The incense for burning incense and chanting is also sent by a dedicated person.

Duanmu Ya hoped that when they came to the incense chanting team, they looked around, but they didn’t see any visitor worshiping incense. After a while, they saw a man with a large basket slung over his arms appear in front of the queue and began to deliver the offerings. Worship the incense.

The person first took out the incense from the basket, then handed it to the person, and then handed the person's burning fire fold.

The people in the line personally lit the incense with a fire-folder, and the person carrying the basket took the match back and continued down.

Incense sticks are usually three sticks of incense.

At the time of delivery, there were also three sticks of incense per person.

However, to Duanmu Yawang here.

She seemed to have another accident.

Because she was stuffed with six sticks of incense.

She stayed for a while and really wanted to ask, why is she Liuzhuxiang?

However, before she asked, the man glanced at the Huo Zhezi in her hand and motioned to her to hurry up.

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to delay the people behind, so he quickly lit the incense, and then handed the fire fold back to the person carrying the basket.

After the person carrying the basket took it, they continued to walk down, and Duanmu Yawang wanted to ask, but he withdrew it all in his stomach.

She sighed lightly, and thought to herself: "Finally, I'll hold it as much as you want."

Anyway, the difference between taking three sticks of incense and taking six sticks is not too big, and it doesn't weigh much.

Besides, she suddenly thought of Yuan Dong Tianjun.

No matter if he killed thousands of people, no matter what kind of person he is, since she took his original moving sword and his jade finger, then, no matter what, she should also Give him three sticks of incense to show respect.

The other three sticks of incense, she should be dedicated to Yuan Dongtianjun.

Thinking about this, she felt a lot more comfortable.

The incense delivered has a very comfortable scent of sandalwood, and it is much longer than the usual incense. Duanmu Yawang thinks interestingly, is it because it takes time for the chanting to take into account that the incense will burn for too long, and then the incense will be added. Disrespectful?


It's a bit disrespectful to think so, Duanmu Yawang coughed slightly, and didn't dare to think about it anymore, it's better to recite it quickly.

So she closed her eyes and began to recite seriously.

She recites Yuan Dong Tianjun's past, and secretly guesses in her heart, what kind of person Yuan Dong Tianjun is?

People are especially good at imagination.

Carrying on his back, a long figure silhouette vaguely appeared in Duanmu Yawang's mind.

The outline is very vague, Duanmu Ya can't see her face clearly, and only feels that even the fuzzy outline is so elegant and noble.

The imagination in her mind was a contour at first, and slowly, the contour in her mind seemed to make a laugh. It was a very hearty laugh. The voice was deep and clear, shaking the eardrum, which was very contagious and made people unable to help it. I want to laugh too.

She also saw the person in her mind that was so free and free.

Everyone laughed more than just, the hearty laughter lasted for a long time, and gradually, she seemed to hear the angry roar.

The recitation continued. These imaginations became more chaotic as they thought about them. Duanmu Yawang's eyes closed slightly, her brows frowned because of the messy thoughts in her mind.

The roar gradually became fuzzy, and for a while I imagined that it seemed to disappear, and it seemed to be plunged into darkness. The darkness did not know how long it lasted. Suddenly, it seemed to hear the sound of knives, lights, swords, and halberds. Howling and crying.

These voices kept reverberating in her mind.

After reverberating for a long time, suddenly everything seemed to come to an abrupt end, and the world became silent, immersed in darkness, as if all the sounds had been silenced.

This dark silence lasted for a long time, and suddenly she saw a slender hand, holding a long sword, and stab her abdomen!

With a "bang", the golden light burst and opened, and there was a golden light in front of me, which made people dazzling.

After the golden light flickered, there was a strong smell of blood, and there was blood red everywhere!

"Do not!"

Duanmu Yawang blurted out subconsciously.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

First of all, the purpose of entering is that most of the incense has been burned on the three sticks.

Three sticks?

Why is it three sticks?

Wasn't it six sticks before?

