The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1841: See the shopkeeper, how much of this medicine do you have?

Alin went in for a few moments before he finally came out.

He looked at Duan Muya and said: "The shopkeeper is still busy in the kitchen, but it's not good to let the son wait outside. Please come in the kitchen for the son. Can you talk in the kitchen?"


Just have a chat.

"My son, please."

Duanmu Yawang nodded and stood up.

"Wait." Ye Nongying couldn't help but said, "Can I go in together?"

"I'm sorry, the shopkeeper in the kitchen won't let people in casually, and there are too many people in the kitchen, so it's not good to squeeze the son in." Kobayashi said in a gentle and polite tone: "But please don't worry, son. You have waited too long, and this young man will be back soon."

Ye Nongying didn't believe his nonsense.

She twisted her eyebrows, looked at Duanmu Yawang, and wanted her to take her with her.

Duanmuya looked at him and said, "Then I will go in alone."

"But..." Little Bailu just entered the kitchen and didn't come out.

"I understand, don't worry." When Duanmu Yawang said, he patted her on the shoulder and followed Alin in.

A Lin led her towards the kitchen, and into the kitchen, Duan Mu Yawang realized that the kitchen was bigger than she thought.

There is the smell of food in the kitchen and the fishy smell of meat on one side.

She saw that seven or eight people in the kitchen were busy, some were handling raw meat, chopping and cutting meat, some were handling wild vegetables and mushrooms, some were making fire, and some were cooking. Just look at the situation in the kitchen. Everyone is busy.

The situation in the kitchen is clear at a glance, but I just didn't see the little white deer.

I don't know where he was taken.

And among these people, which one is the shopkeeper?

She thought so, A Shu said: "My son, please come with me."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and as A Lin continued to walk, he saw A Lin took her to the kitchen door and opened the door.

The door opened, and Duanmu Yawang saw a wall.

It is the wall of the polar region, which is the so-called backyard they visited yesterday.

In essence, it is just a back alley.

After going out, Duanmu Yawang felt a pressure. She followed the side and saw a man in a black cloak standing on the left with her back facing them.

Sure enough, it was him, the black cloaked man who appeared in the suburbs with Ashu before!

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes sharply and squinted.

A Lin said at this time: "Treasurer, the son who gave you the soul cultivation pill has brought it."


The man in the black cloak responded with a very ordinary voice. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand.

A Lin respectfully nodded, turned around and went back to the kitchen, and closed the door.

Suddenly, the back alley fell silent.

It wasn't until a moment that the shopkeeper said: "Are you planning to stand still like this?"

Duanmu Yawang shook his head: "Of course not, I just thought about how I should speak, and what should I say."

"The mind is very active." The shopkeeper still turned his back to her, commenting in a plausible way, and then asked her: "Do you know why I met you?"

"It's not because of the soul-raising pill?"

"You soul-raising pill, the smell is good, it should be considered a good medicine." The shopkeeper said lightly: "As for the effect you said, if you haven't been confirmed by a pharmacist, there is no way to prove it."

In other words, it was not because of the soul-raising pill that I met her?

Duanmuya looked at her eyes and asked humbly, "If it's not for the soul-raising pill, why did your husband see me?"

"You are very calm." The shopkeeper commented: "We intercepted your brother, but you not only did not make trouble, but also calmed down and wanted to negotiate with us. As an active person, he is not irritable and patient. Especially rare."

Did he see her because of this?

Duanmu Yawang was a little surprised, clasped her fist and said, "Thank you for the compliment from the shopkeeper."

"Don't you ask about your brother's situation?"

"The shopkeeper should be someone who pays attention to transactions, not a bad guy, so naturally he won't really attack a child."

"I have limited time."

The shopkeeper was not wordy with her, and said calmly: "You give you a chance to prove that you really want to go to the endless city."


Duanmu Yawang groaned, took off the beauty pupils of her eyes, and then the silver hair on her head. The disguise on her face was also torn, revealing her original hair color and appearance, and said: "I am an outsider. , I came here for the endless city, I wonder if this shopkeeper can be convinced?"

