The names of these characters, mythical beasts, looked particularly weird, and she didn't even recognize some characters.

However, she didn't care.

She browsed the catalog one by one.

The book is very thick, one page describes one beast, and the catalog is about one hundred.

Duanmu Yawang carefully read all the catalogs, and carefully remembered the names he had ever seen in his heart.

After reading it, she noticed it from the bottom of her heart.

In her previous life, she was a person who liked to read Shan Hai Jing very much. There were many species in Shan Hai Jing, and almost every one of them was weird and complicated. When Duan Mu Ya looked at Shan Hai Jing, she only felt that the people who wrote this book had a strong thinking.

She also appreciates this imagination.

Therefore, she read the scriptures over and over again.

The descriptions of some of the species inside are very impressive.

Although she can't say that she can memorize every word in the book, she can cherish every species in it.

I remember the description of the species clearly.

In this "Creation", the weird thing is that there are some species that fit well in the classics of mountains and seas, but the number of species in this book is far from that of the classics of mountains and seas. Therefore, if you can follow the classics of mountains and seas, To describe a divine beast coming out, Duanmu Yawang has many choices.

I'm afraid Ximen Yingyue's guess is wrong.

Thinking like this, she stretched out her hand and pulled out the largest piece of paper from a row of rolled up, large and small papers, and she stretched out her hand to prepare for it.

However, when it was about to unfold, I suddenly found that there was no ink on the desktop.

She glanced around, and found that there was no ink on the table where there were no people sitting on the table and the table where there were several people on the table of Ximen Yuntu, Ying Nong Ying.

She wrinkled her brows, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Why is there no ink?"

She murmured softly.

The words had fallen, and a person appeared silently beside her.

The man carried a cloth basket, the basket was covered with white cloth, no one could see what was in the basket.

The man glanced at the paper without my hand, and asked: "Need ink?"


Duanmu Yawang was accustomed to the way this ghost appeared, and the person asked again: "Painting or drawing?"

Duanmuya's eyes flashed, "painted."


The man responded and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Stretch out your hand."

Duanmu Yawang thought that this person was going to give herself ink, but unexpectedly, the person pinched a silver needle in his hand.

Duanmu Yawang was stunned.

What operation is this...?

She withdrew her hand which had been released all of a sudden.

This person can guess Duanmu Yawang's uneasiness, and his voice calmly soothed: "Don't panic, only a drop of blood is needed."

Duanmu Yawang still hesitated.

The man waited for a while, seeing that Duanmu Yawang hadn't reached out his hand, and said flatly: "If you don't want to, you don't need to participate in this ceremony."

Turn around and leave after speaking.

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly called to stop: "Please wait a moment."

The man glanced back at her, his purple eyes were deep.

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand, "I am willing."

Only then did the man walk back to two parts, pinch the silver needle, and lightly tap on the pad of Duanmu Yawang's ring finger.

As soon as the silver needle fell, it quickly left. Duanmu Yawang's ring finger barely felt the pain, and she took a closer look at her ring finger, and there was no wound on it.

However, the silver needle on that person's hand happened to be stained with a drop of blood.


Duanmu Yawang was stunned.

There was no wound or pain in her hand, how did this drop of blood be drawn out?

Without waiting for her to think about it, the man put the silver needle in his hand into the basket, and then asked her again: "What color do I need?"

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a moment, then slowly said, "Brown, red, white, blue..."

She said more than ten colors of Moyo in one fell swoop.

"so much?"

The man asked surprisingly unexpectedly.

It seems hard to imagine that there are species in this world that need so many colors to paint.

With so many colors, the painted species should be colorful, right?


Duanmu Yawang nodded affirmatively: "I really need the colors I said, do you have them?"

The man did not answer, stretched out his hand, and took out a small dish of colorful ink from the basket.

A total of more than ten bottles were taken out.

No one knows why there are so many piles of colored ink in this small basket without overflowing.

Duanmu Yawang only felt that the basket in this man's hand looked like a cat's pocket.

It's just what you want.

After the man put down all the things Duanmu Yawang needed, he turned around and left, and Duanmu Yawang quickly called to stop again: "Wait!"

The man paused, "Is there anything else?"

"I need several such small dishes, can you give me some?"

"How much do you need?"

Duanmu Yawang pondered, "Seven or eight."

The man glanced at her, paused before reaching into his basket, and then conjured seven or eight small plates and handed it to her.

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "Thank you."

The man said nothing, turned around and left.

On the other side, Ye Nongying noticed the movement of Duanmu Yawang's side, probed her head, and curiously spoke to her, "Are you going to draw butterflies?"


Duanmuya glanced at her irritably, "Is a butterfly considered a divine beast?"

"Then what do you want such colorful ink for?" Ye Nongying's tone was all puzzled: "The only colorful thing I can think of is a butterfly. And you have so many colors, a butterfly can't possibly have so many colors. !"

"Have you never painted before?" Duan Mu Yawang said, staring at the colorful ink carefully.

She felt that the colors of these colorful inks really looked better, and she couldn't help but reached out and picked up one of the plates and looked at it carefully.

After watching for a while, I suddenly smelled a faint smell of blood.

The smell of blood?

Why does ink smell of blood?

Or is this **** smell not coming from the ink at all?

In order to verify her thoughts, she moved the ink to the tip of her nose, and found that she had really smelled it wrong, and these colorful inks didn't smell like ink at all.

Moreover, the smell of blood seems to have never been smelled anymore.

"Sure enough, I smelled the wrong thing."

She breathed a sigh of relief and let the ink down.

"What are you talking to yourself?" Ye Nongying couldn't help asking, seeing her behaving strangely.


When Duanmu Yawang said something, he glanced at her and asked, "Do you want to draw something?"


Ye Nongying was dejected.

Thinking of something, she asked again: "What did you mean by that? I can paint, do you look down on me too much?"

"Then you don't need to color your own painting?"


Ye Nongying was taken aback.

"Don't tell me, you don't know what to grade."

"Of course I know, just where the colors can be adjusted casually." Ye Nong Ying frowned: "Color ink is inherently rare. If each color can be used well, it is already very good, so don't waste it. Color ink, some bad colors have come out."

"That's because you don't know how to color."

Duanmu Yawang said mercilessly: "If you understand, you wouldn't say that."

Ye Nongying didn't refute, but instead asked, "So, you know how to grade?"

"Huh huh, otherwise, why should I make such colorful ink?"

She doesn't know if the person has the color she wants, so she just talked about some regular colors.

The colors she wants are not all directly used for painting. On the contrary, many of them are not directly needed, but she needs to be adjusted by her to get the colors that she really needs.

"Tsk tsk."

Ye Nongying curled her mouth and hummed softly, "Well, I must admit that you are also better than me in painting."


Duanmu Yawang didn't mean to compare with her, she silently placed the ink on the table and the clean empty plate in order, and then she picked up the ink and started mixing.

When she made arrangements, Ye Nongying stared at one side.

Duanmu Yawang noticed it, and without raising her head, she spoke to her in her heart: "I have started to do it, you don't have to hurry up, do you really want to go through this ceremony?"


Ye Nongying said with a sigh, she said, "However, I don't want to make it so complicated. It's better for me to draw directly, simple and clear."


Anyway, she prefers delicate and colorful painting.

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