On Four Streets, everyone said they were different from each other. Let them go to Fang Mansion to have tea and chat?

They can only do this if they are crazy!

Everyone, when you look at my eyes, someone first snorted, "Go and go!"

After speaking, he flung his sleeves and left.

"Let's go too!"

Suddenly, a large group of people at the original palace disappeared in an instant.

Ye Nongying took a breath, "It's so good, the air is a lot fresher. Don't these people really know that they are annoying?"

Fang Zhushang smiled, remembering the words of those people just now, and soothed Duanmu Yawang and said: "Miss Duanmu, don't care about those people's words, we all know how Gongyu Gongzi treats you, and we also know that your relationship is very good."

"I didn't care."

Duanmuya laughed and laughed, "It's not anything that can make me listen to it."

"That's good."

Fang Zhushang sighed, "However, I still disturbed you in the end, because I did not do well enough."

"Don’t say that, I don’t know. Gong Yulan didn’t agree to accept everyone’s apologies and caused you such a big trouble. If you want to apologize, we should apologize." She happened to meet her today. It's on, presumably when she went out to play with Gong Yulan yesterday, Fang Zhushang also received a lot of harassment.

"What Miss Duanmu said, in fact, they are right. Our Fang Mansion is indeed stained a lot because of the relationship between Gongyu and Young Master." When the Lord Fang said, he smiled sincerely: "You are all of us exiled from the street. , And our benefactor."

"Fine, don't talk about these benefactors not benefactors." Duanmu Yawang leaned on Ye Nongying, lazily said: "After all, we are going to be harassing in your house for half a month. If you talk about this, I guess I will also Thank you every day."

The host laughed, "Okay, then we really don't have to be polite."


Duanmu Yawang nodded and asked Ye Nongying: "By the way, there is no fight and no activity. What are you going to do today?"

"I don't want to do anything."

Ye Nong Ying was lingering, "I'm in a bad mood."

"Do you still think about those things?"

"Why don't you?" Without those things, she would feel insecure no matter where she went!

Duanmu Yawang still wanted to speak. At this moment, a little girl like a silver bell rang: "Your fiance, really isn't there anymore?"

Duanmu Yawang heard the voice of Ximen Yingyue.

She looked left and right, but she didn't see her shadow.

"Hehe, look up."

Duanmu Yawang looked up and saw that Ximen Yingyue was actually lying on the roof, and a beautiful little head poked out from the roof.

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched, "Why are you here?" And, when did you come?

Fang Mansion’s barrier has been repaired. There are barriers on the roof. How did she cross the barrier and lie on the roof?

Ximen Yingyue seemed to understand mind-reading, smiled with an innocent face and jumped down from the roof, cleverly carrying her hands with her **** and she said milkyly: "Since you quarreled, I have been there. I like it. Playing peekaboo, you really didn't find me! You adults, you are so stupid!"


The Lord Fang is accustomed to seeing it, and he looked at Duan Muya and said: "Miss Ximen seems to have a special ability, no matter what kind of barrier, she can pass through."


Regardless of the barrier, it actually included the barrier that Gong Yulanzhi had repaired.

This is amazing.

"Sister, do you want to have such a special ability?" Ximen Yingyue raised her head and stared at her blankly: "I can teach you!"


Duanmu Yawang didn't expect her to say this, and shook her head subconsciously: "No, thank you."


The little girl pouted and asked aggrievedly at her finger: "Then you like the spaceship I gave you?"


I have to say, why doesn't she like such a big spaceship.

It's just, "If you didn't demolish my things without authorization, I would like it better."

"Okay." The little girl pursed her mouth, and went over to pull her hand to act coquettishly: "I'm usually good at dismantling and assembling spaceships. I thought I could take them apart and put them back. Who knows what your box is, the structure inside is like this It's weird, small things can't be continued if they are broken."

When the words fell, he blinked his big eyes and asked eagerly, "But what are your iron boxes? I have never seen anything like this before, and I have never seen the tiny things in the box. Yes, it's really novel."

Duanmu Yawang didn't hate her either, and replied half-truth: "It's a special iron box that can be used to treat patients."

"Can still cure illness?"

She sighed, "Can you heal my brother's eyes?"

When these words came out, whether it was Duanmu Yawang, Fang Zhushang or Ye Nongying, they all stared at her suddenly.

Duanmu Yawang asked: "Your brother wants to heal his eyes?"

The Lord Fang said before that Ximen Yuntu's eyes were injured when Ximen's family was almost slaughtered.

It seems to be gouging out the eyes?

"never mind."

Ximen Yingyue thought of something and shook her head: "Anyway, my brother's eyes are fine, and I can't say that he can treat it. That's also good."


Do you still say it's okay?

The Lord Fang looked at Ximen Yingyue, and asked, "Do you want to sit in the mansion?"

"Do not."

The little girl refused, "I'm afraid your daughter will be afraid if I see me."


The corner of Fang's mouth twitched twice, "The little girl is not afraid of you."

"She's afraid." Ximen Yingyue said unceremoniously: "It's really embarrassing for such a big person to be afraid of me as a little girl. You should make her more courageous. Otherwise, you can scare her to death by just being alone. NS."

Fangzhu pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Am I wrong?" Ximen Yingyue snorted. "My brother said he would let me practice courage every day. If he is gone, I can live well. You are going to die. Isn't she scared to death every day? ?"

"you are right."

The Lord Fang did not feel unhappy, and glanced at Ximen Yingyue, "Thank you for your teachings."

"You are Welcome."

Ximen Yingyue shook her head, and stared at him disgustedly: "By the way, we girls are chatting, why have you been standing here and doing?"


Fang Zhu Shang was helpless, "Okay, I'm going. Do you want to go in and chat, I can let someone prepare tea."

"If you say no, you go."

This is his house...

Fang Zhu laughed and laughed, but he didn't want to care about whether it was a little girl: "Okay, then you guys talk slowly here, I'm leaving."

When speaking, he nodded to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying.

Watching him go, Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Zhikai Fangzhu, do you have anything you want to tell me?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that you are boring?" The little girl thought of something and stared at her expectantly: "You might as well go play in my house. There are many spaceships in my house. If you like it, I can I'll give you another one."

"never mind……"

"Your house is on the same street?"

Duanmu Yawang said the word forget, but the latter sentence was said by Ye Nongying.

Ximen Yingyue nodded, and glanced at Ye Nongying distractedly: "Yeah, what's up?"

"No, just ask casually."

Ximen Yingyue ignored her and continued to ask Duanmu Yawang: "Then sister, do you want to come to my house for fun?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer yet, Ye Nongying yawned, and Duanmu Yawang's eyelids moved, "I didn't rest well last night. When I have a good rest, I can go there when I have time?"

Ximen Yingyue was obviously dissatisfied with her answer, "What if you say you don't have a good rest every day?"


This little girl is really smart, and she knows how to draw inferences from one another.

Duanmu Yawang had no choice but to say: "Then I look for a day to pass these days?"


Ximen Yingyue had big eyes and dazzling eyes, tilted her head and smiled crookedly: "That's it, you can't regret it."


To be honest, she also wanted to see what Ximen Mansion was like.

"Then I'm leaving." Ximen Yingyue waved to her, and then disappeared.

"It's really coming and going like wind."

Duanmu Yawang curled her lips, looked at Ye Nongying, and said, "If you are so sleepy, go back to your room and rest?"


The two walked back from the gate.

On the way back, in the corridor close to the room, Duanmu Yawang finally said: "Let's go, you ask if Ximen Mansion lives on the first street, what are you making?"

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