The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1615: I'm not all to blame for being angry

Why do you come to her one by one to talk about the medicine?

Duanmu Yawang was impatient, and really wanted to throw Leng Qingyi aside, "I also said that I am not short of money, and my medicine is not something that anyone can buy if they want."

"If you don't lack money, it's too much money?" Leng Qingyi didn't believe Duanmu Yawang's words at all, and felt that she was taking Joe. "For good medicine, we are willing to give money. We can afford to buy as many medicines as you have. This is a huge business. If you are really smart, you shouldn't waste such a good opportunity because of these little grievances between you and me."

Duanmuya glanced at her, and didn't bother to say a word and walked sideways.

Leng Qingyi died of anger, and hurried to catch up, "What do you mean?"

"Since you don't understand human words, I don't think it is necessary for us to continue talking."

"Who can't understand people?" Leng Qingyi was angrily.

"I said, I don't lack money, and I don't want to sell medicine, understand?"


Duanmu Yawang's appearance that the oil and salt did not enter, really turned into a deserted anger, and could only watch Duanmu Yawang go away.

Her senior brothers came over at this time and asked: "Junior sister, how are you, how are you talking?"

"She is simply a pig's brain, and she doesn't make any sense to tell her, she still looks like a lofty figure, picking Joe everywhere!" Leng Qingyi yelled.

Her senior brothers knew the answer as soon as they listened. They looked at each other and cautiously said: "Then junior sister, why don't you just forget about it?"

"Forget it? Do you think it's possible?" Leng Qingyi hummed, "Since I reported the matter to Dad, Dad has taken the matter very seriously, and Master Min has also come over to ask about the situation. If this transaction can be done, yes. Our Leng family is coming, it is a great opportunity!"

One of Leng Qingyi twisted his eyebrows suspiciously: "Junior sister, is her medicine really so good?"

"That's right." Senior Brother Leng Qingyi also quickly agreed: "Not many people have taken her medicine. We regard her medicine as so important, and always feel that she is too much praise."

Leng Qingyi's eyes flickered, and his mouth said: "I naturally look down on her medicine, but Dad and Master Min are both businessmen. They think things can be done, so I naturally have to do my best."

"But we don't have to be so anxious, right?" Senior Brother Leng Qingyi said, "Didn't both Master and Min Ye send people over? It's not too late to make a decision after we finish testing her medicine and see the situation. "

Leng Qingyi lowered his eyes, a dim light flashed through his eyes.

In fact, where is there any medicine, the medicine before Duanmu Yawang had been taken by her a long time ago.

And the reason why her father is so anxious to cooperate with Duanmu Yawang is because she took the medicine and knew the effect, so she was so anxious to talk to Duanmu Yawang!

She is not like her few stupid brothers, and she doesn't know that many aristocratic family members are inquiring about Duanmu Yawang. Naturally, she wants to start first!

Regarding her senior brother’s words, she has her own set of rhetoric: “You can’t delay. We can still see Duanmu Yawang every day. We are about to reach the extreme area, and the fighting is getting more and more fierce. Who knows if she can pass the next street? In our sight, what if we lose her whereabouts?"


Hearing what she said, her senior brothers felt very reasonable.

Senior Brother Leng Qingyisan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Junior sister, I didn't expect you to be so strong that you could come to Shiduo Street."

Senior Brother Si envied: "Yes, Junior Brother, your talent is really good."

After that, I thought of something, and curiously said: "In other words, it is incredible that Duanmu Ya expects a black-eyed person to come here all the way through the five stages and the six generals. It must have something to do with the medicine in her hand."

This is what Leng Qingyi agrees with.

She thinks that Duanmu Yawang can live to the present and have the spiritual power like now, it must be because of taking medicine.

Senior Brother Leng Qingyi heard this and looked at his junior sister and asked: "Junior sister, how many streets do you think you can continue?"

Leng Qingyi's lips pressed, "I don't know how much spiritual power is needed for each street, how can I know?"

The second brother Leng Qingyi said with confidence: "Brother, our sister is so strong, we will definitely be able to move forward, and in any case, it must be farther than Duanmu Yawang."

