The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1610: Sometimes, children understand people better than adults

If Duanmu Yawang hadn't seen her, she was still on stage waiting to announce the result.

The messenger heard what the doctor said and asked: "How is the situation?"

"The veins and veins have burst." The healer stared his eyebrows puzzledly: "It doesn't look like a trauma, it's more like an internal injury."

"Internal injury? How to say?"

The healer said: "The aura on his body is very chaotic. The most important thing is that the aura disappears a little bit. Even the dantian can't hide the aura. This is too unusual."

The messenger didn't say a word, squatted down personally, and explored Xiang Liewen's nose, and found that the other party's body was like a gossamer.

"It can't be saved, it's almost out of breath." The healer said regretfully.

The messenger glanced at Duanmu Yawang on the stage, and then withdrew his gaze to the healer: "Is this internal injury caused to the warrior?"

"It doesn't look like it." The healer shook his head and said, "In general, the internal injuries of fighting are from the outside to the inside, but there are not many injuries on his body, and they are not serious. It can't cause him such a serious injury. Almost all the blood vessels burst. I don't know why this happens."

The people in the audience listened and looked at each other.

In other words, didn't you kill Duanmu Yawang?

Duanmu Yawang felt that her brain hurts as she listened to the doctors in the audience.

This is very obvious, it's a blood vessel burst caused by taking medicine, this healer actually doesn't know how.

This situation can be caused because the spiritual energy is soaring, and the veins and blood vessels cannot bear it.

But there is almost no other way to make the aura rise unusually, apart from taking medicine.

This simple question, as a doctor, don't even know to guess?

...... The doctors have achieved this level, and there is really no doctor.

Duanmu Yawang thought so, and stepped down from the stage blankly. Although the doctors were not capable of medical treatment, they still knew that death had little to do with her, and it was certain that she won.

So there is no need to stay on stage all the time.

However, as soon as she got off the stage, she saw a few people in good clothes rushing over, rushed to Xiang Liewen, and started crying loudly.

After crying for a while, one of the middle-aged women remembered something, stood up quickly, and rushed towards Duanmu Yawang to attack her, "You monster, you killed my son, and I want you to pay for it!"

Duanmuya avoided the woman's attack with a calm face.

The woman burst into tears and continued to pounce towards Duanmuya like crazy.

Duanmuya couldn't bear it, as soon as he grasped the woman's hand, he said coldly: "He took the medicine by himself, and the surge of spiritual power caused his blood vessels to burst. What's the matter with me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded and whispered: "Did Xiang Liewen take medicine?"

You know, the test is forbidden to take medicine.

It's okay not to be discovered. Once discovered, you can't participate in the fight for at least five years!

As soon as the woman stayed, she didn't expect Duanmu Ya to open her mouth to tell about her son taking medicine.

However, in front of so many people, she naturally wanted to deny: "You are talking nonsense, my son is so strong, why take medicine?"

"Whether there is it, you know it all in your heart." Duanmu Yawang originally wanted to give them a life-saving pill to save Xiang Liewen's life. It doesn't need to be seen.

"You slander!" the woman asked furiously, "Even if my son really takes medicine, what's the matter? What does this have to do with his accident?"

Duanmu Yawang snorted softly: "This requires you to ask the seller of the medicine. The medicine is strong. I don't know how to suppress it with a few more medicines. The refined medicine is inferior and unsafe."

The woman was startled and muttered: "No, it's impossible. This medicine was made by Dr. Kan himself. It is hard to buy for a thousand dollars. There can be no problem. He is the most famous doctor on 18th Street. It is impossible and impossible. of……"

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised: "This lady, should he indirectly admit that Xiang Liewen took medicine, right?"

Everyone looked at the woman in embarrassment, nodded and said, "Yes."

Only then did the woman realize that she had said something terrible, but she couldn't take it back anymore. When she thought of her son, she was heartbroken, letting go of her chest and bursting into tears.

Next to Xiang Liewen, there was a middle-aged man and a young woman, and two children aged six or seven.

