Huo Fei and Brahma Sutra only came back around noon.

"elder sister."

Seeing Duanmu Yawang, Huo Fei yelled obediently, and Duanmu Yawang nodded. Seeing that he seemed to be a little taller, he couldn't help but touch his head, "I haven't seen him in a few days, Fei is beautiful and taller. ."

The Brahma Sutra had a dog nose and smelled a scent of porridge. Without a second word, he asked, "Xiao Yawang, what did you cook?"

"Fish porridge, I saved your portion, do you want to eat it?"


"I'll give you some heat first." After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he added firewood under the stove.

After she had done this, Huo Fei swept around, but couldn't find the person she was looking for. She raised her brows and couldn't help asking Duanmu Yawang: "Sister, what about for nothing?"


He forgot that Huo Fei cared about Xiao Bai Lu most.

Duanmu Yawang suddenly had a headache, took a deep breath and said to Huo Fei.

The boy's beautiful face changed color, "I, I'm going to find nothing."

The Brahma Sutra was also surprised, "Xiao Yawang, how can you put people in vain as a hostage?"

After he finished speaking, he felt a cold gaze. He froze his neck and turned his eyes. As expected, he saw his host staring at him coldly, "Is this your attitude?"

He immediately regretted, "The subordinate is wrong, I shouldn't have said it."

After speaking, he immediately covered his mouth.

"Okay, Gong Yulanzhi, it's my fault in the end, they should be worried." Duanmu Yawang waved his hand to tell Gong Yulanzhi not to make trouble, and then calmed Huo Fei, "Fei Fei, trust me, you don't have to worry. , It will be fine for nothing, he..."

When speaking, Gu Ji Ye Nongying was present, and her heart voice transmission said to him: "Your Uncle Yin is always watching over there. What danger is there really, or if he is treated harshly, he will be rescued immediately."

Huo Fei hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

However, the worry on his face has not faded.

"Xiao Yawang, you should contact us as soon as possible if you are in trouble." The Sanskrit scriptures are not remembered, and Duanmu Yawang’s heart voice transmission, he sensed, let go and immediately said: "These things, you let us come over. It’s fine to fix it for you, don’t have to be so troublesome."

After finishing speaking, he asked Gong Yulanzhi cautiously: "Is it master?"


Gong Yulan gave him a rare face and nodded in agreement.

Gong Yulan walked over and took Duanmu Yawang's hand, but he said to the Brahma Sutra and Huo Fei, "You two, just stay and help for the time being."


When I heard the Brahma Sutra, I was worried again, "What about you, master? You are alone..."

Gong Yulan glanced at him, her eyes sharp, and the Brahma Sutra fell silent for an instant.

Gong Yulan looked at Duanmu Yawang and said, "It's not early, I have to go back there first, and you can find me if you have anything to do."

Duanmu Yawang was a little reluctant, "Would you like to go now?"


Gong Yulan rubbed her head and said softly, "I'm free, come to you, you can also come to me."


Gong Yulan nodded, glanced at Huo Fei and the Brahma Sutra, and disappeared in front of them with a flash.


Gong Yulan stopped leaving, and the whole body of the Sanskrit Sutra was a little weak. He said: "Mr. Yin looked at Bai Bai, but I was more worried about the master. How can he do it by himself?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and said, "He is very troublesome? Why don't you go back?"

"Did you not see the look in the master's eyes just now?" The Brahma Sutra was very angry, "He asked us to stay to help you, how can he go back?" If he does go back, his Brahma Sutra will be crushed and thrown on the road. Go!

If you don't obey orders, there is no need for existence!

Duanmu Yawang understood, "The porridge is ready, let's talk while eating." When he said, he filled the porridge for Huo Fei.

Huo Fei is no longer so worried, but still a little absent-minded: "Thank you sister."

"Well, if you're worried, how about going to him after eating?"

Huo Fei looked up, "Wouldn't it hinder my sister's affairs?"

Duanmu Yawang talked with him mildly: "Go and see him, and bring people back if you have any questions. If there is no problem, how about acting according to my instructions?"

"Okay, I listen to my sister."

"Hey, have porridge."

