"Don't think too much, I don't have many such things." Duanmu Yawang said in a huff: "Moreover, no matter how expensive, such a thing can cost a thousand gold ingots at most, which is not worth much."

Ye Nong Ying's eyeballs turned steadily, "Not much is there?"

Duanmuya squinted at her: "Speak straight if you have something to say."

"All right." Ye Nongying grinned, "If there are many such good things, why don't you give me one?"


"Really?" Ye Nongying didn't expect that she would agree so quickly, and she couldn't believe it: "Really?"

"Just forget it if you don't want it."

"Yes, of course!" Just kidding, the waterproof camp can be taken away casually, how could it not be!

"At that time, you can choose one of these two to sleep in. From now on, that tent will belong to you."


Duanmu Yawang was struggling to tie the tent to his feet, urging Ye Nongying and said, "Come and help me fix this side with a stone."


The two started together and quickly set up the tent.

Duanmu Yawang threw one of the mats and quilt to her: "Take it, and spread a mat if it feels hot. It doesn't matter if it's not hot. It's colder at night. Whoever is on the ground can easily catch a cold, so the quilt still needs to be covered. "

"Yeah!" Ye Nongying took it, and happily went to lay the quilt.

The military tents are very spacious and thick. Ye Nongying looked at the small room-like tent, and became more fond of it. She fumbled around and fumbled, and she came out in surprise and said to Duan Muya: "The bracket is actually made of iron!" "

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to care about her.

But Ye Nongying was very interested, and wanted to ask a lot of things: "Such a small iron, shouldn't it be difficult to build? Where did you get the things?"

"I don't know, it's difficult to buy it anyway." Although she knew which factory it came from, she didn't know where to buy it!

Ye Nongying was surprised by the fabric later and asked how to make it. Surprised by this kind of design, Luo Li was a lot of words, and Duanmu Yawang was annoyed by it. He squinted and warned: "If you have to sleep, you can sleep well. Long wordy, believe it or not, if I take back the things I gave you?"

"do not!"

Ye Nongying smiled and blinked to please: "I'm just curious, I won't ask if you don't like it."

Duanmu Yawang snorted, ignored her at all, slammed the zipper up, and sat on the paved mat to meditate.

After all, her mind is a little confused now, and she can't sleep, planning to practice concentration.

As soon as she closed her eyes, Ye Nongying chirped again: "What did you just do? Why did you close the place where you came in? Why can't I close it and let it go?"


Duanmu Yawang was speechless to help her forehead.

With the idea of ​​sending the Buddha to the west, she opened her eyes, gritted her teeth and opened the zipper, and walked out of the tent.

She squatted in front of her tent and pointed to the zipper that was submerged underneath: "Did you see this? It's called a zipper. You can pull it up and you can close it. Pull it down again, and an opening can be opened." After speaking, she dutifully demonstrated.

Ye Nongying was amazed, "It's really interesting."


Forget it, she is an ancient person and doesn't care about her.

Duanmu Yawang sighed helplessly, and said, "Try it yourself and see."


Ye Nong Ying tried it again, and found that it was as excited as Duanmu Yawang had said.

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids kept twitching when she saw it, and warned: "Children paint and play with the zipper, don't keep pulling it. If the zipper is broken, the tent will also be destroyed." After all, if the zipper is broken, you can't ask someone to reinstall it.


Ye Nongying let go obediently, and was no longer naughty.

Duanmu Yawang stood up and said, "You can rest or practice. Let's go out again at night."


So, the two of them did their own things in the tent.

After Duanmuya looked back at the tent, she took out a lot of things from the medical system. Seeing the ear bones on the desktop, she thought of Yin Huiyin and pursed her lips. It was all morning, and she didn’t know how he was looking for someone. That's it.


She sighed softly, and in order not to make herself think too much, she had to enter concentration cultivation.

Until the afternoon, when the sun in the sky fell from the west, the two men came out of the tent.

