Usually Duanmu Yawang has caused enough trouble. She really doesn’t want to do anything more. Her interaction with Ye Nongying attracted the attention of others. She broke away from her hand and said with a headache: “It’s useless if you are anxious, I think You'd better confess to Mr. Xiao, this is the way to do it once and for all."

"Shit!" Ye Nongying cursed without image, "Did you not listen to what I said before? If he knows, he will only send me away, it is impossible to tolerate me to the endless city! "

"Then I can't help."

"never mind!"

Ye Nongying confessed to himself: "I've been hiding for so long, so it's a big deal to keep hiding, as long as he doesn't follow you into the endless city."

After he finished speaking, he sullenly said: "However, my image can only be mixed with a group of stinky men. I really feel uncomfortable. All this is caused by him!"


Duanmu Yawang looked at her scruffy, unremarkable appearance, and smiled sympathetically.

The so-called people are divided into groups, he looks like an ordinary man, and it is impossible for younger men and women to approach him.

And in this exile street, when you come to the high district, the younger you are, the higher your quality and accomplishment, and the older you are, the more mediocre you are. Naturally, such a proud person in Ye Nong Ying can't make friends with people casually.

In these days, she estimated that she was not only uncomfortable, but also very lonely.

And her temperament is not someone who can endure loneliness. She can endure until now, Duanmu Yawang admires her a little.

Ye Nongying muttered, "Hey, before Xiao Wuzheng comes back, can we go together?"

"Can not."

Duanmu Yawang said mercilessly: "Many people have guessed about the relationship between me and Mr. Xiao. When you walk with me, others seem to be adulterers and adulterers. It is easy to hear the wind when Mr. Xiao comes back."


Ye Nongying felt uncomfortable all over, but Duanmu Yawang's words made sense, "Then I'm leaving."


Duanmuya watched her leave with great sympathy.

After she walked away, Xiao Bailu asked with a gossiping look: "Sister, Ye Nongying is not afraid of watching the sky. She is actually afraid of Mr. Xiao. What is the relationship between them?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes with a sly look, "Probably... the relationship between men and women?"


Little Bailu was shocked, "It's a great relationship, do you think this is a possibility?"

Duanmuya squinted her eyes, "I think it is 90% possible. It is the relationship between men and women, whether it used to be or continues to the present, I don't know."

The little white deer made two noises.

"Little gossip." Duanmu Yawang pinched the tip of his nose, teasing.

Little Bailu didn’t care about this title at all, and his big eyes rolled around: “Sister, I’m really curious about this, you say, if I accidentally revealed Ye Nongying’s identity to Uncle Xiao, what would happen? develop?"

"Don't mess around."

Duanmu Yawang pulled his cheeks with both hands, and warned: "Yanong Shadow Doctor is very poisonous. If she gets angry, you will vent her anger if she is not careful, then it will be troublesome."

Little Bailu said "Oh" with regret on his face, but was still unwilling: "Sister, your medical skills are better than her."

"I can't solve the poison of the world." Duanmu Yawang warned again: "Don't you know? If you make a mistake, I will throw you to follow Fei, and let you stay with Gong Yulanzhi. "

"do not want!"

Little Bailu was about to cry, and quickly raised her hand to promise, "Little master is wrong, I mean, I will never say it!"

Just kidding, let him stay with Gong Yulanzhi, then does he have a small life?

Within half a month, he will only have a pile of deer bones left!


Seeing that he was scared, Duanmu Yawang continued holding his hand with satisfaction and went to the next street.

Only Nineteenth Street is left, and it is getting closer and closer to the Polar Region.

Then Duanmu Yawang found that the seats in each street gradually became crowded.

In the middle area of ​​the low area, there were few people like Gong Yulanzhi who always accompanied his relatives to participate. The streets in front of the high area were also relatively few. Naturally, after entering the 19th Street, the number of people gradually began to increase.

Moreover, I don't know if it is the illusion of Duanmu Yawang. After there are more people, the people in every street will fight the war and become more excited and hardworking.

