Of course, she just calmed the four of them, so she definitely can't say it in front of them. She still said very independently: "Brothers, I will go to Duanmu Yawang again."


The elder brother felt sorry for her very much, and said disapprovingly: "You just came back, and if you go to her again, I'm afraid she will take Joe even more, why don't we go?"

"No." Leng Qingyi wiped her face, wiped away the tears she had just shed, and sighed softly: "I am a woman, be more careful, and I also know what kind of topics women like to talk about, brothers, you guys. It's easy to be impulsive. Duanmu Yawang is holding Joe now. If the seniors are not angry, what should I do with the National People's Congress?"

Leng Qingyi's four seniors were silent.

After all, they all felt that Leng Qingyi was right.

They couldn't get used to Duanmu Yawang. If Duanmu Yawang took Qiao up again, they would do something out of control with all their enthusiasm.

"Junior sister, we can't wrong you so much." Senior Brother Leng Qingyi said distressedly: "You are the jewel in Master's palm, so you should be blessed. How can you be so angry?"

"For our Leng family, I can bear it."

When Leng Qingyi said, he took a deep breath and looked strong.

Seeing her like this, several senior Leng Qingyi felt more pity for her. However, it was the Leng family. They were really not easy to stop. The senior brother calmed down: "Sister, when you go to talk, let her know that we are behind you. Well, if she really dares to bully you, we can't spare her!"

"Yes, I can't spare her!" The other three seniors agreed in unison.

The four of you who were weeded out early are probably not enough to beat Duanmu Yawang Yawang, Duanmu Yawang is not afraid of you at all, you are actually useless here!

Of course, she can only slander these words in her heart.

On the face, she looked moved, "Four brothers, thank you."

The four senior Leng Qingyi had a gentle and comforting meal. After speaking for a long time, Leng Qingyi went to Duanmu Ya looking pretending to be strong.

At that time, Duanmu Yawang had just come out of the toilet, and Ye Nongying came to her and said a few words.

Because Xiao Wuzheng would come back anytime, Ye Nongying didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly slipped away.

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu's hand and wanted to go to the next street, and saw Leng Qingyi again.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Is it really impossible to talk about things just now?" Leng Qingyi was in front of Duanmu Yawang, no longer the tender posture in front of her senior brothers, and restored her arrogant and deserted appearance.

"It's never possible."

Leng Qingyi was not angry this time.

Duanmu Yawang was a little surprised, but he ignored it, thinking that she had retired because of difficulties, but Leng Qingyi said at this time: "Do you have any medicine that suits me? It's the kind of medicine that can increase your spiritual power? Medicine that will harm the body?"

Duanmu Yawang watched her silently.

She must have such medicine.

But it will definitely not be deserted.

Leng Qingyi understood her silence, and was delighted, her face still looked elevated, "How many are needed to achieve the effect of a surge in spiritual power? How about I give you one million gold ingots?"

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched.

The little white deer's mouth is also wide open.

Is this deserted person crazy? One million to buy one medicine, one medicine!

No matter how rich they are, they don’t spend that way!

However, in the face of the temptation of such huge wealth, Duanmu Yawang Tantan said: "Sorry, I'm not interested."


Leng Qingyi's lips trembled, "One million, you still don't think there are too few?"

"It's not too small, but if you buy it, no matter how much it costs, I won't sell it."

"Are you crazy!" Leng Qingyi desperately needed medicine. She felt that she had put her posture low enough, but Duanmu Yawang's words saw her dignity stepped on her feet, "One million, one million, ah, Even if you have five, I will buy them. I don't believe you are not short of money!"

"I don't lack your money."

Almost every word of Duanmu Yawang was aimed at her, and Leng Qingyi suddenly realized it.

Duanmu Yawang would really not sell the medicine to her because of the past!

And she desperately needs medicine.

She took a deep breath, and finally spoke softly: "May I beg you?"

Duanmu Yawang was very surprised, thinking that she had heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"I said, I'm begging you!" Leng Qingyi felt that she had deliberately pretended not to hear. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she held back her breath and continued to beg, "Please, sell me the medicine."

