The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1849: Teeth are sour, why do fish have no bones?

It turned out to be correct, but Ye Nongying needed to pick up firewood again, because all the branches were on fire, and he couldn't reach for it at all.

When Ye Nongying left, Duanmu Yawang set the firewood under the stove on fire again, and Gong Yulan finally reacted, "Isn't it right?"

"Blame her for not saying clearly."

Duanmu Yawang did not hesitate to throw the mistake on Ye Nongying, righteously saying: "If she told you that the fire was under the stove, there would be no such problems, right?"


Gong Yulan felt that Duanmu Yawang made sense, and he was relieved immediately.

"You go to practice, just leave it to us here, and it will be done in a while, ask you to eat together."


Gong Yulan just went to practice.

Ye Nongying picked up the firewood again, and saw that Gong Yulan Zhi did not know where to go to practice, put the firewood down, biting his ears with Duanmu Yawang with a look of disbelief: "So there are things that Gong Yulan doesn't understand in this world. Huh? My firewood has been put under the stove, and I am also on fire here. As long as there is a little common sense, I should know that it is the firewood in my hand that is going to make the fire, but he..."

God, she can't go on.

She felt that her hostage had been refreshed again!

She looked at Gong Yulan's appearance, thinking that the whole world was under his eyes, and there was nothing he didn't understand!

"All right."

Duanmu Yawang felt a little guilty when she thought that she had transferred the crime to her just now, and patted her on the shoulder, saying, "Besides, he will probably hear it."

Ye Nongying was startled when she heard it. She looked around and didn't see Gong Yulanzhi's figure. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice, "Where did he go?"


When I said that, the porridge had already rolled, and Duan Mu Yawang was afraid that the rice would stick to the pot, so he took out a spoon and stirred the porridge in the pot.


Ye Nongying was still immersed in the surprise just now, looking back at God.

Duanmu Yawang asked her: "Did you go to wash it?"

"Went early."

Ye Nongying shrugged, finished speaking, and asked her again: "By the way, where did you get the fish? I went to the stream last night and walked around, but I didn't see you. Where did you go? ?"

Duanmu Yawang said, Ye Nongying let out a cry and frowned, "Why didn't I see a waterfall? Which direction did you go?"

Duanmu Yawang pointed.

Ye Nongying took a look, and said, "Why did you go there, it's obviously this way!" After speaking, she pointed in a direction.

"Oh, it seems that I am a little bit off."

"A little bit, this little bit, you have to double the distance."

"But that place is more comfortable." Duan Mu Yawang winked at her, "There are not only fish, but also deep springs, which are very suitable for bathing. You can try it tonight."

Ye Nongying was said to be very emotional, "Really?" The stream she went to was very shallow, and the deepest water reached her knees. In fact, it was not convenient to take a bath or something.

"What lie to you."

"Okay, I'll try it tonight." After speaking, he asked what he thought of: "When will Gong Yulan leave? Or go to the endless city with us?"

"He should have left at noon."


Ye Nongying was a little disappointed, "I still think he can take us. If he were there, the endless city would become less dangerous, right?"

"Don't think about it, he can't go to the endless city with us." When Duanmu Yawang said, thinking that the porridge would not heal so quickly, he would simply meditate for a while.

No one in Ye Nongying talked to her, and went to practice.

After the porridge was almost cooked, the two stopped practicing.

Duanmu Yawang opened the lid, and a delicious scent of fish floated out. Ye Nongying sighed, "It smells so good!"

"Well, not bad."

Duanmu Yawang put the wild vegetables in a little bit, then took out the fairy dew and poured it inside.

"What are you?"


Ye Nongying got a bottle of Xianlu herself and knew that Xianlu was a good thing. She was shocked when she heard: "You add to the porridge, isn't this a violent thing!"

"Gong Yulanzhi must have Xianlu to eat it."


Ye Nongying took a deep breath and couldn't help saying: "I probably understand why he can light a fire like that just now." What's more to say if you want to eat something like this.

Duan Muya looked down at the fairy dew, stirred it a few times, and when it was almost done, he asked Gong Yulan to eat.

When Gong Yulan came, she took out the table and chair from Qiankun's bag for convenience.