The shopkeeper turned around, the cloak was still dark, Duanmu Yawang couldn't see his appearance at all.

However, he clearly saw the appearance of Duanmu Yawang.

He was obviously a little surprised: "It's you?"

Duanmu Ya looked startled, "The shopkeeper has seen me?"

The shopkeeper did not answer, but his tone was rather cold: "You are a guest of the Fang family, and the nobles regard Bai Xiaosheng as a thorn in their eyes. I am not sure that you really want to go to the endless city. And, obviously, starting today on the street The number of patrols in the Fang Mansion has increased. Do you want to invite you to enter the urn?"

Duanmu Ya was stunned. She never expected this to happen. She was busy and told the truth: "No, no, the number of patrols on the street has increased. I don’t know what happened. However, when I came here, Fang Zhushang actually did. I don’t know. The Lord Fang feels that the Endless City is dangerous and does not approve of us going to the Endless City. Therefore, the Lord Fang doesn’t know when we come, I swear to God!"

Then, without waiting for the shopkeeper to speak, she said again: "Furthermore, if I come to deal with Bai Xiaosheng, if the party owner is involved, why not give me enough money? In this way, I can talk about it last night. Yes, I was able to inform Fang Mansion last night, and I won’t wait until now to talk to the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper pondered for a while.

Duanmu Yawang waited quietly.

Duanmu Yawang said again: "The shopkeeper, if you don't believe me, you can continue to hold my brother as a hostage, or you can keep an eye on us at any time."

The shopkeeper didn't answer, he groaned, and instead said, "We Bai Xiaosheng, we must reach this price every time before we can pick it up. If you don't have the money, please ask Gaoming."

"I really don't have more than one million gold ingots." Duanmu Yawang said honestly: "Furthermore, when we come out, we won't go back and ask the owner to borrow them. If you insist on this price, the shopkeeper will naturally respect it. However. , I wonder if the shopkeeper can accept drug transactions?"

The shopkeeper laughed, the laughter was short, and it was hard to hear the meaning: "Actually, you decided to show people in your true colors, not to prove to me that you want to go to the endless city, but to tell me that you are Duanmu Yawang, your medicine Isn't it valuable?"

"Yes." Duanmu Ya looked at her fist, respectfully said: "Since the shopkeeper can see it, I don't deny it, I really want to do this."

"The soul-raising pill, really has the effect you said before?"


Duanmu Yawang said sternly: "I never lie about medicine."

"Good." The shopkeeper said: "As far as the soul-raising pills are concerned, how much do you want to buy for this medicine?"

Duanmuya smiled and smiled: "The price of medicine in everyone's heart is different. The eagerness is natural regardless of the price. If you don't need it, it is just a piece of dirt that you can throw at will. I believe the shopkeeper knows this too."

"You can speak directly."

The shopkeeper said to her and was not satisfied, "In this world, almost everyone needs to have children. If your medicine is really so good, you won't worry about selling it."


Duanmu Yawang smiled, "To be honest, the supply exceeds demand. At my Fenglin Night, such a medicine, there is no 200,000 gold ingots, I don't buy it, and I usually supply it to the auction house."

In other words, 200,000 is only the reserve price of the auction house.

"I see."

The shopkeeper said lightly: "I have heard a lot about you, but whether the rumors are too exaggerated or true, I have no way of knowing this."

"The shopkeeper is free to give the medicinal medicine to the inspector for testing."

"You are young, you are confident."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said nothing.

"How many pills do you have on this kind of medicine?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled and did not answer directly: "I believe that as long as the drug is tested and the equivalent barter is complete, I can give you a sufficient price."

The shopkeeper was silent for a while, but he was not angry about Duanmu Yawang's secretiveness, but instead said: "Okay, I will let people test it. If the test is true, you and I can trade."

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, the shopkeeper!"

"You don't have to thank me either." The shopkeeper's voice was cold, "We Bai Xiaosheng never lacked a deal. This is my first exception. I give you the opportunity, mainly because you helped the endless city and helped here. There are no hundreds of surnames, I hope you don’t be cautious and let each other lose peace during the transaction."

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