"This rumor is wrong."

Xiao Wuzheng simply said, "The genius doctor in their mouth is indeed someone else."

"How do you know?" They have been together.

Xiao Wuzheng was too lazy to answer.

Little Bailu curled his lips, "That genius doctor is really high-profile. My sister has cured Zhu Zhimeng. No news is revealed. There is overwhelming news about the ghost doctor who came."

"What does this show?" Xiao Wuzheng squinted, "The reputation is different?"

Duanmu Yawang felt funny and rubbed Xiao Bailu's head, "Why do you seem to be fighting for me?"

Xiao Wuzheng said indifferently: "The four great nobles are not fools. Those who can be accepted by them, or even called genius doctors, must be people with superb medical skills."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, she didn't care, it didn't matter to her, okay?

Xiao Wuzheng said: "If you want to be famous, I can talk to Zhimeng and the others and let them..."

"Do not."

Before Xiao Wu had finished speaking, Duanmu Yawang resolutely said: "I don't need any fame."

If it is really announced, I don't know how much trouble it will cause her.

"I knew it." Xiao Wuzheng pouted, "To be honest, with your medical skills, if you can disclose something, your current reputation is definitely not comparable to that now."

"I think I'm fine now." Duanmu Yawang was very satisfied with the status quo, Xiao Wuzheng hummed lightly, "Wuwei."

"My pleasure."

Low-key is inaction, she has nothing to say.

During the conversation, the four dishes they ordered before were quickly brought up with someone. After serving almost ten, the four said: "The table is no longer available, and the three should not be able to eat so much. The rest Shall we put it in a food box for you?"


Duan Muya nodded and looked at the dishes on the table that looked very good and looked very appetizing. She couldn't bear to move her eyes away from the top. She nodded her head while holding the chopsticks: "Okay, just help you pack the food box."


Xiao Si responded and went down.

Duanmu Yawang, Xiao Bailu and Xiao Wuzheng ate one after another.

"Yes, it's delicious."

While eating, Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu couldn't help but admire, Xiao Bailu excitedly said: "After so many days, I finally had a delicious meal. If there were such dishes every day, how good would it be!"

"Think beautifully."

Duanmu Yawang tapped his head with chopsticks, "Eating like this every day will definitely make me poor. If you want to eat like this, I can't support you."


Little Bailu pouted, "You must be able to support me. You just don't want to raise me when you say that!"

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to care about him, kept picking up vegetables and importing them, and then swallowed them: "You eat like this every day, and be careful to make yourself a fat man. I will limit it for your own good. You will not be cute when you become a fat man."

Little Bailu snorted.

If you are stingy, you are stingy, a lot of excuses.

Sure enough, the richer the person, the more stingy!

After a meal, the three of them were full. The three happily were drinking tea and digesting food. Soon, Xiao Si came up again, this time with a plate of things.

Duanmu Ya wailed, "There is enough food here, let's put this in a food box together."

"This is Fat Cher."

Xiao Si smiled and said: "The kitchen is ready. Your child probably hasn't eaten it yet. Just bring it up and give him a taste. Then take the rest and serve it on the plate."

When Jin said that, everyone remembered about Fat Xueer.

Little Bailu's eyes lit up, and he quickly turned his head and looked at the saucer in Xiao Si's hand.

I saw that the plate was filled with round, chubby, snow-white pastries.

This pastry looks cute in Yuxue, and people can't help but want to eat it.

The little white deer had just eaten, but still couldn't help licking his mouth, "Is this Fat Cher?"


Little Si nodded and put the plate in front of Little Bailu, "You can taste it, little boy."


The little white deer is welcome, and picked up one in a hand.

Fat Xueer was about the size of a mooncake, and the little white deer had a small hand. He couldn't hold it with one hand, so he held it with two hands.

As soon as he picked it up, he exclaimed, "So soft!"

Xiao Si said: "Well, this leather is specially made and very soft."

