The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1834: Talking about transactions, not so much money

In the past, she had always looked at people like this, and very few people looked at her like this. Ye Nongying felt that she was insulted and was angry. Before she could speak, she was dragged into the street by Duanmu Yawang.

"Are you afraid of them?"

When she went out to the street, Ye Nongying shook her hand away, gritted her teeth and said, "If I am a poison, I can knock them down. You are afraid of a fart!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but cursed: "At this time, do you really want to find fault with someone?"

"Your brother has disappeared from you. You actually reacted this way. I think you are sick!"

"Go to the backyard and take a look, don't you know?"

"Please, don't you have no brains, this street is right next to the city wall in the polar region, I saw this shop is almost close to the city wall, where is the backyard in such a narrow place?"

"Do you think I don't know?" Duanmu Yawang rubbed his eyebrows, "but didn't Amu show us the direction?"

"There is no backyard, where's the backyard side? He is also called pointing the direction?" After that, Ye Nongying curled her eyebrows and said seriously: "I think their behavior is too weird. Once we guessed wrong, they are not Bai Xiaosheng, do they even have another purpose?"

"The guards here are so strict, what other purpose can they have besides Bai Xiaosheng?"

It was the first time that Duanmu Yawang knew that Ye Nongying was so difficult to communicate. She took a deep breath and tried to control herself in order to prevent the patrol from noticing. This is the polar region. We know the Fang family and the Ximen family. They really want to abduct children, so they can help us find them, understand?"

Ye Nongying stared, "What if someone is not abducting and selling tickets?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't bother to tell her, and walked to the side of the shop by herself, so let's just stay here if she likes to stay.

"Wait for me!"

Ye Nongying watched and had to keep up.

The two went to the side of the shop and found that there was another small stall next to the shop. Now the owner of the stall is gone, empty, and there is no place for people to use the toilet.

Ye Nongying watched, spreading her hands: "Look, I said weird, you just don't believe it."

Duanmu Yawang's face was calm, and he kept walking to the left without answering.

After walking for a while, it was the end of the street.

Still no one was seen.

"Go further, we are in the outskirts." Ye Nongying was tired from following, and said bitterly, "Can you calm down?"

Duanmu Yawang still ignored her, and continued to move forward with the slightest moonlight.

After walking for a while, there was no sound from the street behind, and there were dense bushes high in front of people.

Duanmuya frowned, thinking about walking farther than where they got off the spaceship, when she heard a sound of footsteps coming from one side.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying slammed their feet and shouted in a low voice, "Who?"

The footsteps stopped, no one answered her, only someone asked: "Do you really want to know Bai Xiaosheng, or do you want to know?"

It's Ah Shu's voice!

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both heard it.

Duanmu Ya looked at him: "Of course it's true."

When she said, she moved her eyes and saw a little light behind the bush. She walked around and walked into the bush.

Ye Nongying followed, staring at Duanmu Yawang's back.

This person's brain is really much smarter than her...

As soon as the two of them entered, they really saw Ah Shu carrying a lantern, and beside him stood a man about the same height as him and wearing a black cloak.

Even with a little light, Duanmu Yawang couldn't see the face of the person under the cloak.

"The two princes are very smart."

As Ashu said, he took the lantern two steps forward, still smiling, "And it's much bolder than I thought. I found it so soon."

"you flatter me."

Duanmu Yawang arched his hands and said: "We really want to find Bai Xiaosheng, are you Bai Xiaosheng, or... who is it?"

"It doesn't matter who is or who isn't." When Ashu said, there was a sharp light flashing in his eyes: "I only know that speaking is unfounded, how do you prove that you really want to find Bai Xiaosheng, not fake?"

"Does this need to be false?"

"What you said is new." A Shu sneered: "Every year, nobles use various methods to pound Bai Xiaosheng's stalls. Once they catch people, they won't let them go, so..."

"We are outsiders."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and said calmly: "The purpose is only the endless city."


A Shu obviously still doesn't believe it.

Ye Nongying frowned, "Don't believe it or that. Now you are all standing in front of us. If we have other purposes, you have been arrested, right?"

Ah Shu laughed, "You speak more and more fresh, don't you all think about a pot end, it seems meaningless to catch one or two."

Ye Nongying's head exploded, and she couldn't stand it and asked Duanmu Yawang: "You said these nobles, why do you treat Bai Xiaosheng like this?"

When Ashu heard it, he said: "The nobles are to ensure the safety of the civilians. Which family has lost their lives, it is because the nobles are not adequately protected. They lack abilities. Every family wants to prove that they are more powerful. Naturally, they are not allowed. The people will find any endless city and lose their lives."

Ye Nongying said, "That said, it seems that the nobles have done this without any criticism."


A Shu actually agreed, "This has resulted in Bai Xiaosheng's path of interest." No one dares to go up the mountain, only Bai Xiaosheng is needed!

"But if you do this, you are also singing against the nobles." Duanmu Yawang hit the nail on the head: "So, when you treat you, the nobles are especially capable of attacking you?"


Duanmu Yawang didn't want to be too wordy, and couldn't help but said: "After talking so much, we can talk about it formally, how can we trade with you?"

A Shu didn't answer, the man behind him in the cloak who had never spoken said: "A Shu, come here."


Ashu responded respectfully and walked over.

The two whispered a few words, and A Shu came back soon.

He looked at Duanmu Yawang, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "That young man called your brother?"


"That's good."

Ashu nodded, and then said astonishingly: "My son, we will take care of your brother before the deal is over."

Duanmu Yawang frowned, "What do you mean?"

"We can talk about transactions, but in order to ensure that you really want to trade with Bai Xiaosheng, we need a reassurance."

Said the reassurance pill is nice, but it is actually a hostage!

"How do I know that you won't do anything to my brother?"

"A kid, what can we do to him?" Ashu smiled helplessly. "As long as you keep your promises, we will keep your promises. Please don't worry about this."

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and hesitated for a moment.

"If you don't trust us, you don't need to talk about it." The man in the cloak said.

"I have no distrust." Duanmu Yawang looked up and asked: "Then how do we trade?"

"A deposit of 500,000 gold ingots, and one million gold ingots after the incident."

Ye Nongying smacked his tongue and exclaimed to Duanmu Yawang: "This is too expensive, right?"

"We are all at this price, so we don't have to talk about it if we don't want to."

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback, and said honestly: "To be honest, I really don't have so much money."

They spend too much money to come to Banish Street.

Thinking about this, she asked Ye Nongying: "What about you, how much money do you have?"

"You don't know that all the valuable things on my body have been searched. How could I still have so much money on me?"

"..." It's miserable, everything is ready but Dongfeng owes it!

A Shu listened, her expression unhappy, "Come out to find Bai Xiaosheng, don't you guys know you want to bring money?"

After his words fell, the man in the cloak walked directly, as if not wanting to waste time, turned around and left.

A Shu also keeps up.

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly stopped them: "Wait."

A Shu and the man in the cloak stopped, and A Shu asked, "Can you raise money?"

"No." Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "I just wanted to ask if you can use other things instead of money?"


The man in the cloak snorted slightly, with a little toe, and disappeared in the darkness for a moment.

A Shu took a deep breath, and said coldly: "Please don't treat our Bai Xiaosheng as a pawnshop." After speaking, he also disappeared into the dark night.

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