Xiao Bailu looked at Duanmu Qi Yawang, hesitant to speak.

Duanmu Ya looked at him: "What do you want to say?"

Little Bailu hesitated for a while, and said: "Sister, I seem to have heard the name of Yuan Dongtianjun from your mouth. I don't know if I heard it wrong." At that time, he was carrying something and lost his mind. Fortunately he It's so memorable, otherwise it's bound to make a mistake.

Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head without answering.

If there is no answer, it is the most sure answer.

Little Bailu was a little worried at once, so he was so good, why would Duanmu Yawang read Yuandongtianjun in a book?

Ye Nongying looked at them and asked, "Who is Yuan Dongtianjun?"

"I said you don't know it either." Duanmu Yawang gave her an angry glance, and did not intend to advertise the matter.

Ye Nongying shrugged, and didn't intend to ask the roots.

But Duanmu Yawang couldn't help asking: "By the way, did you see the incense in my hand when I first distributed the incense?"

"Yes, I have."

Others just thought her question was inexplicable, "What's wrong?"

"Do you think it is different from yours?"

"No." The others shook their heads and said suspiciously: "Aren't they all three sticks of incense?"

Duanmu Yawang wanted to say that it was really not, but worried that they would think more about it, and even fine lines about the original moving Tianjun, so he nodded, "Yes, it is also three sticks of incense, I just thought I got it. The scriptures are different, they will punish me or something, this time I was not punished, I was a little surprised myself."


Little Bailu tilted his head, and his eyes were filled with doubts: "Since you did nothing wrong, and it is not punishment, why do you have to give you a different scripture from the beginning?" After that, thinking of something, he asked, "That's right, sister. There are three sentiments written on the paper, have you achieved it?"

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback.

She didn't know if she did it.

Moreover, there is still a trace of the figure that appeared when reciting at that time in my mind, and the real smell of blood.

But isn't empathy able to empathize with others, or even become that person? At that time, she could only feel some emotions of Yuan Dongtianjun, and it was definitely not empathy.

Thinking about this, she shook her head, "Definitely not."

"It's kind of magical."

Ye Nongying touched her chin and didn't understand, "Since the request for you is written on the paper, you didn't do it, but you didn't punish you. It's a bit out of line with the rules."

Duanmuya glanced at her, "Do you want me to punish?"

"I didn't mean that." Ye Nongying spread her hands innocently, "I'm just telling the truth, don't you think it's weird?"

Duanmu Yawang sighed, "Actually, I can't figure it out."

She could not figure out a lot of things she had encountered during this exile festival.

Seeing her a little bit distressed, Ye Nongying waved her hand and said, "Fine, we don't want this anymore, it's already over anyway."

Come on, rub your arms, "Well, the snow keeps falling, so why don't it get bigger and bigger? I knew I would need two more thick clothes to put on when I asked the steward. Now I'm really going to be cold to death. "


The coldest part was Fang Ruoxing. She shrank her neck and shivered a little, "I used to say that Father Xuetian didn't let me come out. I was afraid that it would be cold. I didn't expect it to be so cold."

"Is it cold?"

Duanmu Yawang felt inexplicable, "Isn't it getting warmer now, and the snow is getting smaller."

It used to be heavy snow with goose feathers, but now it is not salty nor light with light snow.

Moreover, the sky is now much clearer, no longer the previous gloom, and in the distance to the east, there is still a trace of the sun's warm light bursting from the clouds, and the weather will soon become better and better.

As soon as Duanmu Yawang said this, the other three people widened their eyes and stopped to stare at her.

"What do you do when you look at me like this?"

"You... are a little weird." Ye Nongying said bluntly, twisting her eyebrows, "Couldn't you have a problem with your eyes or hallucinations? Ming Mingxue is getting bigger and bigger. Why are you still getting smaller?"

"That's right." Fang Ruoxing nodded in agreement, "It's getting bigger, not getting smaller."

The little white deer also nodded.

Duanmu Ya looked startled.

Could it be that what other people saw was different from what she saw?

Is it so evil?

She suddenly remembered the six sticks of incense that she had seen before and disappeared inexplicably.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Duanmu Yawang was a little lost, Ye Nongying became anxious, and shook her hand before her eyes.

"You were seduced by dirty things." Duan Muya slapped her hand with a slap, "Jing is talking nonsense here."

"But why the snow you see is getting smaller and smaller?" Ye Nongying couldn't figure it out, so she tried to figure it out, otherwise there will always be some strange thoughts hanging in her heart.

"I don't know." Duanmu Yawang squeezed her arm and squeezed Ye Nongying so loudly, before letting go, and said in a huff: "I don't think it's anything, it doesn't feel cold, and the snow is smaller, I feel that It's a good thing."

"I don't think." Ye Nongying disagreed, "Is it weird to stand with us, but see snow that is different from ours?"

After speaking, he asked: "By the way, besides Xue, is there anything different from what we saw?"

Duanmu Yawan raised her eyebrows, "Then tell me first, what do you see?"

Ye Nongying was about to speak when she suddenly saw a lively scene in front of him, and said, "Is it the next ceremony ahead?"

Everyone's attention was attracted, and they looked up and nodded: "It looks like it is."

"Take out the instructions and have a look."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless, "You didn't take a good look at the instructions before?" She deliberately gave Fang Ruoxing after reading the instructions and the road map. She was worried that she would be late too.

"After you came out, wasn't it because you didn't come out with us and worried about you in my heart?"

In other words, because I was too worried about her, I didn't watch it.

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to refute them, saying: "I suggest that you can read these instructions carefully every one of you, don't be surprised every time."

As soon as the little white deer heard it, he grumbled and said, "Isn't it necessary to attend the first three ceremonies, can you not participate in the following ceremonies? It's really cold now, shall we continue to go down?"

"You don't want to continue participating?" Duanmu Yawang was a little surprised.

Fang Ruoxing and Ye Nongying were more surprised than her, "If we keep on like this, we will really die in the cold. We wear too little. We plan to attend the third ceremony and don’t plan to continue anymore. Want to continue?"

Even if it is cold, the clothes on their bodies were still wet in the previous pilgrimage ceremony, so it would be even colder.

If she persisted any longer, she felt that she was going to be cold into ice!


Duanmu Yawang shrugged and said indifferently: "I can do it. Since you don't want to continue participating, then go back together."

"Don't you feel cold?"

"No." She felt warm, everything was just right.

"Oh." Ye Nongying couldn't help sighing, "Although what you see is different from ours, but in the current situation, I envy you very much."

She was so cold that she couldn't stand it anyway.

Fang Ruoxing also looked at Duanmu Yawang with some envy.

Duanmu Yawang was a little bit dumbfounded, seeing Fang Ruoxing holding the paper without looking at it, and reminded: "Are you sure you can't read the instructions soon, there are still more than ten meters, we are next to the ceremony."


The other three people became anxious and quickly read the instructions.

According to the instructions and the directions on the route map, the third ceremony is the wind blowing ceremony.

Duanmu Yawang didn't understand the name of this ritual at first.

Others saw it, but couldn't understand, "What the **** is this ceremony?"

Duanmu Ya looked at him: "The above reminder is to watch the ceremony and attend the ceremony."

"Just let us watch the ceremony and participate in the ceremony?" Ye Nongying interpreted it for a while, and then became even more confused. "We are past now, don't we just participate? We have to watch when we are past, then we just need to go and take a look , Can it be done?"

Fang Ruoxing blinked and hesitated: "I don't think it should be that simple, right?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't understand anyway, let's talk about it in the past."

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