The son was seriously injured and was about to die. The middle-aged man seemed to have lost his soul.

The young woman cried so much that she fainted, crying and shouting: "My husband, what should we do with our children when you are gone, what should they do..."

When the two children saw their **** father, they were also terrified, holding the adult's leg and crying too hard to raise their heads.

Seeing these, Duanmu Ya closed her eyes and sighed, "You have committed sins."

However, the fault of temporary ignorance and greed has to be endured by the family.

Yin Huiyin listened to her sigh and whispered softly: "Xiao Yawang, your heart is softened again."


Duanmu Yawang was helpless. When Xiang Liwen played against her, she had some quality. Of course, the most important thing was that she didn't look at the appearance of a child. It would be cruel to exile such a small child without his father.

Moreover, it was her hidden strength and no quick decision that led to Xiang Liwen's use of aura for too long, which led to a surge in aura that happened.

Yin Huiyin seemed to see what she was thinking, and said unhappy: "You must not take the responsibility on your body. It is his own greed first. If he hadn't taken the medicine himself, he wouldn't have reached this point."

If you want to win early and win late on stage, under normal circumstances, there is no difference at all, everything is still the fault of the other party!

"I don't want to take responsibility. I know exactly how things are going, and I don't feel guilty. Don't worry." With that said, Duanmu Yawang reached into the embroidery bag and took out a few pills, while walking towards Liewen. past.

She knelt down and pinched Xiang Liewen's jaw with one hand.

"What are you going to do?"

When the old middle-aged men and young women saw her, they immediately stood up and stared at her like a mad dog: "You go!"

In their hearts, Duanmu Yawang was the real initiator.

"If you don't want him to die, it's best not to stop me." Duanmu Yawang said coldly.

The middle-aged man and young woman were startled, and didn't understand what she meant.

Duanmu Yawang didn't explain, after pinching Xiang Liewen's jaw, a few pills in the other hand were put into Xiang Liwen's mouth.

Then, she took out a bottle of medicine from the embroidered bag and handed it to the young woman: "He has a burst of blood vessels. You can quickly carry him back to get this medicine powder."

The young woman looked at her blankly, but couldn't react at all.

Or the doctor on one side looked at Duanmu Yawang’s hair color and frowned for a long time. He heard this and said angrily: "Miss Duanmu, what do you mean, this person can still be saved?"

"Why can't it be saved?" Duanmu Yawang asked rhetorically.

The healer tried his best: "He has burst his veins, he has lost blood like this, and he is already breathless, it is impossible to live!"

"That's just the impossibility in your heart." Duanmu Yawang said mercilessly: "The power in his body is causing trouble. After the veins burst, the aura has to be emitted from all parts of the body, causing him to be short of breath and weak. The general healer really can't save him. But my medicine happens to be able to save it."

The doctor subconsciously rejected: "No, there can be no such medicine!"

Duan Muya glanced at him, too lazy to talk to a quack doctor. She saw that Xiang Liewen's family members were staying, and she was a little impatient, "You can't save people? Do you want medicine?"

"...Yes, save!"

The young woman reacted first and quickly took over the medicine in Duanmu Yawang's hand.

She was educated and thanked her subconsciously, and she was a little upset when she finished speaking.

The two children are also sensible. When they heard this, they stopped crying, and looked at Duanmu Yawang eagerly. One of the little girls sobbed at the little boy and said, "This sister is so beautiful..."

The little boy is an elder brother, staring at Duanmu Yawang without blinking, holding his sister, blushing and nodding.

Duanmu Yawang was really dumbfounded when he heard this.

However, the child is good, and her decision is right.

The middle-aged men and women also reacted at this time, and quickly said: "We will take Liewen back to get the medicine." There is a little hope, they are not willing to miss it!

"Good, good."

As a result, the family quickly found someone to carry the person away.

When they left, the two children still looked at Duanmu Yawang reluctantly and looked back three times. Duanmu Yawang waved at them. The two children shyly covered their faces and did not dare to look again.

Yin Huiyin smiled and sighed: "Sometimes, children understand people better than adults."

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