The two went to the gate, Qi did not expect that the Lord Fang had not invited anyone in, and there were still a few noises outside the gate.

Duanmu Yawang frowned, "It seems to be arguing?"


Ye Nongying also found out, and the two walked quickly over, and they heard Fang's helpless say: "Everyone, I really didn't lie to everyone. Gongyu Gongzi really didn't want to see outsiders yesterday. Yesterday. There is no time to meet outsiders if you are not in the house."

"Yesterday was yesterday, what about today?"

"Young Master Gongyu has an urgent matter today and has already left the house."

"How do we know if you are lying?"

Fang Zhu: "Why should I lie?"

"Why do you want to lie? I have to ask yourself." Someone snorted disdainfully, "Master Gongyu lives in your mansion, and now your mansion is admired by thousands of people. You know how big a bargain you have taken, you know! "

"That is, don't be too greedy, don't think about all the benefits of your own monopoly, the balanced development of the four streets is the right way!"

The party leader was exhausted: "What does this matter have to do with the balanced development of the Four Streets?"

"Now the people on Four Streets are saying that your mansion is reliable. When will you still pretend to be?"

Duan Mu Yawang couldn't listen anymore, came behind Fang Zhu's body, and sneered: "It turns out that this is the attitude of everyone coming to visit, and it really made me insightful."

Fang Zhu: "Miss Duanmu, why did you come out?"

"I thought of it and took a look, but I didn't expect to hear such an interesting thing."

Duanmu Yawang just heard them arguing a few words, and she probably understood something. She sneered and scanned the servants with a group of servants behind them, and the servants were carrying a lot of gifts. Shana was safe. Come prepared.

Seeing Duanmu Yawang, everyone was taken aback.

They all knew that Duanmu Yawang was Gong Yulanzhi's fiancée. She was on the rooftop and they didn't give her a good face, so the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

However, people will find their own steps.

Someone stepped forward: "Miss Duanmu, how offended she was on the rooftop that day, please forgive me."

"I don't want to mention the past."

Duanmu Yawang waved his hand, and was too lazy to entangle some unnecessary things with them, "The Lord Fang did not lie. My fiance is indeed not in the Fang Mansion. If you are here to visit the Lord Fang, please be polite. Talk to the mansion, if not, then you can go back."

"Go back so soon?"

Someone stared at Duanmu Yawang suspiciously, apparently not convinced: "Gongyu Young Master only appeared in Banishment Street for a few days, right?"

"Why, the host said you don't believe me, but I said you don't believe me, should you go in to search the mansion?"


These people were quiet for a moment, and did not dare to answer.

They definitely couldn't do it in Soufu, but they were not reconciled if they couldn't see Gong Yulan.

Duanmu Yawang also guessed what they thought, and sneered, "Let’s not say that Gong Yulan is really not in the house. Even if he is in the house, he won’t be able to come out to see you. You will die." Heart it."


Someone dissatisfied: "We came here so sincerely to thank him, he..."

"Sincere? You actually mean to say this word." Duanmu Yawang looked incredible, and asked in a cold voice: "Really sincere, will respect his decision, knowing that he doesn't like seeing outsiders, he will choose not to disturb , Where is the sincerity of your crusade cheeks?"


Everyone is silent.

There are also people who feel uncomfortable, they still look down on Duanmu Yawang, "You are not Lord Gongyu himself, why are you talking about us like this?"

They don't even understand why Gong Yulan has such a banished character, why there is a fiancee with black hair and eyes, it is ashamed!

"that is!"

Someone also got bolder, "You haven't passed the door yet, do you really think you are Mrs. Gongyu and can speak for Mr. Gongyu? Will Mr. Gongyu really marry you? I have to say something else!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Someone's eyes lit up, "Master Gongyu is so good, he should be accompanied by a stunning beauty with purple eyes and silver hair! You are not good enough for him!" If you want to choose a fiancé, their family is too purple. Beauty with silver eyes!

Young Master Gongyu wants to marry a few, and they are willing to send a few home!

"Everyone, don't be too much!"

