Duanmu Yawang closed his eyes and said: "We are also for the endless city."

"Cut, it's boring."

The second child waved his hand and said unhappily: "I thought you would have a fresher rhetoric!"

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and did not answer.

Naturally, Ye Nongying could not speak without speaking, and naturally did not answer.

The second child was even more unhappy, and touched Duan Mu Yawang with his toes, "Where do you have the courage, a black-eyed person actually wants to go to the endless city, what is the endless city, do you really know?"

"I don't know."

The second child smiled, "Do you know it is dangerous?"


"Since you know that the danger is going to go, you are not afraid of death?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and said, "I'm afraid."


Under normal circumstances, most people will stubbornly answer that they are not afraid. Duanmu Yawang's answer surprised the second child, "I thought you were not afraid of death."

"Life is precious, and it has not been easy for me to live until now."

This is the truth.

Neither she nor the original owner had an easy life.

Besides, she can still stay with Gong Yulan now, how could she be willing to die?

"I heard you talk, it's really a bit of a surprise." The second child sighed: "A black-eyed person, as a prisoner, can be so calm, even rarer."

In this case, Duanmu Yawang would naturally not answer.

The second child didn’t need her to answer either. He said: “After a while, we can see someone being taken away. Once captured, there is no chance of surviving, and I’ve never heard of entering the endless city. If you can go back, do you know that you are calm when you look like you are actually ignorant?"

If he really knew what the endless city was like, he didn't believe that she really had the guts to come.

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and did not answer.

The second child became unhappy, and kicked harder: "Who allowed you not to answer?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her waist because she was hurt, and she took a breath, Ye Nongying hurriedly took her a hand, half hugging Duanmu Yawang, and said annoyed: "We have come to affirm the reason why we have to come again, as for ignorance. Or not, since it has already come, no matter what, it has already come, and there is no way to change it. What is there to say?"

The second child laughed, "Oh, this little temper is quite hot."

Ye Nongying snorted softly.

The second child was not angry, but instead smiled and asked: "It's actually quite comfortable to be half-lying?"

Ye Nongying didn't know what to do, her eyelids twitched, always feeling that this question was weird.

Obviously, her instinct was very right, and the second child said next: "However, I didn't seem to allow you to sit down, right?"

Ye Nongying and Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched. Before they had time to react, the second child sneered and ordered: "Give you two ways. One is that I will throw you into the mouths of my two babies and be eaten by one bite. , The second is to get up and kneel now, until I am satisfied."

Obviously, he punishes her for talking too much.

Want her to kneel all the time?

Ye Nongying had never been so angry. She was holding a bad breath in her chest, and was about to vent it. Duanmu Yawang's sleeves were gently tossed. She told her heart language: "My husband can still bend and stretch. No matter how angry you are, bear with me!"


"No but." Duanmu Yawang said calmly: "Do you want to die?"

Ye Nongying stopped talking, bit her teeth, propped up, and knelt down.

The second child was not satisfied, and said coldly: "Kneel to me."

Ye Nongying moved in the direction of the sound and knelt before her second child.

"What do you do with your hunchback?" The second child said coldly: "Looking at what you look like, you should be no worse than this dark-eyed person. Who taught you to have a hunchback?"

Ye Nong Ying pursed her lips, flattened her back, and her back was straight, looking good.

"I can bear it." The second child was very proud. He raised his head and laughed and slapped the boss on his body, saying: "Boss, these two should be the most interesting dwarfs we have ever met?"


Hearing this name, Duanmu Yawang's mouth twitched.

"It's a bit of a brain."

The boss said coldly: "Don't worry, it's rare that you like it. As long as they know each other and don't cause trouble, I won't move them."


The second child wanted this answer. He patted the boss on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I will be measured."

At this point, the two fell silent.

No one spoke again in the entire carriage, and no more words to embarrass them.

However, what the boss said just now made Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying very nervous.

What does the ‘movement’ in the boss’s mouth mean?

Driven by a giant python, there was a rustling sound under the carriage. Duanmu Yawang could feel that the body was moving very fast. Time passed. Duanmu Yawang felt that the breath of Ye Nong Ying around her was not stable, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried: "You still All right?"


Duanmu Yawang wanted to give her a pulse to see what was going on, but he groaned for a while, and he held it down and asked: "Your waist and abdomen must have been injured too. Kneeling with your chest and abdomen in this way will cause numbness in your knees, and the damage is the most severe. It’s still your back, you can’t bear to tell me."

"For the time being, I can bear it." Ye Nong Ying is still proud: "I can't bear it, I can fight with them myself."

"Yeah." Duanmu Yawang was relieved.

Ye Nongying wasn't very concerned about her affairs. She sighed, "I don't know how Baibai and your friend are now, as well as the tracking dog."

When mentioned here, Duanmu Yawang also fell silent.

Say not to worry, it is impossible.


The other side

Little Bailu watched as the two giants grabbed Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying away, were thrown into the huge carriage, and then drove away.

But in the blink of an eye, the huge carriage became as small as a box.

Gradually, it disappeared from the field of vision.

Tears flowed down from his eyes, looking at the white desert all around, he was panicked and lonely.

He caught a glimpse of a dark figure several tens of meters away, remembering what Duanmu Yawang had told him, and quickly wiped his tears, scrambled up, and walked towards Yin Huiyin's direction.

After walking past, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

He was taken aback, could it be that Uncle Yin, who had only bones left, would still bleed?

Thinking like this, he stretched out his hand and pushed Yin Huiyin, who was wearing a black cloak with all his bones wrapped in black cloth, and shouted, "Uncle Yin, Uncle Yin..."

After shaking it for a long time, Yin Huiyin gave a light cough, the cough was dull, and he felt painful at first glance.

However, the sound is enough to excite Little Bailu.

Because at least it's still alive!

He continued to push him, "Uncle Yin, wake up, tell me, why are you uncomfortable?"


Yin Huiyin's bones moved a few times, and then his hand moved, "White, white?"

"it's me!"

Xiao Bailu was even more delighted to see that he could talk, "How do you feel, Uncle Yin?"

"...It's okay." Yin Huiyin panted, and raised his hand with difficulty to tear off the cloth on his face, "That is, two ribs on the front of the chest should be broken, and the left leg bone was also broken."

"It's okay?"

Little Bailu was scared to death, crying: "Uncle Yin, what do you do now? I, I don't know how to heal!" Yin Huiyin had only one bone left, and two ribs were broken and fractured. Legs, no meat, can it really be good?

Yin Huiyin was startled by his crying, and said helplessly: "For nothing, why are you crying? I'm not dead."

"But your bones won't rise back."

"Who said he won't come back?" Yin Huiyin lay helplessly on the spot, not intending to continue this question. He was more concerned about: "Xiao Yawang and Miss Ye were arrested, right?"

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