On 18th Street, a man named Xiang Liewen who was fighting Duanmu Yawang took medicine.

At the beginning, Duanmu Yawang didn't notice it.

She only felt that the opponent's strength was pretty good, and she kept doing dozens of tricks with him.

But over time, Duanmu Yawang noticed something was wrong.

Because Xiang Liwen's breathing became rapid, his nerves began to tense, and then his neck to face became flushed when people could see it with the naked eye.

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback, until she noticed that his veins were abnormally raised, and his breath was particularly unstable, sometimes strong and weak, she had a guess in her heart.

While responding to Xiang Liewen's attack, he asked, "Have you taken the medicine that increased your strength?"

"Without further ado!"

Xiang Lie Wenlai looked at a very peaceful person. He has been unbeatable against Duanmu Yawang and has become anxious and ferocious, "Today, you must be eliminated!"

In fact, he was also very flustered, he didn't understand how Duanmu Yawang had seen it.

This matter is obviously only known to his family!

"You don't have this skill."

Duanmu Yawang was very calm. However, as a healer, he still persuaded: "You can't beat me, and the medicine you are taking is not good, and you can't bear the nature of the medicine in your body. If you are lucky to fight with me, your muscles will Can't bear to burst."

"I won't, don't scare me!"

Xiang Liewen spent a lot of money on this medicine, and he bought it from a great pharmacist, so he didn't believe that there was a problem with the medicine!

"Since you don't believe it, then I can't help it."

Duanmu Ya looked at his face as a tomato color. It is estimated that his patience will soon break down. If he continues to fight with him in such a time-consuming battle, he will really burst his veins and die if he continues to luck!

Therefore, she stopped fighting with him, increased her strength by 10%, and slapped the opponent to the stage with one palm!

The people in the audience exclaimed, "She actually won again!"

"It was Xiang Liewen who was fighting against her, she was a good person. I originally thought he would win, but he was defeated by Duanmu Yawang. I really don't want to use it!"

"That's it."

The people in the audience were dissatisfied with the people who were fighting against Duanmu Yawang. At this time, someone exclaimed: "Why can't he get up after lying on his stomach for so long? Is he seriously injured?"

Some people wondered: "But Duanmu Yawang doesn't seem to use a whip. It doesn't seem to be a heavy shot."


Someone exclaimed: "He is bleeding, he is bleeding all over!"

"Duanmu Yawang killed someone?"

It is not uncommon for people to die on the battle platform. I heard that several people die on the battle platform almost every day, but in recent years it has been decreasing.

Because they won't live long before they come, and even those who have killed people, no matter how strong they are, they don't seem to be appreciated by the nobles. Therefore, in general, people don't dare to go too far.

At most, it will punish people for not participating in the fight for five years.

Therefore, with the news that Duanmu Yawang might kill someone, everyone was shocked, and there was a faint ecstasy in their hearts, and they shouted again and again: "Duanmu Yawang murdered!"

In the end, the nobles still value it.

Everyone yelled, the middle-aged envoy appeared in the audience with a few subordinates without warning.

His subordinates directed the scene, "Everyone give in, don't surround yourself, the messenger should go in to see the situation!"

Everyone naturally didn't dare to offend the messenger and immediately gave up a path.

The middle-aged man pursed his lips, walked over without expression, and then waved his hand. A man appeared in front of the messenger carrying the medicine box. The messenger said, "Look, try not to kill anyone."

When speaking, he also glanced at Duanmu Yawang on the stage.

Duanmu Yawang looked back calmly.

The messenger twisted his eyebrows, said nothing, turned his gaze to the healer, and watched him squat down in front of Xiang Liewen to check his situation.

And he also found that the blood on Xiang Liewen's body almost wetted his clothes.

One can imagine how much blood Xiang Liewen shed!

For a moment, the doctor straightened up with a solemn expression and shook his head at the messenger, "It should be hopeless."


The people in the audience let out a burst of gasp, and looked at Duanmuya one after another.

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