Little Bailu, the seventh foodie, squinted his eyes. "I found out that snake meat is so delicious. No wonder they would say it’s not good and don’t charge money. Compared to our previous brother in Jiuyoushan The snake meat you grilled is even more delicious!"

"The production method is different."

Although Duanmu Yawang also thought it was delicious, he was not very satisfied with Xiao Bailu's words. He squeezed his cheek and hummed, "Little white-eyed wolf, you obviously enjoyed my roasted snake meat before. Believe it or not, let you leave you hungry without cooking?"

The little white deer sticks out his tongue, dare not have any objections, and drank the porridge seriously.

Most of the porridge was drunk, and then served four cages of steamed buns in a row.

However, this time the one serving them was replaced by Amu, and Ashu was gone again.

The three of Duanmu Yawang noticed this, but no one suggested that after Amu put the buns down, they tried their own buns.

The meat buns and vegetable buns are also very delicious.

Little Bailu greeted Duan Muya while eating and said, "This restaurant is better than the food cooked in many big restaurants. It's a shame to be Baixiaosheng."

Duanmu Yawang didn't bother to care about him.

After eating a cage of steamed buns, Amu continued to serve them with the fried meat and stew they had previously ordered.

Because they are hungry a long time ago, and the food is delicious, they don't think too much when they eat.

They didn't stop their chopsticks until their belly supported and couldn't eat.

After stopping the chopsticks, Ye Nongying looked around, but still didn't see A Shu, frowned and said, "There is still the so-called raw beast meat that hasn't been loaded yet. When will A Shu come out to give news?"

Duanmu Yawang was about to answer, and Duanmu Yawang caught a glimpse of A Shu coming out of the kitchen.

He was holding a very large plate in his hand.

On the plate are white tender, very thin and beautiful slices of meat.

"The last piece of raw beast meat is here." A Shu said, and put the plate on the table.

The three looked at each other, Ye Nongying looked at A Shu, and finally couldn't help but said, "About Bai Xiaosheng..."

A Shu's eyelids moved, as if he didn't even hear what Ye Nongying said. He looked at the little white deer and said with a smile: "This little boy is really likable. The chef has made a lot of children's favorite snacks, you guys one day After two visits, we will give you a plate of dim sum for free, but should I go to the kitchen to choose?"

Why did it suddenly come to him?

The little white deer was suspicious and wary.

Ashu comforted: "Every time a child comes to the store, we will deliver it. No money is charged, and the visitor can rest assured."

Who cares about this little money!

Little Bailu looked at him: "Can't you bring it out?"

A Shu's lips chuckled: "There are many types, but only one can be selected. It is not convenient to bring it out."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Then I will go with him?"

A Shu shook his head: "Adults will interfere with the children's decision, so we directly let the children go to the kitchen to choose."

Little Bailu was worried about this: "I must... go by myself?"

A Shu nodded with a smile on his lips.

Little Bailu didn't know what to do, and looked to Duanmu Yawang for help.

Duan Muya looked at her eyes and nodded, "It's hard to be kind, let's go."

"Huh? But..."

Duanmu Yawang didn't wait for him to finish, rubbed his head, and said warmly: "Didn't you say that you are a big man? Just choose a snack. If you are afraid of anything, go."


Sell ​​him like this?

What if there is a cannibal in the kitchen?

Duanmu Ya looked through him with a glance, and whispered to him in a chilly voice: "You are a god, and we can find out if there are big monsters, but little monsters and little monsters can't do anything to you. What are you worried about? "

"Well, I'll go."

Seeing Duanmu Yawang's face firm, Xiao Bailu knew that she couldn't change her mind, so she could only respond obediently.

A Shu smiled and said, "Little son, please follow me." When he said, he walked ahead and led the way.

Little Bailu followed three steps back and forth.

Seeing the two disappeared in the kitchen, Ye Nongying whispered, "Are you worried? Don't you think A Shu called him over, really to give him a snack?"

"What if it really is?"

Ye Nongying sneered twice, "You are too naive, is he really your brother?"