Ye Nongying couldn't help it, "You really have everything." It's incredible to have pots, scoops, and chopsticks, so you can still take out the table and chairs?

"Whether you are away from home, shouldn't these be prepared?" This table and chair is actually a small table and chair of the medical system.

Drinking porridge and serving a bowl is hot, it is not convenient to eat standing, and the stones here are dirty. She doesn’t want Gong Yulan to sit on the stones, so when she is on the shore, she puts it in Qiankun’s bag for future use. .


Ye Nongying took it seriously, and handed the first bowl of porridge to Gong Yulanzhi.

Gong Yulan only glanced at her, then turned his head, not answering.

Ye Nongying was taken aback.

Duanmu Yawang was helpless, and said to Ye Nong Ying: "You can eat it, I will give it to him."

After speaking, he filled Gong Yulanzhi with a bowl and handed it to him, and Gong Yulanzhi accepted it as expected.

Ye Nongying: "..." What the **** is this?

Duan Muya said: "The porridge is hot, sit down and eat."

Gong Yulan held the bowl, and slowly moved his eyebrows to the table and sat down, put the porridge on the table, moved a chair next to him closer, and looked at Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang filled the porridge by himself and sat down on his chair.

Ye Nongying saw her teeth sore for a while, and turned her face away, making her eyes clear.

She felt that maybe she shouldn't sit down here, she should run behind the tree to eat!

After Duanmu Yawang sat down, he took a sip of the porridge while it was hot, and his eyes lit up, "Yes, it's delicious." When he said, he saw Gong Yulan before moving the spoon, "Why don't you eat it?"


When Gong Yulan stopped speaking, his slender and white fingers pinched the spoon and stirred the porridge twice before eating. However, he felt that something was wrong and twisted his eyebrows: "This fish fillet is wrong."

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched, and he said twice, "What's wrong?"

"It seems to be getting smaller."

Duanmu Yawang opened her eyes wide and said nonsense: "The cooked fish fillets will definitely shrink and the shape will change. How can they be the same size? Same, eat." In fact, the fish fillets in the pot are more than Gong Yulan. There is really a noticeable difference in the size of the fish fillets I made before.

Because the big fish and the small fish sliced ​​fish fillets, there must be a difference in size!

Gong Yulan pursed her lips, trying to refute, but in the end she didn't say anything and ate it obediently.

The porridge is fragrant and sweet, the fish is soft and delicious, and there is no peculiar smell in the dew, Gong Yulan eats smoothly.

After eating a bowl, Duan Muya looked at him: "Is another bowl?"


Duanmu Yawang served him another bowl.

The porridge coming out of the pot was hot, he stirred it twice, and still felt wrong in his spare time: "Why does the fish have no bones?" When he was shaving it, he obviously felt that there were bones.


This Duanmu Yawang can't fool around, so she can only make up: "Oh, it's always bad for fish fillets with bones. I specially deboned them."

Small fish fillets deboning?

That's so troublesome!

Ye Nong Ying listened strangely, but Gong Yulan nodded and continued to drink porridge without a doubt.

After a breakfast, whether Duanmu Yawang, Ye Nongying or Shigong Yulanzhi, ate three bowls.


Ye Nongying hiccuped, and looked at Duan Muya: "Yes, I knew there were fishes there. We should have caught fish and eat them the day before yesterday."


Ye Nongying saw that Gong Yulanzhi ran to practice again, couldn't help but leaned over, and asked in a low voice: "This fish fillet, Gong Yulanzhi helped deal with it?"

"What do you think?"

Duanmu Ya glanced at her sideways, then whispered the matter.

Ye Nongying was stunned once.

After returning to her senses, she couldn't help but said: "I just said why you were so calm about the fire just now. It turns out that you have learned from the past."

Duanmu Yawang sighed.

Ye Nongying patted her on the shoulder and calmly said: "You guys don't need a fire-cooking cook. Don't worry, he will grow up like that. Even a fool can live his life."

"You're a fool!" Duan Muya glared at her and commanded: "Go and wash the bowl."

"Well, you have done a lot, and what you say is what you say." The dignified lady of Shenzong was willingly asked to do the dishes.

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