Duanmu Ya looked at her hand blankly, holding the incense in one hand, and taking out the other to take a look.

There are only three imprints on the fingertips.

If it is Liuzhuxiang, it should be six seals...

Could it be that she had a hallucination just now?

Thinking of this, I looked forward and wanted to verify with Ye Nongying and the others, when they saw that all the people standing in front of her had left, only people behind her were muttering.

She looked at the three sticks in her hand that had burned most of the incense, closed her eyes, and continued to memorize the scripture.

Because she knew very clearly that she had only recited the content of the story just now.

The scriptures can calm people's hearts and calm people's minds, and when they are recited, everything becomes calm, and all the things she imagined at the beginning are no longer appearing.

However, after the recitation, my heart still throbbed slightly.

After the recitation, she walked forward to the Buddha statue, put the three sticks of incense in the incense burner, and knelt together.

After she was finished, she was about to leave when a person with a basket on her shoulders suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Duanmuya was startled for a moment, wondering if there is anything else?

The person carrying the basket, this time handed Duanmu Yawang a khaki cloth bag.

Duan Mu Ya looked up at the person carrying the basket, and met a pair of calm purple eyes.

"Give it to me?" Duanmu Yawang confirmed.

The man with the basket was silent.

Duanmu Yawang knew that it was really for herself, so she reached out and took it.

The bag was a bit heavy. She wanted to see what was in it, but the person carrying the basket suddenly spoke, "Don't open it."


Duanmu Yawang was stunned, and wanted to ask, the man had already walked down with the basket.

Duanmu Yawang watched her give incense to those who did not yet have incense.

"What the **** is inside?" Duan Mu Yawang was quite curious, she turned the palm of her hand over the bag, there were not many things in it, but it was quite heavy.

She touched it outside, but couldn't guess what it was.

Also, she doesn't know if she should leave or if she can leave now.

"Should you be able to go now?"

She muttered to herself, "If the bag cannot be opened, it should not be a punishment. Since there is no punishment, the ceremony is over."

When it's over, you can leave naturally.

Thinking about this, she stuffed the bag into Qiankun's bag and glanced around to make sure that Ye Nongying was not around them, so she walked briskly out of the place.

After leaving the scene, she also glanced around, but she didn't see Ye Nongying them.

"Could it be that you didn't wait for me and left first?"

Duanmu Yawang thinks this possibility is quite high, because, after the ceremony, it is actually not good to stay in place for too long.

However, she also knew that even if they left first, they would walk slowly, and wait for her.

Thinking like this, she thought of the route of the map in her mind, looked around, and after finding the right way, she walked forward.

She walked one or two hundred meters, and as expected she saw two tall and one short figures in front of her.

The height is exactly the same as that of the Ye Nong Ying trio.

And it went slowly.

She reached out and patted one of them on the shoulder.

The three of them turned their heads, Duanmu Ya looked into their eyes, and was very satisfied, "It really is you."

"You are finally here."

The three of them were relieved when they saw her.

Ye Nongying glared at her and said, "I really don't know why. You can recite things like bitterness and hatred. You keep closing your eyes, and you recite more and more loudly. Moreover, we recite things. After you came out, I heard someone scolding you for being insane, saying that you were stunned by memorizing everything, and that they were quarreled and almost made the mistake of memorizing them."

"Huh? Do I have one?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't feel that she was backing loudly, and her mind was in confusion at the time.

Little Bailu stared at her suspiciously: "Sister, don't you know?"

"I do not know."


The other three looked at each other.

Because Duanmu Yawang almost quarreled them at the time.

Duanmuya looked at their expressions, twitched the corners of her mouth, and carefully asked, "I really do not recite very loudly?"

Ye Nongying nodded solemnly.

"All right."

Duanmu Yawang was speechless to help her forehead.

She didn't expect it to be like this.

Looking at her, Ye Nongying said weirdly: "Not only did you recite loudly, you were also very slow, with a lot of content, like telling a messy story."

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