As soon as he said this, Duanmu Qiya looked up hurriedly, and really saw a huge vortex appearing above his head!

The vortex looked deep and big, and it was constantly rotating, almost all the sky above it was occupied by it!

Hurricane Duanmu Yawang is not unheard of, but with such a deep and large vortex, Duanmu Yawang still finds it hard to believe that it is just a hurricane.

However, a closer look reveals that it is a real hurricane.

Because the wind is constantly rolling and gathering, the wind is still getting bigger and bigger.

With the hurricane, she felt that the rhythm of the gongs and drums had accelerated a lot, and the dancing rhythm of those dancers who held the puff fan must also increase.

With the influence of wind, the dancer's posture is lighter!

Duanmu Yawang danced while staring at a hurricane. She had never seen such a hurricane before. If it were placed in her previous life, it would surely be able to affect the world's wonders, and it would surely be able to shake the whole world!

Not only has she never seen it, but Ye Nongying has never seen it before. Just after regaining a trace of breath, her eyes widened when she was able to breathe normally. "This wind is actually a hurricane?"


"The hurricane is not a good sign, but it is something that may harm people. What is the significance of this wind ritual?" Ye Nong Ying said in a calm tone, but more worried: "We just worked so hard, shouldn’t it be for Help the formation of the hurricane?"

Because, along with dancing, along with the swaying of the fan of huge power, the wind continues to form.

There are dozens of people in this dance, and everyone has such great power at once. It is not impossible to form such a hurricane!

"Yes." Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "We helped the formation of the hurricane."

Ye Nongying is angrily: "I don't understand, what is the significance of this hurricane?"

Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "The meaning of the Exile Festival is not something ordinary people like us can understand."

While speaking, she glanced at the audience.

At this look, my heart sank.

Because she found that the people under the hurricane, except for the dancers supported by the hurricane with fans in their hands, are very quiet and almost unaffected by the hurricane. The feeling of being sucked in by a hurricane at any time.

"What the **** is going on?" Many people exclaimed in horror, "I, shall we be sucked in?"

"Such a big hurricane, we can't stand still, we will definitely be sucked in!"

"Then we will die?" Someone's voice trembled.

"It seems that we are really going to be punished this time." Someone said in a daze, dazed: "Escaped the first and second rituals, but couldn't escape the third ritual."

"What nonsense are you talking about here? What does it mean to be punished? The hurricane is coming. We will definitely die if we sit and wait for death. Let's run!" When someone said, he cursed in a low voice and suggested.

"No, you can't run, right?" Someone dared not run, and said in fear: "Heaven's sanctions, even if you run, it's useless. I'm afraid that the gods will be angry and will harm our children and grandchildren."

"What age do we have, no wives, no children, and offspring who don't survive, are you stupid?" Someone yelled and confirmed impatiently, "Do you want to run?"

"But, but the purpose of our ceremony is to observe and attend the ceremony. This ceremony is still over. How can we leave ahead of time?"

"If you don't leave early, you will die. Do you want to die?"

During the dispute, the hurricane in the sky became stronger and stronger, and without waiting for the answer from his companion, the man ran away by himself first.

Someone watched and ran along.

However, many people who ran this time, because they left the crowd, they became even weaker. Their bodies were suddenly as light as catkins, like a leaf, and they were pulled off the ground by the hurricane!

"Help, help!"

The moment this word was uttered, he was sucked into the whirlpool without giving others a chance to react!

It has been in the depths of the whirlpool, no sound can be heard, and no big figure can be seen.

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was stunned and screamed in horror.

Seeing such a scene, no one dared to run out alone again.

Ye Nongying gritted his teeth and looked at Duanmuya: "The few people are simply looking for death on their own. With so many people standing together, the hurricane will not **** people in, but they ran out one by one, and they were easily sucked! "

"In the face of a disaster, escape is the only thought in most people's hearts." Duanmu Yawang was very calm. She said: "There are not many people who can remain rational and think carefully." Looking around, looking for Xiao Bailu Seeing the figure of Fang Ruoxing and Fang Ruoxing tightly close together, holding his hands tightly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Nongying didn't agree very much, "Look, don't many people just stand still and didn't run away?"

"That's because they are still not sure whether they can run." Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "The characters in their ceremony are attending the ceremony. Even if the ceremony is not over, even if they leave, they are afraid of being punished. So, many People didn’t run because they were hesitating."


Ye Nongying didn't refute this.

Because she also feels that many people actually have this mentality.

The hurricane above the head is getting bigger and bigger, the rhythm of beating the gongs and drums is getting faster and faster, Duanmu Yawang and their dancing continues to accelerate.

Ye Nongying just took a breath, although there is wind, she is not tired, she can hardly keep up with this rhythm, "How long will this ceremony last? If it is faster, I will be unable to keep up. !"

Duanmu Yawang, who didn't dance much, also felt that there was a problem with the coordination of his hands and feet at this speed.

"If you can't keep up, keep up."

Duanmu Yawang gritted her teeth and insisted firmly.

Now that they have all come in, they have persisted until now, and we can't let all our previous efforts be abandoned!

Ye Nongying gritted her teeth, trying hard to keep up with the rhythm, and stopped struggling to chat.

However, this rhythm is obviously not the fastest. As time goes by, the rhythm of their dance needs to be faster.

Fast, fast, their feet actually rose off the ground!

"What's going on? Shouldn't we have to be sacrificed to the wind too?" Ye Nongying panicked, and only felt that the wind around her was getting stronger and stronger. She also wanted to stop, but it was useless at all. She was so forced that her movements were still standardized, and she couldn't stop even if she wanted to stop, she could only watch her keep getting farther and farther away from the ground.

Duanmu Yawang's face also changed.

Everything deviated from the original expectation.

"Don't hold back and say nothing!"

As the wind gets stronger, they dance more, and Ye Nongying almost can't see Duanmu Yawang's figure clearly, and said anxiously: "You must think of a way!"

"I do not know what to do."

Duanmu Yawang's face was deep, "I can't stop." Moreover, I can feel that they are getting closer and closer to the hurricane, and the suction is getting stronger.

Ye Nongying felt cold in her heart, "Are we going to die this time?"

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a while, and said coldly: "No."


"..." Duanmu Yawang did not answer.

Ye Nongying urged: "Speak quickly!"

When she said that, she looked towards Duanmu Yawang, but the sound of the wind in her ears was too loud, they forced them to move more, and the wind blew her ears. She couldn't hear what Duanmu Yawang said, only seeing Duanmu Yawang's mouth opened and closed.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nong were in it, and they didn't feel much change at first.

However, the little Bailu and Fang Ruoxing watching from the outside, as they moved faster and faster, a faint worry arose in their hearts.

The first worry is Xiao Bailu: "Why do they jump faster and faster? I think something is wrong."

Fang Ruoxing nodded: "Yes, this jump is too fast, aren't Miss Duanmu and Miss Ye tired?"

Thinking of this, it didn't take long for them to move too fast, and they suddenly couldn't find Ye Nongying and Duanmu Yawang.

All the people inside danced too fast, and coupled with a white suit, it seemed to the outsiders to be windy!

Everyone outside was shocked and scared, "This ceremony is really crazy!"

Only a madman can think of such a life-threatening ritual!

However, whether they are crazy or not, they all see that the bigger the movement of everyone on the dance floor, the stronger the wind, so big that other people watch them, and they don't dare to move at all. They are afraid that if they make a little movement, they will be lifted off their heads. The hurricane sucked in.

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