"There is no blood relationship, but I am in the same sibling." When Duanmu Yawang said, seeing Ye Nongying still looked at her disapprovingly, helplessly said: "It's not defenseless in vain, I don't understand what you are afraid of? Besides, we It's still in the store!"

"Yes." Ye Nongying saw Duanmu Yawang say so, and no longer tangled.

However, in fact, she is not really entangled, she is actually more curious.

Curious about what Xiao Bailu came into the kitchen for, snacks or something, must be a secondary excuse.

After Xiao Bailu entered the kitchen, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying stared in the direction of the kitchen while eating and drinking.

The two waited for a while. Little Bailu didn't wait for it to come out. Instead, he saw A Shu bring out a snack, put it on the table with a smile, and said, "Which little boy picked this? He had three urgency. When I went to the toilet, I brought it for him. Please use it slowly."

After speaking, without giving Duanmu Yawang a chance to react, he turned and left.

Ye Nongying frowned: "White Bai didn't seem to say he was in a hurry to go to the toilet, right? Will it be another problem?"

"Calm down first."

Duanmu Yawang pursed her lips and said: "It must be wrong if it is wrong, but I am thinking about why they did it."

While speaking, she glanced at the snack that had just been placed on the table.

The dim sum should be of the puff pastry type, which has been deep-fried and exudes a strong fragrance.

"Huh, it was fried?" Ye Nongying wanted to eat something deep-fried and crispy. When she saw the deep-fried shortbread, although she was quite full, she couldn't help but squeezed one into her mouth. .

It hasn't been long since the puff pastry was fried, and each piece was bottomed with a layer of oiled paper.

As soon as she took it away, Duanmu Yawang discovered that there was something written on the bottom layer of oiled paper.

But it was blurred by the oil, and she couldn't see clearly.

She immediately stretched out her hand, picked up the oil paper, and looked at it.

"What do you make with a piece of paper, it's delicious, you can eat it directly." The shortbread was crispy and fragrant, and Ye Nongying was quite satisfied with it.

Duanmuya said nothing, and handed her the paper.


Ye Nongying took it, but saw three words written on it—see you in the backyard.

Her expression changed and she and Duanmu Ya looked at each other. Both stood up, and they wanted to walk from the direction of the kitchen. However, as soon as they stood up and walked two steps, Amu smiled and said: "The two are going to check out. ?"

The two paused, "...Hmm."

Amu smiled and said, "A total of two hundred gold ingots."

A meal of two hundred gold ingots is simply sky-high in the outside world. It is also very expensive here, but Duanmu Yawang can accept it and gave him two hundred gold ingots.

She originally thought that she would be able to enter the kitchen, but Amu stopped them when she stopped them.

The smile on his face did not change, and he said, "Going further in is the kitchen. The focus of the kitchen is not suitable for guests to enter and exit. Now that the two of you have settled the bill, please go out from the door. Welcome guests again."

"What do you mean?"

When Ye Nongying heard it, she felt like she was on a thief ship, her face suddenly stunned, "The child we came with is still in the kitchen, we can go, but please bring the child back to us first."

"Then my little son went to the toilet." Amu still had a smile on his face, and pointed in a direction: "Of course the toilet will not be in the direction of the kitchen. It is so impolite to go to the toilet next door to the backyard, uh, two After you go out, please walk over there and you can see it."

Ye Nongying wanted to say something, but Duanmu Yawang grabbed her arm and shook her head, saying, "Let's go."

Ye Nongying's eyes widened, unable to believe: "Are you crazy? That's your brother, you..."


When Duanmu Yawang said, he pulled her out, and he said to her, "Look at the people around you before you speak."

Ye Nongying calmed down when she heard it, and she looked down and scanned the people in the shop, and found that although everyone was eating or drinking tea or chatting, Yu Guang was looking at them, curious and defensive. Interesting, but more arrogant.

The eyes are extremely complicated.

Ye Nongying couldn't read it either.

However, she felt familiar with those haughty eyes.

Like an eagle falcon staring at a fledgling young eagle, haughty and superior.

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