The two of them were about to set off. Ye Nongying looked at the tent, and said reluctantly: Or let's be the next enchantment, otherwise someone would pass by and see such a good thing. What should I do if I stole it? "There are too many thieves in the exile, so I have to guard against it.


Although it was something that only existed in the previous life, Duanmu Yawang didn't want to lose it just like that, so he helped an enchantment to leave.

The autumn and winter days were short, and when the two went to the noodle shop, the sky was already completely dark.

Sure enough, as Xiao Er said, when they went to the noodle shop, the noodle shop was already open, and the guests sparsely sat at two tables.

They got closer and saw A Shu and A Mu serving the two tables of guests.

Ashu and Amu saw Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying walk into the shop, and glanced at them without a trace. However, the last two of them regarded them as not seeing them, and quickly withdrew their gazes.

"Yo, two guest officials are here?"

At this time, Alin came out from the kitchen at the right time and greeted him with a smile.


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying nodded, both of them couldn't help but scan A Shu and A Mu.


Alin led them to sit down at a table. After putting down the teapot and tea set, he handed them a piece of paper like last night and said: "The wild foods tonight are here, please take a closer look, both of you. , Decide what to eat, please also talk to the younger one."


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying took the paper and wrote many game dishes on it.

It is different from last night. Many of the names of the dishes above are new and unseen, but there are still three dishes: passion fruit burning bear paw, small pheasant stew pot, and raw seared beast meat.

A Lin was pouring tea for them, Duan Mu Yawang pointed to the three dishes with a smile on her lips, and said, "This is the signature dish?"


A Lin looked at it and nodded without changing his face: "Our cook is best at dishes, can the guest officer want to try it?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded readily, and handed the paper back to him: "I need these three dishes, just two meals by the way."


A Lin responded and took the paper unexpectedly, and glanced at the two of them.

Duanmu Yawang squeezed the tea, took a sip, and looked at the street, where the people patrolling one by one, she retracted her gaze and continued to scan the surroundings of the shop. Amu and Ashu were no longer in the hall, and they didn't know where to go. She slowly said: "By the way, Alin, we came twice yesterday and once in the morning, but we have never seen the shopkeeper. I wonder where your shopkeeper is?"

"The shopkeeper helps in the kitchen."

Alin replied in a warm and hospitable manner: "The kitchen is always short of people, and the shopkeeper's cooking skills are also very good, so I will help in the kitchen. Are you two want to see our shopkeeper?"

"Yes, is there such an honor?"

Alin smiled and said, "The shopkeeper is busy, I'm afraid I won't have time to see both of you."

"It's okay."

Duanmu Yawang took out a bottle of medicine from Qiankun's bag and put it on the table, saying: "There is an eight-grade soul-raising pill in it, which can change people's natural system and is suitable for pregnant women without any side effects. After pregnant women eat it, , Can raise the fetal soul bone in the abdomen, and maximize the fetal talent. For example, if this fetus can cultivate to a spiritual master at the age of eight, then, with this medicine, his talent will be greatly improved, the eight-year-old spirit The emperor is not impossible."

Alin's eyelids twitched and he smiled and said, "How can there be such a peculiar medicine in this world?"

"Why not?"

A Lin said with concern: "How can the son show such a good medicine? It's not so good."

"No problem, I don't lack good medicine." Duanmu Yawang smiled, pushed the medicine bottle over to Alin, and said: "This medicine bottle, you can take it to your shopkeeper, as it is my meeting gift, I hope he Can see me."

Well, before Alin could speak, she said again: "Of course, if you don't believe the effect of this medicine, you can take it to the tester for testing."

Alin remained silent.

Duanmu Yawang didn't mind, and slowly took a sip of the tea.

After Alin pondered for a while, he picked up the medicine bottle on the tabletop and smiled: "Okay, trouble son, wait, the little one will go and talk to the shopkeeper."

"Well, work."

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