Little Bailu had a **** expression.

Duanmu Yawang stared straight at her for a long time, and she was too deserted for a long time. Duanmu Yawang suddenly said: "Did you take the medicine I gave Fan Lingxiang?"

Leng Qingyi was startled and raised his head to look at her swiftly.

How did she know?

Only she and her father knew about this, and she didn't even tell her senior brothers.

Duanmu Yawang saw her thoughts at a glance and sneered: "My own medicine, what medicinal materials are in it, I can't know better."

The medicine she gave Fan Lingxiang had a special fragrance, which would exist within three months after taking the medicine, and she could smell it as long as she was close to others.

In fact, she also smelled the scent of medicine on Leng Qingyi's body when she went to the toilet door, but she didn't figure out why such scent of medicine appeared on Leng Qingyi's body for a while.

At the same time, I felt that it might be similar to the medicinal scent, which was too close to the medicinal scent of her medicine after the person's body scent radiated.

But when you think about it carefully, Leng Qingyi is hostile to her, it is impossible to come to her to talk about the transaction of medicine for no reason, and she has not been eliminated until now, it is too weird.

With the strength of the deserted, it is impossible to come to this street.

Think about this kind of medicinal medicine. She gave Fan Lingxiang one in this exile street.

Therefore, she speculated that Fan Lingxiang's medicine should have arrived in her hand.

To be honest, Duanmu Yawang was about to laugh when he knew that Leng Qingyi had taken the medicine.

Her medicine can't be given to Leng Qingyi even after throwing it away!

The medicine she put on Fan Lingxiang needs to last for a long time to see the effect, but when placed on Leng Qingyi, it happens to have the greatest effect, and it is really better than the medicine that increases the strength!

She held back her anger and asked, "How did you get the medicine from Fan Lingxiang?"

Leng Qingyi felt a sense of oppression in her, took two steps back, hesitated for a moment, did not tell the truth, only said: "Fan Lingxiang is not satisfied with the medicine you gave, and has been looking for someone to sell it. I knew she was in urgent need of money, so I bought it. Come down."

Duanmu Yawang asked: "How much did you buy?"

"One hundred and fifty thousand."

One hundred and fifty thousand? !

She is such a good medicine, Fan Lingxiang actually sold 150,000 to Leng Qingyi?

Duanmu Yawang is about to explode!

If Fan Lingxiang was here now, she would definitely slap her head with a palm to see if she had any brains!

Yin Huiyin was aware of her emotions and hurriedly said, "Xiao Yawang, you are not angry, you can't get angry with an outsider. If you are angry, it will be bad for you."


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath, and after Xinyu transmitted a word back to Yin Huiyin, he took Xiao Bailu's hand and left.

"Hey, don't go!"

Leng Qingyi was very anxious when she saw her leaving without saying a word, "You haven't sold me the medicine yet!"

She really needs her medicine!

Because, after taking one medicine from her, she entered the first level!

Level one, she thought she was at this level now. It would definitely take five, eight years or even ten years for her to enter the first level, but she only spent two days before and after this level of medicine for her one medicine!

It is also because of this level that she has come here, and may even enter the polar region!

"Go away!"

Duanmu Yawang is so angry now that she doesn't want to see Leng Qingyi at all, otherwise she is afraid that she will be angry and will really break her neck!

"How much money do you want!" Leng Qingyi also gave up, "As long as you say, I can take it out, I will give it!"

One million pieces is actually more than her load. The money she grabbed from various channels in private is only one million gold ingots, and she can't actually spend more.

However, even if she is boasting about going to Haikou, she must first make Duanmuya look forward to her heart.

As long as she agrees to sell the medicine, she will find a way to make money.

"I won't sell it for a lot of money." When Duanmu Yawang said, she was really tired of her entanglement, and she disappeared after a flash.

Leng Qingyi watched her disappear in an instant, her face was pale with anger, but soon, her eyes became greedy...

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