Duanmuya narrowed her eyes seven times, "You are so sure, why, have you participated in this creation ceremony before?"

Ximen Yingyue was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled twice, "Naturally, I haven't participated in it, but I think it should be like this." Well, she also tugged at her brother, "Brother, you said I said Right?"

Simon Yuntu gave a faint hum.

Duanmu Yawang originally thought he was just responding casually, but he glanced at her and said, "Ying Yue is right."

Ye Nong Yingmu is suspicious: "Really?"

"What lie to you!"

Ximen Yingyue hummed softly, "Little children don't like to lie, and I will definitely not lie to you."

"What if I hear you wrong?"

Ximen Yingyue was a little angry with her arms akimbo, "Then you say, what better idea can you replace?"

Ye Nongying shook his head.

Ximen Yingyue was very proud: "That's it, you guys don't have a better idea. If you try to follow my idea, isn't it good?"

Ye Nongying didn't answer, she looked at Duanmu Yawang: "What do you think?"

Duanmu Yawang looked at the two brothers and sisters in front, with thoughtful eyes, nodded and said: "Anyway, we don't have a better idea, I think it's okay to try. Anyway, no matter what the result is, it will not affect us much, right? ?"


Ye Nongying shrugged, and the matter was settled.

It was Ximen Yingyue who listened to the conversation between the two and wrinkled her brows. "What is it, no matter what the result is, it will not affect you much? You know, if you make a mistake, you will be punished!"

Ye Nongying was about to speak, Duan Muya gave her a look without a trace.

Ye Nongying had a meal, then she turned around and smiled and asked her: "By the way, your sister has already knitted a word of music according to what you said. When will you return her embroidered bag to her?"

"It's not your embroidered bag, why did you speak?" When Ximen Yingyue really didn't entangle the original topic, she stared at her with round eyes.

"I'm afraid you forgot to remind you?"

"We'll talk about it when we finish all the ceremonies."

After Ximen Yingyue finished speaking, she slumped on her brother's shoulders and closed her eyes to rest, with an expression that she didn't want to pay attention to Ye Nong Ying.

Soon, they arrived at the creation ceremony.

"Hey, this creation ceremony is similar to the worship ceremony." Outside the Gangdao creation ceremony, Ye Nongying approached Duanmu Yawang and whispered.


Duanmu Yawang also feels alike.

First of all, there is a stand for both ceremonies, and someone on the stand is knocking on wooden fish and there is a mantra.

However, the people under the table did different things.

Below the table are a number of tables, on the table are placed a group of large and small brushes, as well as various types of paper.

In front of the table, someone was sitting at the table and waving a pen.

Seeing this scene, what do you still don't understand?

Ye Nongying craned her neck and swept a circle on the table, and whispered curiously: "I thought it was necessary to make a beast out of mud, but it seems that there is no such thing as mud on the table. "


Before Duanmu Yawang came, she didn't know how to create something. When she came to see it, she said: "It should be a picture of what you want to create in your heart."

"Fortunately fortunately."

Ye Nongying patted her chest and said with a smile: "I am better at drawing than mud, I hate the feeling of dirty hands."

"But I hate painting."

Ximen Yuntu was standing not far from the two of them holding Ximen Yingyue. They naturally heard the conversation between them. The little girl pouted and said unhappily: "This lady will be tired after grabbing the pen and drawing for a while. Such delicate things are really annoying."

After that, she tugged at her brother's ear, and hummed, "It's all to blame you!"

Ximen Yuntu glanced at her coldly, and didn't answer at all.

Duanmu Yawang felt amused, "Miss Ximen, this ceremony was not performed by Mr. Ximen. What does it have to do with him?"

"It wasn't him, but he asked me to come." Ximen Yingyue had many reasons. "If he didn't let me come, I would definitely not encounter such a problem."

"..." She made sense.

Also, she still didn't understand why Ximen Yuntu would take her to the exile ceremony with her when Ximen Yingyue was so young.

Moreover, this time, it seems to be the second time to participate.

This... is a little different from Fang Zhu's beloved daughter.

Of course, she could also see that Ximen Yuntu loved her sister very much. Although she usually didn't say a word or looked at people coldly, no matter how much Ximen Yingyue made, he never really got angry.

Simon Yuntu said unexpectedly: "Don't you like challenges?"

"Although I like it, I don't know how to paint."


Simon Yuntu calmly responded to a single syllable and didn't take it to heart.

Ximen Yingyue grumbled her teeth, "Oh what do you mean?"

"If you don't, try to meet."

"How can this be tried, painting obviously takes time to practice!"

"You usually have a lot of time."

The implication is, do you practice?

Ximen Yingyue was speechless.

Regardless of what she thought, Simon Yuntu put her down, walked to a table by himself, and sat down.

Duanmu Yawang glanced at Ye Nongying, and said, "Let's find a place to sit down, too."


Ye Nongying answered, and the two were about to leave. Duanmuya saw Ximen Yingyue still staying on the spot, biting her little finger nervously, and pulling her a thousand, "Aren't you going?"

"Don't want to go?"

The little girl's voice was aggrieved, and she said coquettishly: "Sister, can you help me?"

"Can this help?"

"...No." The little girl sighed thinly.

"That's it." Duanmu Yawang rubbed her underclothes, and said warmly: "Anyway, it's the fifth ceremony. If you really don't want to participate, just go back."


The little girl didn't know what had come to mind, she clasped her hands tightly and said, "I must participate!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Duanmu Yawang's response, she took the lead in a trot and walked to the table next to Ximen Yuntu and sat down.

Ye Nongying came two steps forward, and said with Duan Muya: "This little girl is really weird. She said that she didn't want to, but she also said that she must participate, which is really a contradiction."

"She is very good now." Duan Mu Yawang said lightly: "If she has been like this, I would be very happy to be close to her."

I was afraid that she would suddenly target her again.

"Both brothers and sisters are weird." Ye Nongying touched her chin and said thoughtfully: "Did you find out? They don't seem to be so afraid of the exile ceremony, nor are they afraid of punishment. They participated because they liked it. But the paradox is that they still obeyed the rules of exile and participated in the ceremony obediently, which is really puzzling."

Duanmu Yawang did not answer.

She also noticed what Ye Nongying said.

However, Ximen Yingyue said that she had participated in the fourth ceremony, and the tone of her certainty towards this creature made her more concerned.

"Fine, we don't care about them, let's finish this ritual well." When Ye Nongying said, she sighed, "I don't know if I can really finish it." Anyway, she just has to think about it. The so-called divine beast is blank.


Duanmu Yawang nodded, and the two also found a seat.

Duanmu Yawang sat behind Ximen Yingyue, and Ye Nongying sat behind Ximen Yuntu.

As soon as they sat there, a book and an elegant bookmark appeared on the desktop.

The two words "Creation" are written on the cover of the book.

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "Is there a reference for creation on it?"

Thinking about this, she was about to turn the book, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of the four words written on the bookmark.

Do not repeat.

Duanmu Yawang paused, and then he realized something in his mind, and said to himself, "Could it be that you can't repeat the content?"

Thinking about this, she still opened the book.

Books still have catalogs.

Unexpectedly, the beginning of the catalog is the ten great beasts of Bai Ze, Kui, Phoenix, Qilin, and Ying Lu.

Duanmu Yawang has all heard of these stretched hands, and can also tell the characteristics of their legendary version in detail, but it is only surprising that this book actually contains the beast she has heard of.

Of course, there are things she has heard of in the book, but there are also things she has never heard of.

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