When the Lord Fang heard this, he couldn't listen at all, and he was furious: "Everyone is a person with a head and a face, so what is the demeanor of attacking a woman like this?"

Ye Nongying leaned against the door, and said with a transparent face: "They care about what kind of demeanor for their own benefit. In my opinion, they want to thank Gongyu Gongzi as an excuse. The real idea is probably to give others. The girl from your own family will go over and marry Young Master Gongyu. By the way, do you have a relationship with Young Master Gongyu?"

After all, Gong Yulan Zhi is now in Banishment Street, but thousands of people admire and trust them.

If you have a relationship with him, then that family doesn't know how much to get involved!

It is possible to reach the sky in one step.

Everyone was said to be the central issue, and became angry: "Which green onion are you, a woman who doesn't want to stay in her boudoir, is she talking nonsense here?"

"I really don't need to explain to you who I am, but you are so noisy in front of your benefactor's residence, and you insult his fiancée and shame him. Don't you be afraid that your benefactor will be angry and do something against you? Things come?"

After that, I added a sentence: "Now, as long as Master Gongyu says that any one of you is not, I think, this person's family will be destroyed, right?"

Everyone was taken aback.

Indeed it is.

Soon someone sneered: "Gongyu Young Master and this black-haired woman with dark eyes may have been married since he was a child. He probably is not happy to be too tight, and he can't wait to kick her fiancée!"

Duanmu Ya looked at her forehead and smiled angrily.

Damn, she really wants to screw off the skulls of these people!

"Princess Gongyu likes Miss Duanmu very much, and she is very affectionate with Duanmu Yawang. I believe that everyone on the rooftop and on the ground that day saw that Young Master Gongyu had a different attitude towards Miss Duanmu. Don't speculate anymore!"

Fang Zhu said sonorously: "Furthermore, everyone does not know that the reason why Gongyu Gongzi came to exile this time is entirely because of Miss Duanmu. Everyone is also exposed to the light of Miss Duanmu, and now has the exile street. For her freedom, everyone should not only thank Master Gongyu, but also Miss Duanmu."

In the first sentence of Fang Zhu, everyone remembered some scenes on the rooftop, as if Gong Yulan looked at Duanmu Yawang in different eyes.

In an instant, everyone hesitated.

In case Mu Yawang really liked Yulan, they insulted her, then...

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they didn't dare to mention it again.

However, some people think that Fang Zhu’s words are absurd: "You said that Lord Gongyu came to exile for her. What evidence is there? What identity we want to thank her inexplicably, and you don’t want her to be able to Can't afford it!"

The Lord Fang said angrily: "Because Miss Duanmu participated in the exile ceremony and was punished for euthanasia. Masters and Mr. Xian know about this incident. You can ask them for proof if you don't believe me!"

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other.

Because they all remembered that two days ago, there was indeed news that Fang Mansion was looking for doctors everywhere to treat people, and there was also news of euthanasia.

And the rumor is still a woman with black hair and black eyes.

Looking at the entire street of exile, isn't it just a woman with black hair and black eyes in Duanmu Yawang?

Moreover, being punished and euthanized, but still alive during the memorial ceremony, it must be because Gongyu Gongzi rescued him.

"Okay, we will believe you for the time being."

Some people obviously believed Fang's words and didn't dare to disrespect Duanmuya anymore, but some people were unwilling to let it go.

After thinking about it, someone caught the contradiction in Ye Nongying’s words just now and watched her retort: ​​"You just said that we would provoke Gongyu Gongzi. You are obviously intimidating us, and Fang said just now. Young Master Gongyu is no longer in Fang Mansion!"

"The Lord Fang said so, but you didn't believe it." Ye Nongying helplessly spread his hands, "So, do you want Lord Yu to be in Fang Mansion or don't you want him to be in Fang Mansion?"

Everyone choked.

There was nothing to say.

The Lord Fang sighed and said: "If you are here sincerely to visit our Fang, I will now invite you to sit in and have a cup of hot tea. But if you are not here to visit me, please leave now, otherwise, No one on our side can provoke anyone."

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