The little white deer couldn't wait to take a bite, and his teeth were full of fragrance in an instant, the bite that Fat Xueer bit through, and the snow-white slurry flowed out, and a scent of scent spread out in an instant.

"It's delicious!" Xiao Bailu looked at Duanmu Ya with big eyes, "Sister, please try one, it's really delicious, this should be the best pastry I have ever tasted!"

"Is it?"

Duanmu Ya looked up and raised her eyebrows, and was also interested, and took one to eat.

Fat Xue'er is really not small. Duanmu Yawang picked it up and found that it was also bigger than her fist. When she took it to her mouth, she smelled a strong milk fragrance. She took a bite, her skin was thin, soft and elastic, and her teeth were very elastic. .

The most important thing is that I want to make the filling very much. It has a milky fragrance, a peanut fragrance, and a floral fragrance. When mixed, the taste is sweet and fragrant, and it is simply unbelievable!


Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but praised: "I thought it was Xue Meiniang, it feels more delicious than Xue Meiniang."

Xiao Wuzheng looked a little curious, "Really it is so delicious?"

"It's delicious, don't you know if you try it yourself?" Duanmu Yawang was very angry.

Xiao Wuzheng heard this and took one and ate it.

Little Bailu asked vaguely while eating, "Sister, what is Xuemeiniang?"

"It's just a kind of pastry." Duanmu Yawang didn't intend to explain, after all, it was the food of the previous life, and Xue Meiniang could eat several at a time.

When I came to this world, I never tried it again.

Eating this fat Xueer this time can be regarded as a kind of compensation.


Little Bailu just asked casually, without delving into it, and continued to immerse himself in eating.

A plate of Xuemei Niang is five or six, and the last three of them have two each. They ate all at once. After eating, the little white deer touched his belly contentedly, and said crisply, "Brother, thank you, Fat Xueer, I’m very like."

"nice! You love it."

Xiao Si saw that they liked to eat, and was happy, "Since they like it so much, I will ask them to put two dishes in the food box for you later."

Little Bailu didn't know how to be polite, and when he heard the words, his eyes lit up, "Thank you, Brother Si!"

"You're welcome."

After Xiao Si finished speaking, he said: "I'm going down first, I..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a commotion next to him, "What Fat Xueer? This Yuemanlou can still deliver cakes when eating? We have come so many times, why don't we know?"

This voice was full of displeasure.

Xiao Si's face stiffened as he listened.

Duanmu Ya looked at it, frowned, but also a little surprised.

This old customer of Yuemanlou didn't know that there was Fat Xueer in Yuemanlou. Could it be that they were the first to eat?

Thinking of this, the screen behind them was removed.

Duanmu Yawang heard the sound, looked behind him, and saw three people standing behind, a man, a woman and a little boy. The two adults are probably in their thirties, and the child is even bigger than the little Bailu. A little older, about six years old.

Seeing these three people are like a family of three.

"Er Chen, Mrs. Chen, Young Master Chen." Seeing the three of them, Xiao Si bowed his head slightly.

"Father, that person's eyes are black!" Before the adult could speak, the little boy pointed at Duanmu Yawang and said rudely: "Daddy, she is a monster!"

As soon as the child opened his mouth, the adult looked at Duanmu Yawang and saw her eyes and hair color. He was also surprised. Before speaking, Xiao Wuzheng shook his fan and looked at the child with a smile: "Boy, she just It’s just a little different from others, not a monster."

"She is a monster!"

After the child said aloud, he bulged his tongue at Xiao Wuzheng, seeming to have no education at all, "My father and my mother said that people should have purple eyes and silver hair! The difference is monsters!"

After talking, he spat again.

Duanmuya narrowed her eyes and looked at the adult.

The two adults frowned, took the child back two steps, and warned with disgust: "What do you think my child is doing?"

Xiao Si quickly came out, stood in front of Duanmu Yawang, and said roundly: "Miss Duanmu is definitely not malicious, please don't worry, you two said that you have always wanted to eat secret glutinous balls, we can..."

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