"That's right." The fourth senior Leng Qingyi smiled and nodded in agreement: "Our junior's talent is not comparable to anyone."

Leng Qingyi lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Because she is very anxious now.

The reason for the anxiety is that she knows very well that she can't support it for long.

At most two streets, she is estimated to be eliminated.

It is not that the fight will be lost, but the spiritual power is not enough to test the value and eliminated.

Seeing that Leng Qingyi lowered his head and looked upset, he hurriedly scolded his fourth younger brother, "How do you talk, actually compare it with a black-eyed person? Do you think too much of Duanmu Yawang, or underestimate it? Our younger sister?"

"of course not."

Senior Brother Si hurriedly stopped saying, "How can I respect someone like Duanmu Yawang? I said the wrong thing, and I confessed that I was wrong." After that, he slapped himself with a big mouth.

"Okay, don't mention it again." Leng Qingyi frowned: "Let's think about it, is there any way to make Duanmu Yawang agree to cooperate with us."

Several senior Leng Qingyi racked their brains, but couldn't think of a way.

Some of my senior brothers did not say anything, and Leng Qingyi was a little irritable: "Brothers, it is a matter of the teacher's door, we must talk about this matter! We must quickly find a way, absolutely can't delay it!"


Senior Brother Leng Qingyi hesitated: "We have a grudge against her, and Duanmu Yawang feels that she won't easily agree to it."

In other words, if they really want to talk to Duanmu Yawang, their attitude must be very low.

But as long as they think that they are going to bow their heads in front of a dark-eyed person, they feel uncomfortable all over.

"Can I not know?"

Leng Qingyi irritated Bala's hair for a while, thinking that she would soon reach the polar region, she was even more irritable that she almost pulled her hair off. What she thought of, stared at several seniors and said, "These, not all of them. Blame you!"

Blame, blame them?

Several seniors were dumbfounded by Leng Qingyi.

This...what does it matter to them?

Leng Qingyi said: "If you didn't offend her too much, she wouldn't resist us like this now."

Senior Brother Leng Qingyi was dumbfounded, so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

From beginning to end, is it not her who dislikes Duanmu Yawang most?

They are also fed up with Duanmu Yawang because of her, and they are targeting her everywhere!

After offending Duanmu Yawang, how could it be their fault?

At this moment, their hearts are almost cold.

I never imagined that Bingxue was smart, and they had been desperately maintaining the pleased juniors, so they would say so!

Seeing their faces, Leng Qingyi suddenly regretted that he had spoken too impulsively.

All her disguise will be ruined!

She lowered her eyes and sighed uneasy and helpless: "Four seniors, I'm sorry, I didn't actually mean that, just a moment of anger. Daddy forced me too tight, I..."

Speaking of this, the words already had the meaning of suffocating, and his face looked like weeping.

The four Leng Qingyi's senior brothers are getting used to Leng Qingyi, and they feel that their younger sister is not such a person. Coupled with Leng Qingyi's weak and pitiful appearance, they immediately softened their hearts.

The senior brother hurriedly comforted: "Junior sister, we know that you are under pressure, and we know what kind of person you are. We definitely won't take it to heart. Don't be nervous."

"Yes." The second senior brother also hurriedly stated: "You can rest assured, junior sister, what you said just now, we can't understand it at all."

Leng Qingyi raised her eyes, crying into laughter and grotesquely said: "Second brother, you lie, I was so fierce just now, how could you not understand it, but I was too anxious just now, I was scared thinking about it, I, I am right Brothers are too bad."

"No, no." The third senior brother also joined the ranks of persuasion, and said with a smile: "Besides, junior sister, you are in a irritable mood. It is also because we are senior brothers that we have not been able to share your worries for you. It is normal for you to curse a few words."


Brother Si also agreed.

Leng Qingyi looked at them one by one because they pretended to cry and they had forgotten the things they had angered before, and he was very proud.

However, she actually agreed with her third brother's words.

For such an important matter, they all failed to mention her to share their worries, and they asked her to go to Duanmu Yawang to get angry. It was really useless and incompetent!

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