The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1736: I really thought I was going to die just now

Wanting the cat fan to be as big as the mouth of the pot, they spent a lot of effort, like a fight with a master, sweating all over their bodies, and finally infused enough spiritual energy to make the cat fan big enough.


The fan reached the size, and Ye Nong Ying took a deep breath, panting out of breath.

But the movements of dancing and dancing did not dare to stop.

Duanmu Yawang was actually very tired, and apart from dancing, he didn't even want to talk.

After a few moments, the two of them gasped, and Ye Nongying and Duan Muya looked at him: "You know, for a moment, I felt that I was about to die because of exhaustion."

Duanmu Yawang did not answer.

Ye Nongying glanced at her and snorted softly: "Your spiritual power is higher than mine, so you must be a lot easier than me."


Duanmu Yawang was helpless, "I was so tired just now that I wanted to give up." It was really exhausting to consume power like this.

Ye Nongying was about to say something, but saw that the fan in the hands of the other people who were dancing had grown bigger again!

Her eyes widened suddenly, "Do you want to keep getting bigger?"

Duanmu Ya looked at it and glanced at the past, but also had a headache, "Don't play like this." This is really the most difficult and tiring ritual.

Ye Nongying wanted to cry and regretted her previous decision: "I don't know if I still have enough power to add in. I would have better watch the ceremony if I knew it, we are simply torturing ourselves when we come in to attend the ceremony!"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, watching those people's puff fan change from the size of the middle basin to the size of the big basin, he took a deep breath and asked, "Did you ease your energy just now?"


"Then slowly, we will try again later."

Ye Nongying stared at those people's puff fan for a long time, then answered Duanmu Yawang: "But I think my remaining power is definitely not enough to make the puff fan reach this size."

"Then try your best."


Ye Nongying felt the pain of making troubles red, remembering a little, and her tone was a little solemn: "You said, how strong are these people? Why can they make the puff fan so big in one go?" The two of them rely on it. It takes strength to slowly increase the size of the fan. They pour it well, and almost instantly make the fan bigger!

It's just like fun to say that it gets bigger.

Duanmu Yawang didn't know how to answer Ye Nongying's question.

On this point, she had noticed it a long time ago.

Ye Nongying didn’t seem to need Duanmu Yawang’s answer, and she said to herself: “Everyone said that the exile street master is Qiduo, but after participating in the battle, we have always passed smoothly. In my heart, I actually began to feel that the external rumors were actually a bit exaggerated. ."

Of course, all the people in Banish Street were purple-eyed people, and of course their overall strength was much higher than those outside.

However, it was not strong enough to shock her.

However, today, there are so many people dancing here, at least twenty or thirty, and each of them can easily do what she can't do, and she can't help being in awe.

She came to Banish Street for a long time. In fact, she had never really understood Banish Street.

After listening to Ye Nongying's words, Duanmu Yawang continued to remain silent.

Because she and Ye Nongying have the same thoughts. Since the battle has been smooth, she has less awe of Banishing Street than before, and she doesn't think this place is so mysterious and scary.

Seen until today.


At this time, Duanmu Yawang suddenly heard a whirr of wind, pulling her back from her thoughts.

She hurriedly regained her senses, turned her eyes and looked around, only to realize that the puff fan in the hands of other people did not know when it started. The swaying and swaying, the wind suddenly became louder and louder, and the sound became louder and louder.

The fan in Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying's hands is too small. Under such wind, it seems a little insignificant. The fan in their hands suddenly seems too light because of insufficient power. They can't grasp the fan and feel that the fan will be blown away at any time!

"Let's quickly make the pu fan bigger." Duanmu Yawang urged Ye Nong Ying amidst the sound of the wind, "Otherwise, I feel like we are going to take the fan and be blown away!"


Ye Nongying didn't dare to be wordy, and kept pouring strength into the fan.

Duanmu Yawang did the same, but she filled it all at once, and soon the fan became as big as everyone else's.

However, because of the huge force she used all of a sudden, she couldn't bear it. For a moment of dizziness, her feet staggered, and the dancing movements were slightly chaotic. She hurriedly supported her dizziness, and barely caught up with her hands and feet again. Other people’s dance moves.

She was done, but Ye Nongying did not.

Her efforts have poured all her strength into it, but the pu fan in her hand is still a little better than the others.

However, after Duanmu Yawang completed the size of the fan, the sound of the wind in his ears became louder and the wind was even louder, and Ye Nongying's whole person was shaking in the wind.

Duanmu Yawang looked at her, worried, "Your fan is not big enough, can you continue to add strength to it?"

"No, it won't work." The face under Ye Nongying's mask has no improvement. She feels as if she has no support point. The whole person is jumping with the wind, and she can barely speak: "I, I have used Has the greatest strength."

Duanmu Yawang looked at her worriedly, listening to her faint voice, coupled with the wind blowing, making her figure like a plume of smoke, constantly shaking weakly, and her whole person became a little ethereal, and she felt like she was going to drift away with the wind. .

Duanmu Yawang was shocked!

She stepped up, danced and approached Ye Nongying, pressing her palms behind her back.

Ye Nong Yingben felt that the whole person was chilly, and his heart was cold, the whole person had no support, became cold, and gradually lost his perception...

Duanmu Ya looked at this palm, and continued strength passed from behind to her. She suddenly felt like a person who was about to die in the cold and met a fire, slowly warming up.

The body that hadn't sensed originally also gradually gained a bit of strength.

But this little strength is still not enough, she still feels cold all over.

"Ye Nongying, hold on to it." Duan Muya looked at her like this, she was scared at the sight, and continued to increase her strength, "Don't think about anything, just pour the strength into the fan, it's not enough for me to give you Pass, even if you are desperate, you must continue to infuse your strength!"

Otherwise, she will really die!

Ye Nongying's lips squirmed.

She didn't know when she started, and her tongue had become dry. Her mind was buzzing, and she could hardly hear the sound in her ears, but Duanmu Yawang's words were heard in her heart.

She didn't perceive much, and the whole person was like a puppet, doing what Duanmu Yawang said blankly, sending her body's strength to the fan continuously.

Duanmu Yawang watched the fan grow bigger, and Ye Nongying's body seemed to be getting softer. She didn't dare to think about it. She went all out and tried her best to pass on her remaining power to her!


Almost visible to the naked eye, the fan in Ye Nongying's hand suddenly grew bigger, becoming the same size as other people's hands!

In such a moment, Ye Nongying's originally swaying body slowly stopped shaking.

Strength and perception return little by little.

Slowly, she was so cold that she almost lost her sense of heart, and she also slowly gained warmth.

It took a moment for her to slow down.

The drooping eyelids also had strength to lift.

She glanced at Duanmu Yawang, her dry lips moved, "Just now, I really felt that I was going to die." She truly experienced the feeling of dying!

"How do you feel now?" Duanmuya could talk when she saw her, and the big rock hanging in her heart finally fell to the ground.

The corners of Ye Nong Ying's lips twitched, "I feel like I finally feel it." The feeling of losing perception just now was terrible.

Duanmu Ya looked and listened, and he was also relieved.

She didn't dare to breathe just now, and she was using too much strength, coupled with tension and worry, she almost couldn't hold it anymore.

Ye Nongying said: "Just now, you saved me."

Duanmu Yawang shook her head and wanted to talk. At this moment, there was a stir in her ears. She heard the onlookers exclaiming: "What is in the sky? Is it a hurricane?"

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