So when Huo Fei and Fanjing were drinking porridge, Duanmu Yawang told them some specific things they were going to do.

The Brahma Sutra bit the fish and frowned, "Xiao Yawang, what Yang said, the entrance is really hard to find."

"Well, that's why I ask for it."

"It's not a good person who kidnapped the child." The Brahma Scripture hummed, "I will go and explore after I finish eating later."


"By the way, I almost forgot to give you the money." When the Brahma Sutra said, he took out two cards from his arms and handed them to her: "The master of Fenglinwan gave it to me, saying that one card is 1.5 million yuan. , You take it. Feng Linwan is doing very well now. When Fei Fei and I went there, there were a lot of customers."

Duanmu Yawang took the card and said with a smile: "That's good."

Thanks to them for taking care of it, you must treat them well when you go back.

Ye Nongying couldn't speak, she looked at the two cards and was stunned: "Are we rich?"

"I am rich."

Duanmu Ya glanced at her, and said in a bad mood: "This money belongs to me."

"Yes, yes, but didn't we go to the endless city together?" Ye Nongying didn't mind Duanmu Yawang's words, but narrowed her eyes. "Your medicine is saved, so I don't need to feel distressed anymore. "

Duanmu Yawang also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, she was reluctant to bear her medicine.

The Brahma Sutra was satisfied after eating a few bowls of porridge, Huo Fei couldn't sit still, and the two went out to the mountain.

Only Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying are left in this place.

By noon, the two were also hungry. They drank the remaining porridge and ate some dry food. After they hugged them, they took the bowls, chopsticks and pots to the Shenquan for cleaning.

After the cleaning, when the two returned, they actually saw Ashu and the man in the black cloak standing by the stove they had built.

"Are you here?"

Duanmu Yawang put the pot down.

A Shu nodded, glanced around, frowned and asked, "Why are there a few other scents here? Someone is looking for you?"


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other, both of them looked innocent, "Why is someone here?"

There was not much remaining breath, and I couldn’t feel the strength or weakness. As soon as Ashu saw the two of them, he didn’t ask any more, and went straight to the subject: “By the way, we have already called people for the two medicines you gave yesterday. After testing, one can buy about 20,000 to 30,000 gold ingots. Is there enough medicine in your hand?"

Duan Muya looked at her eyes as her eyes sank, but she quickly raised a smile and said: "I don't plan to buy medicine anymore. I just found an old card from my Qiankun bag. There is exactly one hundred in the card. Five hundred thousand is enough for you this time."

As soon as these words fell, A Shu's face became unsightly, and he asked: "Before you said you didn't have money, but now suddenly you have money, and there are a few more auras here for no apparent reason. Are you kidding me? Trick?"

"please calm."

Duanmu Yawang calmed down and said, "My brother is still in your hands. What tricks can we play?"

A Shu was originally irritable. Thinking of the little child in their hands, he calmed down. After a few steps, he walked up to the person in the black cloak, not knowing what he was discussing.

The two of them were chatting, and Ye Nongying couldn't wait to talk to Duanmu Ya Wang Xinyu: "How about their valuation this time?"

"Of course it was chopped off as a water fish."

Duanmu Yawang coldly conveyed to her heart: "A gold ingot of at least 50,000 gold ingots, if it is auctioned, a gold ingot of 70,000 gold ingots is also possible."

Ye Nongying secretly took a breath.

Even if one of 50,000 gold ingots, they earn at least 20,000 gold ingots, they would have to give them more than 30 to make up one million, that is to say, they can earn hundreds of thousands of gold ingots just by buying medicine!

Coupled with two soul-raising pills, they can earn millions!

Wishful thinking is really good!

It's not like a businessman!

Thinking about this, seeing that the black cloaked person and Ashu had finished talking, they came forward and came to them.

Duanmu Yawang asked: "The shopkeeper, I wonder if we can talk about the transaction?"

The shopkeeper did not answer, but said: "Miss Duanmu, we have been rushing around a few times and expended a lot of effort in order to test the medicine."

Duan Mu Ya looked at it, her eyelids twitched, and smiled: "Then the three pills I gave, should be given to the shopkeeper?"

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